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Everything posted by Bytheriver

  1. The up to date info is here http://www.summercraftboats.co.uk/summercraft-boats/
  2. This one does https://www.broads-authority.gov.uk/boating/navigating-the-broads/bridge-heights-and-opening-times
  3. Page 4 of the April edition may be an indication towards the future?
  4. According to the Governments own statistics the 2019-20 normal seasonal flu peaked around Christmas then dropped rapidly away before the covid took over a few weeks later The attached stats (just 4 pages) includes covid and shows just how many hospital admissions were from care homes following the traditional numbers for normal seasonal flu https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/885092/National_influenza_report_14_May_2020_week_20.pdf
  5. Keeping beer cool would be in the same way as before craft had fridges - dangled in the river - you will have plenty of sanitisers to clean the neck before drinking! (Just not too much beer as this beverage is the cause of many falling in incidents with tragic consequences)
  6. In 2019 - 20 Flu peaked before Christmas and was a low number season 2016-17 being above average https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/885092/National_influenza_report_14_May_2020_week_20.pdf
  7. Some possibly good news on BA FB page from last evening - at least they are asking the question today https://www.facebook.com/BroadsAuthority
  8. I for one am putting little faith in a effective vaccination - Even the flu jab which is still not available to the whole community & which has been under development for over 50 years is still not perfect.Most hospital admissions in a normal flu season are from the Care & Residential School settings which are eligible for the flu jab.
  9. Its a jolly good way of bringing the issue, which was going to happen anyway this year or next to the governments attention. They always assumed that once inward immigration was stopped the unemployed in the UK who pressed for restraint in bringing agricultural & horticultural from Europe in the first place would rush to take up the slack. So in a way the current situation will concentrate minds. Its a good job place of origin is still on fresh products as I am sure some in the trade would prefer it was hidden.
  10. I had a Toledo too & it was ok when I traded up to a 1500 after 3 years (My father worked for a BMC dealer & did the PDIs & applied the under-seal which was an extra those days He told me the fitters who went for factory training laughed at the flakes of rust coming off the spray shop roof which had to be caught on plastic sheets to save the cars)
  11. A little note for those living near(ish) to Gorleston Morrisons where the queues to get out were bigger than to those going in - they have opened all the checkouts rather than alternate so no wait at all now (They are different to most stores in not being in back to back pairs) Don't tell too many people though !
  12. We had a Seagull on the work boat on the lake in Battersea Park in the 1960s & early 70s it was always a pain to start & we did not have proper 2stroke oil just SAE30 & always blamed that but the Japanese outboards on the trip launches always started first time. On the mower front when the staff claimed their mower would not start by the time I got there they inevitably started first time having dried out from the usual flooding Worse were the idle summer staff (students) who one of the fitters eventually told me when a machine was sent for repair they had put something unspeakable in the tank to waste time! (The London County Council were notorious for replacing the staff cars & chauffeur driven black Austin Cambridge's & Morris Oxfords (Top officials had more luxury than the lower ranks)but not mowers which were expected to last for ever. Those were the days. As soon as the by then GLC went in 1974 the cuts began & hardly stopped since!
  13. Its interesting to note that DEFRA (yes they who are in charge of the Landscape Review among other things) have written to Local Authorities asking them to re-open recycling centres as fly-tipping is getting out of hand in some areas & those with limited storage may be harbouring excess waste at their properties. The wood recycling industry are also concerned at the lack of feed-stock going into the system for burning in power stations
  14. Went past local Allotments the other day on the way to do shopping & they all look immaculate !
  15. Slightly off topic but watched a US oil man on Bloomberg TV( notice they are allowed to ask questions now at government press conferences maybe RT will even get in eventually) last evening he was angry that they were having to leave oil in the ground as they were running out of storage hence profits down ! No wonder Trump wants early lifting of lock-down
  16. Not next day any more - its up to 7 days right now - maybe a friend could pick up a click & collect with suitable identification which may be quicker
  17. Wilco & B & M fully open paint paper & do some plants - plenty of paracetamol & coffee to justify the trip
  18. Just read a press report from Weymouth where the people who frequent the beachside benches & shelters have been put up in a hotel on the outskirts of town where they are creating mayhem and are being moved on yet again!
