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Everything posted by Bytheriver

  1. Cantley only has one bus out per day which goes back only on request - Sunday is the best day for train to Berney Arms
  2. I wondered if anyone was going to mention Norwich as that avoids having to get another train.
  3. This shot was taken at Neatshead Staithe at the end of last week
  4. https://www.broads-authority.gov.uk/boating/facilities/yacht-stations
  5. Thought I was the only one going to notice a better Broadcaster - Thought I have may have been swayed by the brighter cover ( new artist) Don't forget at Reedham there are the bookable though chargeable moorings at The Lord Nelson + one though a little tight but free at The Ship ( bit near the bridge but fine for early risers.
  6. The on- line edition is here https://issuu.com/countrywidepublications1/docs/broadcaster_2023_issuu
  7. Just got hold of a copy & p25 states BA intend to introduce mooring charges at Reedham later in the year - Ranworth charges are listed.
  8. When the work was going on last autumn the actual "work periods" were quite short. They had a full base set up in The Ship Carpark with staff being lodged in G-Y but then setting off for Somerleyton by road on some days. Teams of specialist contractors came from all over UK
  9. On the BA Yacht Station Webpage though they have included the new fees at GY & Norwich - Reedham still stated as "Free"
  10. Here it is - Some items have already been on Facebook https://mailchi.mp/255e7439dee9/broads-briefing-march_23?e=94594921f8
  11. Shorebase Tide tables for 2023 still available via a certain other forum
  12. Many years ago when doing my fire safety for events training the instructor always discharged a Co2 extinguisher as he said people who had never let one off before had been so surprised by the noise that they dropped them. On the final course they said they did not bother with doing that any more ( different instructor of course)
  13. Other members of the National Parks Family being virtually 100% funded from DEFRA need to follow the "Diversification of visitors" trail especially following Covid which in some areas probably doubled the number of visitors & tripled the amount of litter. Information Centres go some way towards this. Some NPs are having to look at redundancies or certainly not filling vacancies & are being pushed towards looking for commercial support. A practice followed in the USA which has brought unforeseen consequences. It is embarrassing having to turn down a Planning Application from a sponsor. The NP Family are all pressing Government for more stable long term funding Whilst most do not own much land they will certainly need to be part of the move to a Greener UK. https://deframedia.blog.gov.uk/2023/02/03/environmental-improvement-plan-outlines-ambition-to-create-greener-and-cleaner-country/
  14. If you are still in "deposit" & have the paperwork Calor agents should make the refund otherwise most council re-cycling depots take empty gas bottles they certainly do in Norfolk ( Strumpshaw & Caister +others)
  15. You can always phone Flogas 0800 574 574 They have a depot at Catfield ( look out for the small signs next to the A149
  16. The edges of the two accounts are bound to become a little blurred if staff duties switch between the two but with care & tech should not be difficult if properly & openly explained? Hopefully with pressure from the other National Parks ( and following their proven popularity during Covid) HM Treasury may be persuaded to up the funding for 2024-5 Help from MPs appreciated
  17. The quay in front of the Reedham Ferry Inn are not much different to those at Reedham & most of the Moorings up stream of the Ferry were closed several years ago & are slowly sinking into the marsh
  18. The EDP article a week ago was the first mention that the charge for overnight a Reedham & Ranworth was to be £10 & the first mention of the £5 daytime charge was at Fridays meeting! Maybe they thought they had covered it?
  19. Having followed a number of debates here & on other forums & FB Pages I have been wondering who should be represented particularly on Nav Ctte but the BA Board too. Despite (usually) being scheduled up to a year in advance there are often apologies ( with no reason given) and I suspect other than owners / toll payers who are by definition/ admission, fairly well off financially & are likely to among those who can be available and have the confidence & skills to attend meetings. Hire Yard owners are represented but cannot take a full part in discussion. Individual Toll payers may well factor in regular toll increases to retain what facilities are available Who is there to represent rank & file hirers I responded to someone who in the last week or so were critical of BA encouraging canoes paddle boards & the like to use the Broads. That Group so far are only represented on the Broads Local Access Forum but maybe they need a rep on Nav Ctte too ( they are an income stream ) Diversification and inclusion of visitors from the entire population is key currently for the entire National Parks Family. I have taken part in debates where 75% of the meeting has been just that
  20. The reformation of the Broads Authority along with all of the National Parks in England is already underway - The Landscape Review ( Glover) where the Broads get a mention of being "different" A lobbying of MPs Ministers, Civil Servants and others is underway (though not helped by the summers rapidly changing government with ministers being moved around) The review was instigated by Michael Gove who in his current position could help getting the review back on course however the promised clauses in the Levelling Up Bill failed to help. Pressure can be brought by lobbying of local MPs though you have to live in their constituencies. Minsters - Thérèse Coffey - MP for Suffolk Costal - Trudy Harrison ( MP for Copeland which happens to be the Lake District )is the DEFRA Minister Leading the parliamentary lobbying on behalf of the National Parks Friends Groups & Societies is the Campaign for National Parks who are currently well staffed following a major five year grant from the Esmée Fairbairn Foundation starting this year - Check their website for regular updates https://www.cnp.org.uk/ Please avoid the National Park or not controversy as this will become a distraction from the need for reform due to the funding stream.
  21. That vote was the Navigation Ctte when everyone was allowed to to take part EDP seems quiet on Fridays meeting so far? On Friday it was Unanimous of those present.
  22. The three Yard Directors on the Full Board were excluded from the tolls discussion & left the room so did not get a vote (There were also 3-4 absentees)
  23. Always worth seeking the advice of the Attendants at G_Y the day before your passage ( either direction ) as they have the latest info compared with tour boat height
  24. This was not mentioned - Have to wait for the small print - Also how about the 9am start & 6pm finish with an hour for lunch by the lone Attendant as at present?
  25. Sorry folk - I though I had gone to the following year in the past (01/01/24 is better than nothing & it is my favourite chart
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