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Everything posted by Bytheriver

  1. BA are Consulting on Living Aboard right now (See their FB page) https://www.broads-authority.gov.uk/planning/planning-policies?fbclid=IwAR2HNByqYTmpzg8a3JCP708P8scvNoTZi_bMI5bnhMZwezk6HyNuzrgxX5U
  2. Surprised so little reaction to the Countryfile Podcast as it really sets the scene for the next stage in the "Evolution" of the Norfolk & Suffolk Broads - The Campaign for National Parks is a strong route to be able to influence how the National Parks Service (or whatever other name it may become as they clearly have the ear of DEFRA who's Officials will produce the papers to carry it forward but being London based they really do need well reasoned feedback.
  3. Spotted in another place and worth listening to (30 minutes long - Broads specific at 20 minutes in) Would be good to hear reactions It was recorded before the election but just published. https://t.co/gFbKtJWJKE CNP website anyone can join https://www.cnp.org.uk/sector/about-us
  4. Thames only tidal to Teddington Wier of course
  5. Most hire craft have a copy of Broadcaster aboard with two fairly good maps & many regular visitors will have maps with them, as said worth offering to new visitors & having to pay an albeit modest price may well bring back on later visits.
  6. A few months ago I reported to Anglian Water a sewage inspection cover issuing sewage onto the road (Which turned out to be due to a pump failure) I mentioned it was running into a nearby street gully that discharges into the nearby river - the call centre operator without hesitation said that was a pollution risk & that they would attend within 4 hours!
  7. Any technical people out there know if as the new trains on the London service have two pantographs unlike the current loco hauled trains they could get by without the bridge span being electrified ? Reedham & Somerleyton have had new electrical equipment fitted during the recent closure (and successfully opened to let the ferry through today)
  8. Its when they check the water depth hopefully to plan future dredging The result of the last survey is around somewhere
  9. As Chairs of Town & Parish Councils have by law no more power or influence than other members I wonder if the invitation would be better widened to Clerks & or a Member? Its a shame if a parish is not represented were neither available.
  10. A few points for those new to the debate - On Planning BA have a fairly new Local Plan (2019 despite what it says at the top of the cover) which lays the ground rules for applications The Lake District have 4,500 powered craft + non powered but with high annual registration fees (just no tides or dredging). Glover as it evolves lays the basis England wide so the more the local MPs know the better but without trying to brainwash. BA are currently awaiting info from Government on the way forward - there was a paper presented to the last BA meeting laying the 27 points out. (Sorry no time to ad links just now)
  11. One went soon after installation - the other on Ferry Rd (Ferry still closed by the way) still in place albeit part spray painted.
  12. This was the first version of the Station sign
  13. ISO 20712-1 — Water safety signs and beach safety flags -- Part 1: Specifications for water safety signs used in workplaces and public areas
  14. There may be more questions than answers but this paper is being presented to next Fridays BA Meeting (just 12 pages) https://www.broads-authority.gov.uk/__data/assets/pdf_file/0012/1837875/Landscape-Review-Response-with-Appendix-Glover-report-Recommendations-31-01-20.pdf
  15. Sthil now do an excellent range of battery kit which are fine for part day jobs and may save the hassle of genny & cables https://www.stihl.co.uk/STIHL-Products/080087/STIHL-Cordless-Power-Systems.aspx Been around for 3-4 years now so well tried & tested - I have used the blower & it runs for over 2 hours without loosing power
  16. The Glover Report also has a suggested re-wording of the Sandford Principal to take in navigation.
  17. Genuine question - how do the Broads compare with the Canal & River Trust This is their 2019-20 chart as it looks like they do not publish till Feb https://canalrivertrust.org.uk/refresh/media/thumbnail/39214-boat-licence-fees-2019-20.pdf Also an interesting media report with some statistics. https://www.citymetric.com/politics/canal-river-trust-local-council-hiding-charity-s-clothing-4353
  18. A elderly vulnerable friend had four different companies covering some of their appliances and TV. When I intercepted one of the renewing calls they demanded £100 to cancel "as per the contract". Then tried ringing back to try to catch the person alone We had to install a blocking phone to stop it.When the direct debits were cancelled the only one who made contact in writing was Domestic & General who simply said sorry to loose you! The alleged TV repairer had never done a successful repair was still being paid though they had purchased a new set, having not realised the so called contract was specific to the original set. In one set of paperwork it even said "This is not an insurance policy and this company is not regulated" Almost £100 a month down the drain! Be warned - if you do decide to have items covered stick to the manufactures offer only Another friend did get a new washing machine from D & G after a fix failed & the engineer had travelled 150 miles to try and was reluctant to make the journey again as it was in the two week period after initial fix requiring the same sub contractor to attend.(and firm words with the "resolutions department")
  19. For the avoidance of doubt and for the information of forum members who are not aware, in all planning authorities, Planning Officers make the decisions on most applications using the Local Plan and National Guidance and Neighbourhood Plans.and any "material planning considerations" raised as part of the consultation They frequently have discussions with applicants and even objectors and often make site visits. Whether an application is going to a Committee or not they produce a report which includes a resume of objections They are present when committee meets to assist in their deliberations. Sometimes committees make site visits, the BA Planning Ctte for example had a site meeting prior to the Broadland Marina (Oulton Broad) decision last year. Hope this helps!
  20. To be fair there was talk of a HA comment in the correspondence for the Pedros Planning Application but no formal submission from them - That said the BA Officers Report said the the location is in Acle Parish when it is actually Upton with Fishley
  21. I had assumed the delay from spring 2019 was for the situation to be discussed - Are there any up in Suffolk yet?
  22. Definitely a County road as the two county councillors on either side helped pay for the electric "Slow down" signs either side of the bridge & it is stated as not being a HA road in correspondence from NCC in the Pedros application. It was unusual for HA to take an interest further than the extent of an island adjacent to the A47 or any other road -
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