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Everything posted by floydraser

  1. "I assume the bloke in the pics is NOT Miss Helliwell." Really? What gives it away? Is it the knees or the fact it doesn't say "Girl Power!" on her shirt?
  2. It looks like somebody is putting some thought into the job. I like the narrowboat on that page; I have often wondered why more narrowboats don't have outside areas for cruising. That front area would be lovely and quiet while travelling.
  3. I like the styling of it. I wonder who makes them and where?
  4. Well I took advantage of the mild weather and a break in work to go down to my local lake and have a proper go at this fishing lark. Thanks to all here who offered advice and support, and to those who put useful tips on Youtube, I was able to have a great day. For the first time ever it felt like I nearly knew what I was doing. I chose the spot based on what I had learned from Youtube. Home made ground bait based on YT info. I started using the Matt Hayes telescopic rod with a waggler set up, size 14 hook with a couple of maggots and soon had a few bites. After an hour or so I decided to change to bread and first cast got a bream around 1 1/2lb. About 1/2 hour later a smaller bream then nothing for a while so I set up my other rod, a 12ft float rod, with a feeder. A couple of bites but nothing caught so for the last couple of hours I went back the first set up. I had a couple of small Roach before this guy came along.... carp.mp4 I was thinking about packing up as I had been there from 10am and it was nearly 4pm. It was going to be my last cast and I reckon the bread must have smacked him on the nose on it's way down! Not many fish by other's standards probably but my best day's fishing ever. Thanks again.
  5. Absolutely. It's a reward for not looking after your health.
  6. While we're on about pensions here's a warning: I've just turned 65 and my work pensions are maturing, state pension next year. Keep a record of every bit of correspondence and phone calls. Write down dates, times and names and what was said in phone calls, and ask for confirmation by email or letter. I should have started to get payment by now but it's currently going from pillar to post within Legal & General's ether at the moment...
  7. Not quite sure what that all means but you should be very pleased with yourself; you are doing a great job!
  8. Having only ever lived in two houses during my 65 years on your planet, I am probably the least qualified to comment here. But when has that ever shortened a thread? We had a similar decision to consider a few years ago and due to our circumstances and ambitions for retirement, decided to stay where we are and travel more. Easy for us as the road infrastructure around here is usually excellent. We don't need to downsize as we never sized up, not that we didn't want to but that's another story. Largely by happy accident, I think I did the right thing for me by having a boat in a marina, moored to a pontoon where I don't have to worry too much about floods. If ever I feel like a change I could move to another marina. We are about to order a campervan too. One thought about moving though: New dwellings going up around Norwich should (?) have all the latest standards of insulation, fibre broadband etc already there and you would hope, be cheap to run?
  9. 1 - 9 for 10 - 13 under the Reedham Meccano?
  10. I thought it was enjoyable but I did learn something about Wherrymen I've never seen on here: they kept the trees away, presumably by chopping down saplings? Naughty.
  11. A few years ago - probably written off as a business loss in an off-shore bank account???? Still, someone had a bargain and a decent boat must live on.
  12. Back to driving artics again: I used to be driving around the suburbs at around school chucking out time. Making turns and negotiating islands you had to watch out for any group of kids which had boys in it, usually over the age of 11ish. Especially if there were girls also around. A combination of ego and bravado would drive at least one of the boys to try and touch the trailer as it passed. Not occasionally, all the time. Now they have some kind of power and their mates to back them up.
  13. I recently re-took up cycling as a way of exercising. Having driven artics for more years than I wanted to, I never cycle on main roads as I think it's far too dangerous whoever has priority. After these changes I'm starting to think that being a cyclist is not a club I wanted to join.
  14. I see nothing but a succession of sliced legs. I just hope I'm not there to witness it.
  15. Yep. As someone recovers from two broken legs, how do we determine whether the pedestrian was right - " I definitely looked like I was going to cross the junction" - and the motorist - "He/she/everyotherdefinition definitely didn't look interested in crossing the junction".
  16. Thank you. I really enjoyed both of those; very relaxing and very well produced.
  17. Ah yes of course. The only thing to be gained then would be a smart job of the wiring in a new build.
  18. Out of those extras mentioned I would only get the depth sounder installed from new, and only on then because I assume it involves poking a hole through the hull. The others are technology which could become outdated before you know it. I would never have built in satnav included in a new car for instance, as updating them can cost more than replacing a normal one. The aweigh app on a tablet or phone is the common way to go, and a hand held GPS? My boat was fitted with auto steering gear for the Broads, not be me though. You could feed your ego with a twirly radar thingy and a couple of massive aerials?
  19. I found it yesterday Griff. Had me googling Wild Justice.
  20. That's the one, thank you for that bit of train porn! I heard somewhere, probably on this forum, that they had to have a type 37 at each end because the old rolling stock couldn't be pushed and there is no facility for a single loco to swap ends at Yarmouth? Anyway, electric is the way to go.
  21. I used to love the old diesel train noise when I first moved to BGM 3 years ago but now they've changed them for more modern, quieter ones. I don't remember hearing them through the night, I thought they packed up at around 22.30? The danger may come from potential development of the port at Gt Yarmouth or other industry, which could mean traffic through the night.
  22. Agreed. I think those points could also indicate the general state of the building's maintenance though. Any alterations would have to conform to the latest building regs and cause the costs to rocket upwards. That said, a good clean and re-decoration should have it in a fit state to open.
  23. I quite understand that. As we've discussed on other threads, it seemed to depend on how it went on your first visit.
  24. I can see why people would want it to remain a pub but it'll never have the same atmosphere unless the same or similar people run it. The building itself isn't much to write home about anyway with old extensions here and there. Far better to say there should be a pub there (not an exclusive to mega yacht owners restaurant) in some form or other. Edit: Modern houses are now built with retro characteristics so no reason at all why a new build of the Yare should not have the same. Doesn't have to look like something out of Grand Designs.
  25. They could do with rebuilding it on a slightly different footprint to give lorries carrying super yachts easier access and egress. Maybe move it to the carpark.
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