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Everything posted by floydraser

  1. The tung oil I found is a 500ml bottle by Liberon. I've used it on the vintage back rest which has now come up a treat. While I'm here: I've finished applying the varnish to the table topsides, how does the team think raw varnish should be finished after a hardening period?
  2. Yes, that's an easy one: The alcohol once taken in quantity, allows you via use of the bicycle, to experience first hand Newton's and Einstein's laws of gravitation.
  3. My Father in law recently passed away having lived in the one house all his married life, he was 91. The spiders in the garage are bigger than me. The dustment (refuse collection operatives) all have hernias and will have for months. Any ideas for jokey things to plant for our kids to find when we're gone?
  4. Not just you, it's always done that for me too.
  5. Shouldn't you be asking what are the best pot plants to use to camouflage it?
  6. Thank you again, now we've seen votes for all three options and for the first time in my life I can't be wrong! Peter, did you ever see this old Suffolk boy apply cooking oil or did he just tell you that's what he did? I can't see the chucky egg making any difference, however frying up a nice bit of bacon, Norfolk turkey sausage and black pud would add fat to the oil? I'll try it and let you know how it smells. Every meal will seem like breakfast!
  7. Wow. Who would have thought there could be so many ways to finish a bit of wood! And not one I've heard of yet! Thanks for all the suggestions guys, much appreciated. Being the underside I was thinking more about preservation and helping it survive another 50 years service.
  8. Blimey, what do the Danes put in their oil? As no one has mentioned it, I presume using Danish oil won't affect the ability of the supports to slide? I have a space in the saloon under the deck 1300mm x 660mm (h) x 410mm (d). I fancy something like this on rollers to slide out: I'm dreaming of course, although I'd probably get more volunteers of help than I did for the poo pipe.
  9. That's lovely Alan, thank you, I'll take it! Can I have the clock too? Mrs R likes the figures.
  10. This is the underside of the lovely table from my boat. I am in the process of refinishing the top with varnish but what about underneath? the extending supports are taped to stop them moving while I handle the table but what does the team think I should do, if anything? I have wax and teak oil to hand, and a bottle of something called tung oil which I know not from were it came. I also have a wee bit of gun stock oil left over from my shooting days but probably not enough. Thanks in anticipation.
  11. It's a bit weird but leaving the curtains shut suggests you're hiding something, but a chuffing great cover over the whole boat somehow doesn't. Don't throw old sheets away then, use them to cover your woodwork and leave the curtains open.
  12. Our local primary school has been unable to do their usual fund raising events so someone came up with the idea of a Snowman Festival. Anyone could build a snowman display outside their own house and tell the school. A map was then produced to show where they all were. We've just enjoyed a weekend of happy, excited young children looking for snowmen down our street! Social distancing was good in most cases.
  13. Just a bit sideways but, how many of us lads on leaving school, ever though we would use a keyboard especially at work, without attracting some very non pc comments about manhood?
  14. Thank you, yes I have seen that before (it's an early wooden hull version I think) but not in such good detail and because of that I have noticed a couple of things: The canopy rolls on two roller bearings at the rear, the rearmost one being off the end of the track in the photo. Mine has just one. Looking in the side window (being nosey!) the curtain is to the rear then forward of that is a wooden panel like a door or cupboard? See it on here with the canopy up: Mine has a two piece door with the bottom half hinged as normal and the top being part of the rear canopy window, hinged at the top. You can't see it through a side window at all. Slightly odd and easy to bash your head on the top bit so I dangle the electricity card from it as a reminder to duck.
  15. Got it thanks, I'll stop asking!
  16. Sounds like my kind of place and probably only a tad less tidy than my place. But we still haven't established where it is. A What3words location would be handy.
  17. Hello? Did someone call? I read a very interesting biography of I.K. Brunel which pointed out that even he had his failures.
  18. It looks like a bit of an Alladin's cave. I can see what looks like a Mamod style steam engine and an oil lamp.
  19. Maybe these two quotes demonstrate that we have learned to do something about the environment long term. Surely all new buildings (and cars) should be designed with an infinite lifetime. Near me, Asda built a head office for the George brand around 1990. In 2010 they tore it down and built a bigger one. Disaster for the environment but we got to share offices with some rather attractive young women during the build.
  20. I only know the area from passing by on my way to Asda (lovely people there) and looking on google satelite view. I noted they were developing the area but it seems to have stopped, probably for the reasons you say, although I wouldn't have thought flooding was a big problem. However, looking at the georeference history map it would seem that all those old factories are relatively recent?
  21. And if the retail industry doesn't recover there'll be a few more redundant units. The trouble with buying existing old properties is the parking of modern, wider cars on the street. At least new houses are usually required to have parking for at least two cars off the road. Some new houses are now designed with a bit of style too. That said, I don't like to see farm land given over to housing. What about that big old place in Lowestoft between the marina and the council offices?
  22. Thanks to John and Stumpy. I'll be doing a bit of poking around online until it's either easy to get stuff via the ether or it becomes safe to visit in person. The lady at NRO says that some of the pages are fixed together and may be difficult to photocopy. I don't expect her to have examined them too closely at a first enquiry so I'm sort of hoping there may be folded drawings. Fingers crossed but there's got to be something useful in 30 pages. Knowing my luck though, it may be one page of registration and 29 pages of terms and conditions.
  23. NRO = Norfolk Records Office in County Hall. Just off the roundabout where I used to go into Colmans/Britvic to collect a full load of pop for Asda; I remember it well, a friendly bunch. I had a nice reply from a lady who tells me she only goes into the office a couple of days a week at the moment but I will ask further questions. The MCA sounds a bit more official, I'll have a look. Just a thought though: if a change of ownership has to be registered and paid for, am I likely to end up with something of a bill?
  24. Update: Each page would cost £2 per copy printed out or as a pdf. Printed copy also has a postage charge. Alternatively, jpegs cost their hourly photography rate of £54. Going in person and photographing the documents with your own equipment costs £4 for 30 minutes or £10.50 all day. If I could be absolutely sure the information would add £60 worth of desirability to the project I would gladly pay up. However my Norfolk based Brother in law has kindly offered to nip in and do the honours for me, although that has also been politely turned down. I don't it's worth paying £60 when I can pay £4 but I also don't think it's worth anyone's risk under the present circumstances. So it'll be put on hold until next spring when the four of us will get together and us boys will play anoraks and the sisters will find gin. It's a hard life but we'll manage.
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