  19. I thought it was just my imagination many with lorries involved and at night - wonder if they are over doing it with the extended driving permitted hours - maybe now the panic buying is over this should be rescinded. Wonder if they are skimping maintenance too as seem a lot of vehicle fires too
  20. This has been a hot topic for many years & following its inclusion in the Broads Local Plan there is a current Consultation on their Guide It is a chance to let BA know what you think in response Consultation closes 24th April https://www.broads-authority.gov.uk/about-us/how-we-work/transparency/consultations https://www.broads-authority.gov.uk/__data/assets/pdf_file/0007/1889404/Residential-Moorings-Guide.pdf
  21. Maybe a good time to throw this in ? Consultation closes 24th April https://www.broads-authority.gov.uk/about-us/how-we-work/transparency/consultations https://www.broads-authority.gov.uk/__data/assets/pdf_file/0007/1889404/Residential-Moorings-Guide.pdf
  22. BA put this out overnight - EDP do not seem to have picked it up yet Press Release - Broads Authority fighting for the Broads amid COVID-19 crisis 26 March 2020, for immediate release Broads Authority fighting for the Broads amid COVID-19 crisis The Broads Authority, like many public authorities, is working hard to react to the terrible crisis facing the world at the moment, but has some unique challenges to overcome. It has prioritised 3 main activities: Keeping people on the water safe Proactively supporting the tourism economy Protecting the Broads and its waterways for the future John Packman, Chief Executive commented: “Coronavirus has made us all take stock of what is truly important and I am in awe of all the exceptional NHS staff, emergency services and all those dedicating their time to help those in most need. “The work of the Broads Authority is nowhere near as critical however we have prioritised some important aspects of our work as there are potentially some huge impacts and very real threats for the Broads. “Firstly, we have taken steps to ensure the safety of boaters that are still on the water. Everyone must follow Government instructions to stay at home, however, some people have no choice but to be on their boat as it is their only home. Our rangers are still out there, keeping those that are on the water safe” Broads Control, which monitors the waterways and helps coordinate responses to emergencies, will still operate. Great Yarmouth Yacht Station and Reedham Quay will be staffed from this weekend in the interests of public safety because mooring at these locations can be very challenging at times. The Norwich Yacht Station will remain closed. The ‘live aboard’ community includes vulnerable people who may need help. The Authority has compiled a list of businesses that are still able to offer vital services here. “Secondly, is the need to keep the area in good shape, ready for when we are all able to return and enjoy them again. “The hire boat industry faces a huge threat and we have grave concerns for it, along with the wider tourism economy which is so vital for the area supporting over 7,000 jobs. Hire boat companies have lost their main income stream. This has impacts for the Broads as a whole and the Broads Authority is fighting as best it can to continue maintaining the Broads so the area is in a good place when all of this has passed. “Our staff are still out there dredging and maintaining moorings and will continue to do so until the Government advises otherwise. “Everything we do to maintain navigation of the 125 miles of waterways is supported by tolls. If that income dries up we have a massive problem. Our financial mechanism means that we are not allowed to divert our Defra funding to support Navigation. Of the £3.5m or so we get from tolls, around a third of this is from the hire boat industry. To try and help hire boat companies The Authority has been proactive in drawing to the companies attention a clause in its legislation specifically designed for boatyards stating that where hire boats are not being used and are effectively in storage they are not subject to a toll. “In doing so we could have created a potential funding gap for ourselves and I have written to the Secretary of State for the Environment (along with the CEOs of British Marine and the Canals and Rivers Trust who face similar issues) raising this very point and asking for urgent financial support.” The same rule cannot apply to private boaters that have a vessel on the water. These have to be tolled and this has resulted in some calls for discounts or a ‘toll holiday’, although the vast majority are continuing to pay for their tolls. The Authority will be sympathetic to individual circumstances such as extreme financial hardship. “If we were to offer all private boat owners reduced tolls it would jeopardise our ability to maintain the waterways, keeping them safe, useable and attractive to visitors. “Boaters have also asked about Boat Safety Certificates (The equivalent of a vehicle MOT) that have lapsed. We are awaiting clarification from the Boat Safety Scheme but again we will be mindful of the circumstances we all find ourselves in and take a sensible approach. “Whilst we all long to seek refuge and relaxation in the Broads and enjoy our unique National Park again, now is not the time. There are much more pressing issues facing many people and I would like to thank everyone for their understanding and patience during this difficult time.” Greg Munford, Chief Executive, Richardsons Leisure Ltd said: “Last week we closed our entire hire fleet business, both for day boats and holiday cruisers. During these tough times, as always we appreciate the support of the Broads Authority and the work they do to maintain these beautiful waterways and moorings, so that the Broads continues to be a well-kept, wonderful place to be for when guests return to both us and other operators in the area. Bringing a much-needed boost to the local economy.” -Ends- Additional information: https://www.broads-authority.gov.uk/news/coronavirus-covid-19 https://www.broads-authority.gov.uk/news/coronavirus-covid-19/information-for-liveaboard-boaters Notes to editors The Broads Authority The Broads Authority has the important job of looking after the Broads and the interests of the people who live, work and visit there. The Broads Authority has two purposes identical to the other national park family members relating to conservation and promoting people's understanding and enjoyment of the special qualities of the area. It also has a third purpose to look after the waterways for navigation. In addition, it is a planning authority and has a duty to foster the economic and social well-being of its communities. www.broads-authority.gov.uk For further information, images and interviews, please contact: Laura Middleton, Communications Officer (Media & PR) on Laura.Middleton@broads-authority.gov.uk or 01603 756040. Images © Broads Authority Rob Leigh Head of Communications
  23. Sandford or a re-written version, has been resurrected in the Glover report which is still being considered by DEFRA so until normal times return there is somewhat of a limbo situation. "The Landscape Review" as it is now known which was commissioned by Michael Gove when he was Environment Minister to provide an independent report & make proposals which could form the basis of an Bill to be presented to parliament in due course. Some of the proposals do not need new legislation. A CNP Meeting due last week was naturally cancelled on safety grounds which may at least have provided some idea of the Governments time scale & possibly details of any further consultation opportunities. It may be worth keeping an eye on the CNP website https://www.cnp.org.uk/news the umbrella charity for all of the Friends Groups also https://www.nationalparksengland.org.uk/ the organisation representing all of the National Parks & the Broads (the title strongly emphasised by their CEO at a meeting in November) It has been said in some quarters that the Sandford Principal has rarely been actively used for some considerable time. Recent Twitter comment from Julian Glover "Come back when this is over and then help make our landscapes better than ever for people and nature - we love them and we need them"
  24. My daughter who works for a major supermarket spent all of Saturday interviewing 30 people for jobs taking on 23 - If all stores doing this it should improve as when busy all hands to the tills to prevent people having to wait, leaving nobody to do daytime re-stocking & there is not enough time & people to re-stock overnight when they are shifting 50% more stock than an average day.They had been expecting the situation to even up after the first rush but as said people are getting greedy/panicking
  25. When are the new moorings by the Football Stadium opening?
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