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Everything posted by floydraser

  1. As mentioned in another thread, here is the telescope I found in an auction the other week. The auction house don't publish records so I don't have the original photos but here are three I took which are basically the same as the catalogue. The main difference being that the originals were taken with a plain background so I had no idea of how big it was. It turned out to be around 38 inches long. Having seen it I just carried on looking through the rest of the catalogue but a thought started to haunt me: how did it ever get into that condition? Most articles like this go through a stage of being worth nothing, even in good condition, but even a good one left in a shed for years would still be in better condition than this? The auction house specialise in house clearances in Norfolk so it's possible this was washed up on the beach after a shipwreck and left in someone's loft?? I decided it would be worth up to £30 as a project for research and if it went for more then it would have found a more worthy owner. In good condition these only sell for around £80 - £100 at auction. Nobody else gave it a thought so it was mine for a fiver. More later..
  2. By Owen Sennitt, Live reporter. Glad he's still with us, what happened to all the others?
  3. Overtaking on a motorway in rain with a lot of spray about, suddenly you lose power and start dropping back. An experience you don't want to encounter.
  4. Once rebuilt with modern parts and a bit of passion, most classics end up in better fettle than when they left the production line.
  5. Within the family it's value is priceless; you could never replace it. It could be sold with, "been in the same family from new", but only once then it would change hands as bit of currency and that would be a great shame. He'll keep it and love it; you can see how pleased he is with it! Good luck to him! I got away from classic cars because of the inflated price of spares due to everyone wanting profit. Go to a classic car show and you hear endless bs about how much they paid, what's it worth and how much it sold for.
  6. Shouldn't we warn paddleboarders? Nah!
  7. I'm going to do a thread later but in Grasmere, Lake District, loos are 60p!
  8. When I paid my road tax it didn't include free parking for years then get changed at short notice so that I felt betrayed, stitched up. With notice, I could decide whether or not the car was worth it before paying for another year.
  9. I haven't been asked for my licence in the two years since I started fishing again. Latest one is an email so I don't know what would happen if I was asked and didn't have my phone or a decent signal with me. I guess they would want id then check up later. Until I'm asked I'll never know. The only time I was asked for it was to prove my age for a concession when joining a club.
  10. You will get a better price if find someone with a return load from Plymouth. Sometimes that means waiting while they look for a load, or find someone who does that area regularly. Sometimes boat movers recommend others for that reason.
  11. Because we were young and didn't listen? It's still happening now with smoking and obesity.
  12. In the Lakes last week a little girl around 18 months - two years old was running around, no hat, red arms, red face. Absolutely criminal.
  13. I got mine after a recommendation on a sailng forum. Another bonus is that Tilley designed it with two straps so it will stay on in a good wind. I have since bought a winter version: heavier material, no straps but it does have a flap which comes down around the neck and over the ears.
  14. I recommend you invest in a Tilley Airflow hat to save your ears, best bit of clothing I've ever bought.
  15. Thanks again. I'll give it a go when I get home next week. If all else fails, I'll give up and try mending dogs...
  16. I think the problem is getting the tension right. Ours is an Ashford but it came as a restoration project (doesn't everything?) so we're starting from scratch. I haven't had a go myself yet but I'm guessing it's a process of trial and error.
  17. What a shame we are unable to go. Mrs Raser has a spinning wheel she is struggling to get the hang of. We went to a similar event at Buxton but it was very disappointing.
  18. Just to clarify: We were told the ex contributor posted on fb. He was responding to someone else who raised the issue I believe.
  19. A couple of weeks ago as reported on another thread I bought an old telescope from an auction in Norfolk. My brother in law collected it for me and found in marked with a broad arrow and 1940. It's state suggests it's litterally been through the wars in a shipwreck. I won't get it until the weekend but if confirmed I will be chuffed to be in possession of something which clearly represents very brave men.
  20. We are currently in His Majesty's Lake District and the campsite is full. Walking around Derwentwater today (10 miles!) we saw people being turned away from the launches as they were full. I think the weather has a lot to do with it as we are currently getting 20+ degrees and blue skies every day. Last minute dot com holidays and all that. Sitting under that blanket of cloud is not helping Norfolk.
  21. And so the author of the report seems to be a loyal supporter of JP. My feelings too.
  22. Thank you Fred. The point I was trying highlight was that the ba have tried to justify these charges as a means of providing rangers, but if they were in place for the last two years they must have been already funded. So now fees are paid and there are no more rangers than before? So is that misrepresentaion by the ba? (Again!) If so, not a red herring thanks.
  23. Shouldn't quote myself but on second thoughts the suggestions have been that any increase is due to more boats being able to use the moorings because of the time slots. In which case it's the time slots having the impact and NOT the charges. I see no reason why the timeslots couldn't stay and the charges go. Whoever Charles Cator is, the ba shouldn't be in competition with him; they should look after their own business.
  24. So that makes it easy then: If someone would approach the pub and other local businesses to see if it's true that their trade has increased due to the charges, it would seem to settle things. I don't see what Charles Cator has to do with it?
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