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Everything posted by floydraser

  1. So after the disappointment of the campavan, the increase of carer duty and the will to spend the kid's inheritance, we take short breaks when we can to relieve a bit of stress. Why Gunwharf Quays – because we've been there before; no point risking a new venue in the winter as anywhere is nice when it's warm. For those who don't know, it's an ex-naval base which has been turned into a shopping mall and entertainment venue. Loads of eating places from Pret and Slug & Lettuce to Raymond Blanc. There was a weather window on Sunday and Monday which lined up nicely with our carer's duty and Mrs Raser's work so we booked a night at the Holiday Inn Express and a meal at Zizzis on the waterfront. The hotel is the only one on site but what it lacks in refinement it makes up for in location; park the car underneath it and forget about it! The parking is only £2 day anyway and I like how they have red and green LEDs to mark the taken/available spaces. After caring duty Sunday morning we were already packed and set of south at 12.00, stopping at Warwick services for a quick sandwich and cuppa. Steady run to the coast and got there around 15.30. The old Customs House is one of the few remaining original buildings. Inside, they use the original layout (probably listed) which makes dining in smaller rooms cosy. We started with G&T here but I clocked a nice looking porter ale for later on... You are constantly reminded of the history of the place. Imagination needed: It's a warm summer day, the parasols are unfurled, choose your seats. You need sharp elbows to get near the rope! This where we like to be in the summer, here's view:
  2. About 35 years ago I went to work for an agrocultural merchants and within a month of loading/unloading 25 and 50kg bags I had lost an inch from my waist and put it on my chest. The last ten years in an office has seen it all slip south again. For you skinny folk with long legs: One of my grandsons is so blessed and we have a job finding trousers for him. But when we do, they are usually on the "final reductions" rail where us normal sized blokes draw a blank. M&S Spalding (Springfields) is worth a look if you're ever that way.
  3. Forgot to add: although I saw no bargains I did see an advert for the Norfolk Boat Jumble on 2nd April - https://www.norfolkshowground.co.uk/events/norfolk-boat-jumble/ I can't see how much it will be to get in though, or how much to park, I'll leave that to you locals to sort that out. The last and only time I went to a boat jumble was Newarke in 2015 just after I bought my first boat. I hope things have changed, or should I stop washing and shaving now so that I don't stand out as being posh?
  4. It's this stuff: https://bullardsspirits.co.uk/ I think you get a bottle and eight refils... don't know who decided that was a year's supply, probably the same person who decided the timing for the automatic lighting in toilets.
  5. As I posted on onother thread, my Samsung A12 produced a big gap when I put in an emoji. Sorry it's only an A12, my A71 is still under the boat!
  6. Very rare, Threadus Driftus breed. On second thoughts, not so rare at all.
  7. Went to the show yesterday as planned. No rope bargains or any others for that matter, very rare at the NEC anyway due to the high cost of stands probably. Anyway, not a bad show really but not quite what I was expecting either. I thought it was going to be mainly small, activity type boats but there were plenty of luxury cruisers and canal boats on show. I was disappointed in the lack of fishing gear though. What they call "angling" seemed to be a big thing but they meant fishing from expensive open boats in the sea. Just one stand with fishing gear but none of it for course fishing. I was in and out in an hour but hey ho, I had a free ticket from Marine Power (BGM). Entered draws for an inflatable tent for a rib, a year's supply of gin and a grand off a Richardsons holiday. I bumped into a few people, literally. I must have been the only person there not making a Youtube video. Parades of people wandering around looking everything via their phones! Thankfully JD Wetherspoon has a place there so as I was never invited on to any of the stands, I took a libation or two there. I was shocked to find the prices were not inflated.
  8. Funny how we mix our units? I knew an old engineer who would blow a gasket if he found mixed units on a drawing. I notice in fishing that rods are still referred to in feet but poles are always in metres.
  9. If only I had taken more notice of what colour mooring ropes were back then. At 13 I was too busy learning things about female girls. Mrs Raser says I didn't pay much attention in that direction either.
  10. I know, there are none on a boat, they're all called something else like sheets, lifts, warps, wefts, painters etc etc. Just to keep things simple I suppose. Anyway, to be serious for a second: I am going to Boatlife on Thursday and looking at a video of last year's event, I may find a large stand selling a large amount of rope. The Denham Owl is a tad short of rope so I have questions: What would be a reasonable mooring rope for a 1970 37 foot Broads boat, to be used on the Broads. Last time I came accross such a stand the variety of compounds was very confusing to say the least. What length of each rope? Basic questions but better to get the latest info. Thanks in anticipation.
  11. Oops. When Will did mine two years ago he was more interested in the sizes of them and how they totalled up. I can't remember the exact ruling but not long to wait now and he'll tell you. He was happy to see mine all in the green.
  12. With respect, that is not the truth. The website is called "Full fact", it's just a name. It doesn't state what is the truth it just says there is no evidence. It then says, "Research suggests...." again, not stating the truth, just another platform for someone else's opinion. I usually look at internet based channels like GB News and Talk TV for alternative views, but take none of them as gospel.
  13. This long page thing just happened to me when I posted using my phone. It was ok until I added an emoji, then the page became long and the emoji appeared as in your post - OBJ. I got rid of it by tapping at the bottom of the post then deleting the extra lines one by one, and the emoji. Bit of a faff but it worked for me.
  14. A lot of Leicestershire stone is under those roads in Milton Keynes. I took a few loads of type 1 down there myself. Easy to navigate if you go every day, I just had to keep going until I fell off the tarmac.
  15. So you're the one who writes the instruction manuals for hire boats?
  16. Nothing wrong with the humour. During the six weeks I waited for a procedure to see if I had a serious illness, switching on the TV and seeing the humour, going into the office and hearing the usuall sick humour, made me realise life goes on. I found it very reassuring. It doesn't mean we don't care. I imagine we'll be queing up to offer our boats as temporary accommodaton should the worse happen.
  17. And the coffee morning reminds me of this forum! One of the guys told me today he used to own a houseboat in Porter & Haylett's yard, Wroxham. 1970s or 80s, he wasn't quite sure.
  18. Reminds me of the coffee morning I take my 91 year old mother in law to on a Wednesday... At 66 I'm the baby on a table of blokes.
  19. And what about the Italians??? Gave the French a real contest. This could be one of the most unpredictable championships ever.
  20. Reading the article again I think Mr Knight is just trying to make his case and should be supported.
  21. Just to be clear, the letter to Bill Dickson from the MPs was the result of requests from the BHBF and nothing to do with the FB page. I don't mean to put down what the FB page may achieve but credit where it's due. I note the article has no mention of social media in any form.
  22. As a casual observer with little experience may I point to the state of the ground which the blocks are sitting on? With carved up tyre tracks it looks like it softens up in wet weather. So sitting high on dodgy blocks on soft ground, it looks like a fat bloke leaning on it would push it over.
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