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Everything posted by Bytheriver

  1. So much for alleged EU regulation & conservation? https://www.facebook.com/reel/930846891834366
  2. The 2023 edition said the same thing
  3. If one looks on the CNP website it's all about preserving Government funding at the moment https://www.cnp.org.uk/
  4. Its on line now ( Broads Authority) BA/2024/0024/FUL
  5. Worth mentioning for those who have not moored at the Yacht Station there are Quay Rangers on duty to help moor & get ropes right for overnight from 8am till 8pm every day from Easter till end of October
  6. X1 /X11 buses are every quarter of an hour Mon-Fri
  7. The X1 & X11 both run non stop Acle (Village centre long way from river) to Great Yarmouth so cannot stop at Stracy Arms There is a trial route Acle Bridge to Great Yarmouth but check timetable nearer to your holiday
  8. The same "Hirecraft unwelcome " was to be the policy had the Bistro at the Berney Arms had not been ruined by Covid never to be heard of again
  9. Herring Bridge opens to road traffic on 1st Feb 2024
  10. BA and all of those mentioned in the MIAB Report, whatever its shortcomings, are aware it is a document agreed by all party's before publication so have to be minded of the consequences should there be a similar incident in the future Authority Members have to consider this when voting as they are ultimately responsible in law so would have to consider line by line what they are prepared to agree to especially if going against officer recommendations
  11. I hope you have all seen the papers for Thursdays Nav Comm - ( ! hour probably needed) Some interesting topics) https://www.broads-authority.gov.uk/about-us/committees/navigation-committee/navigation-committee-11-january-2024 ( Dont shoot the messenger)
  12. Maybe best to keep quiet else Network Rail & National Highways ( Braydon) may get ideas ?
  13. Building of ne boats now contracted out?
  14. Whitlingham is owned by its own Trust & took management back "in- House" BA has a rep on the Board of Trustees again
  15. Try this for some weekend reading https://www.broads-authority.gov.uk/about-us/how-we-work/strategy/broads-plan-2022/theme-a-responding-to-climate-change-and-flood-risk
  16. I see the Internal Drainage Board (s) are on the attendee list - I suspect they try to keep a low profile?
  17. They have only just finished carrying out a 20 year programme to keep water in the rivers ( presumably after extensive consultation- It has had unforeseen consequences ( or best solution as seen by the experts at the time) hence Broadland Futures institutive now 6 years into working on next set of solutions ( see page 20 of the January 2024 Harnser if you wish to avoid accessing the EA website avoiding the host authority https://www.broads-authority.gov.uk/__data/assets/pdf_file/0045/498888/BFI-Progress-Newsletter-Issue-13.pdf
  18. Having looked at various EA Gauging Stations there is clearly a mass evacuation of water with some extreme lows on the south but steady falls even on the north where there are vast expanses of broad having to exit via Potter & Wroxham I spotted that with some comments as to why BA is not on the invite list but its worth remembering it is EA that is responsible for dredging for drainage with BA only required to maintain sufficient depth for navigation ( The drag lines kept on standby in the 1970s were EA) - The MPs are the ones with the power to press for improved anti flooding measures from EA with funding from the Treasury - this was made clear at the autumn flooding conference in Ipswich. The point made is funding is on the back of residential properties protected not marshes & fields (IDBs do this but have to discharge into full rivers)! They are on the invite list Interesting to see how much water has clearly escaped to sea this morning on the low tide especially in the South up as far as Brundall but even the north is on a lowering but steady trend hopefully doing some substantial scouring on the way?
  19. If anyone has time or inclination I am sure you will find the Consultations that went on before the last 20 programme & the Planning Permissions for each "Compartment" & who did or didn't raise concerns?
  20. There are huge amounts of silt on the quay at Reedham and Riverside where the tide came up the street gullies this morning
  21. Guidance River modelling: technical standards and assessment Standards for the flood risk management industry on how to build and review hydraulic models and provide evidence for flood risk management decisions. Members with time & inclination may find this updated document issued today by DEFRA https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/river-modelling-technical-standards-and-assessment?utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=govuk-notifications-topic&utm_source=59da2b1e-77bd-4bdd-99b0-ae050ac5ad92&utm_content=daily
  22. At Haddiscoe where trains were suspended just in case a particularly low "low tide" preceded a pair of locked high tides. https://check-for-flooding.service.gov.uk/station/6209
  23. I was at the well attended EA East Coast & Estuaries Flood Seminar in Ipswich in September & it was clearly stated the amount of work that can be done is on a cost /benefit/ residential properties protected basis with each scheme having to bid for funds
  24. At the time of the Somerset Level floods in 2014 I was a Flood Warden in Dorset ( The scheme in the South West is organised & funded by EA ) There is a full report into cause & solutions ( Updated 2023 ) here https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/somerset-levels-and-moors-reducing-the-risk-of-flooding/somerset-levels-and-moors-reducing-the-risk-of-flooding#:~:text=In early 2014%2C the Somerset,area of 65 square kilometres.
  25. That is no doubt why EA are responsible for dredging for drainage purposes. Broadland Futures Initiative ( poorly named as it covers far more than the Broadland District Council area) led by EA though website hosted by BA has a lot of information plus the January edition of Harnser has a brand new update in the January edition They seem finally to be making some progress
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