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Everything posted by floydraser

  1. I too support the RNLI. BTW if anyone wants a good diary for 2022 then the RNLI one is as good as any, I usually have one every year. Qualified people should have a good chance of getting in via legal channels. I admire anyone prepared to move half way round the World to support their family; they are also usually a good bet if you are an employer looking for someone to do hard graft. However, the people coming over in boats most likely don't meet the criteria for entry. We could spend more on naval support, the RNLI and benefits to keep them when they get here but that doesn't do anything about the root cause. It amazes me that while journalists (those pillars of modern society who contribute so much) are able to find these people in France and follow their stories, no-one it seems is able to communicate to them properly, that coming over the channel is not such a good idea after all. They need to know that while we all have sympathy for their plight, this is not the land of plenty.
  2. I think the point being made was that the trafficers and anyone not making enough effort to stop them, are taking the rise out of the RNLI. If their funding starts disappearing they may start to bring pressure to prevent it happening in the first place, and maybe their voice would be quite loud. As long as trafficers know the good old RNLI will be there to help, they'll keep sending them over.
  3. Yep, lots of fun to be had. One of the new versions though, involves a set of recorded sentences read by a clear English voice. I realised after a couple of times they were out of sync and it said, "I'm not a robot". No, it's somene pressing buttons in response to whatever you say. Clever.
  4. Wow. I never knew there were such things as independent lifeboats. I would think if anyone mentions lifeboats we all think of the RNLI. I've just googled it and there are loads of them! Well done to all of them I say; it must be quite an effort to raise cash and support.
  5. In this country we have developed a culture where the rights of the individual scores higher than the rights of the masses. I understand it's different in other countries.
  6. And usually, those without masks strut provocativley as if to say, "Go on then, challenge me!" The knock on effect of all these people ignoring advice and ending up in hospital can't be measured, but it means the cancellation of routine cancer screening. Suddenly we're not as safe as we used to be.
  7. £25 wouldn't cover the cost of painting the brush, unless it was done by a 10 year old Vietnamese girl in between making Nike trainers..
  8. I've always wanted to invent something to make my fortune and you've given me an idea: a wheel that works in the air. It's that or a torch that's good in daylight. I'll let you know how I get on......
  9. Yep, we also had an excellent nuclear energy industry until do gooders won the media battle and it all went abroad. Now, like everything else, we are having to buy it back.
  10. I do now wonder about the validity of this need for housing and the loss of farm land. It means we rely more and more on imported food which makes us vulnerable, as we are seeing at the moment with gas.
  11. Once again we were fed some of the information but nothing conclusive. The bat crossings were the creation of knowledgeable people and signed off by Natural England but the guy from Cambridge Uni said there were other things they could have done. What things? We weren't told. We were told a colony of bats disappeared from the eastern side of Norwich when the NDR was built. Where did they go? There was no suggestion they're all dead. Could they have moved on naturally; would they have moved anyway? Have they happily moved west and joined the super colony? So were there any suggestions about how to accomodate the bats in a second part of the report? I switched over for the snooker. If not, the gist of the report was the BBC having another go at the government for not doing enough without showing an obvious and viable alternative. Maybe the BBC are a bit premature here and should have waited until Dr Packman publishes her survey.
  12. I understand there is one along the jetty from me, so that'll be around the 37ft size. I know no more than that, other than there is "Amp.." in the name.
  13. Superb! I got all excited meself! I notice the grin really started as the wheels left the ground and I'll bet it hasn't gone yet??? Great stuff, well done Griff.
  14. Well I think I have to be happy with this. I have no finacial interest here but hope this helps anyone searching this subject in the future. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/182802256088?ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT&_trksid=p2060353.m2749.l2648 It came with some fittings and a bit of earth wire, along with ten pages of literature including fitting instructions. I went for the 70amp version which is advertised at £69 but this was £48.45 delivered from the manufacturer's own Ebay shop. Not much for peace of mind I would say?
  15. To repeat what we agreed on another thread regarding osmosis: it's used to haggle the price down based on the potential cost of treatment, then nobody does the treatment. Just add a bit on the price when you sell, which is probably what happened when you bought it.
  16. A lot I would guess. New year too. I've only been here for three years and I am amazed at how many use their boats all year round, many you won't see as they are used as "floating caravans". Whatever the excuse though, it's always great to see people enjoying themselves.
  17. We also still wipe everything down that comes into the house - post, shopping etc. or quarantine it. Will carry on until we feel safe, which will be a very long time.
  18. We've just been to Fosse park, Leicester to do a bit of Christmas shopping, avoiding the crowds. Just two shops, M&S and Asda. No prominent signs regarding masks at either and about a third of customers and some staff in Asda weren't wearing them. A staff member told us they have been told not to challenge anyone about it. So either there are an awful lot of people out there with "medical conditions" or if you can't be bothered just don't.
  19. And the problem is???? I can't see why the boat can't be redesigned to incorporate everything glued together so far, including the bench and workshop door handle. May be a way of hiding any mistakes; only the keen eyed would notice.
  20. Just a note regarding reactions (side effects) to the jabs. I and most people I know have had jabs in the afternoon and the reactions have been for the most part, the next day. This time my booster was 9.30 in the morning and the sore arm started later in the early evening making it difficult to get a good night's sleep. Given a choice in the future I'll take an afternoon appoinment.
  21. Unbelievable: We've just been to a large Dobbies garden centre, one with various other stores within. The amount of people enjoying their last day of freedom from mask wearing is unbelievable. As before, when all this started, it seems that some think the virus is waiting for the referee's whistle before it comes to get us. Or it's hiding it's eyes and counting to ten....
  22. I wish it had been strongly advised earlier. I am disappointed that we, as a community, failed to react to the increasing number of cases without being told to.
  23. I couldn't disagree more. If just one person is influenced enough to make the decision to wear a mask somewhere then that is a positive outcome.
  24. Vaughan mentioned the Somerset levels. This subject reminds me of the controversy following the major flooding there. Didn't it come to light that there had been similar arguments as to whether or not dredging should have taken place previous to the floods?
  25. One thing that set me off was when the guy moored behind me started fishing in the empty berth beside my boat. He was using a 6ft spinning rod and reel, one he had bought on a card for his young son. His bait looked like a bright bit of silicone and he was getting perch one after the other. I only ever used one float all the time I fished before. It was a feather with a bit of a cork body and a wire eye whipped on the end. It was an old hand me down when I got it. I see loads of kit for sale on FB marketplace but the prices seem to be more than brand new! Another reason not to spend big and expect to get anything back.
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