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Everything posted by Bytheriver

  1. As far as i can see there are to be none of the new signs on the A47 & the BA paid Norfolk & Suffolk County Councils for the job
  2. At the Campaign for National Parks seminar in London (The Charity to all of the current National Parks Friend/Societies belong) which was attended by several DEFRA officials attended though could say little due to the pending General Election the following was stated A number of DEFRA Officials were present & there a clear impression they are anxious to press ahead as soon as a new minister is appointed though several speakers were of the opinion that many of the 27 key points do not need legislation and referred to the similar process in Wales (which took several years) but where many aspects were implemented through the process by the various park authorities. The clear inference was that at some stage the will be legislation (To set up the National Landscape Service for example) to which can be to add in any other key points that will require a change in the law.
  3. https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/833726/landscapes-review-final-report.pdf From Governments website last Autumn
  4. Well if the Government finds time /has the inclination to do something with a Green Agenda a read of the Glover Report would not come amiss! (I posted the link in this thread a day or two ago) There is a tiny comment re signage well!
  5. From my reading of the Landscape Review this seems to be the revised principle for the Sandford Principle 1. Recover, conserve and enhance natural beauty, biodiversity and natural capital, and cultural heritage. 2. Actively connect all parts of society with these special places to support understanding, enjoyment and the nation’s health and wellbeing. 3. Foster the economic and community vitality of their area in support of the first two purposes. Where there is a conflict between any of the three purposes, and the further navigation purpose assigned to the Broads, then greater weight must be given to the first of these purposes under an updated ‘Sandford Principle’ that applies to all our national landscapes and not just to National Parks as it does currently. These strengthened purposes will help underpin consequently stronger Management Plans, which in turn, as we set out in earlier chapters, must be given stronger weight in law. They must be the basis for ambitious targeted actions, with delivery to be driven forward by a new National Landscapes Service (see below).
  6. For those who have not read it the Government "Landscape Review" published back in the autumn is here https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/833726/landscapes-review-final-report.pdf
  7. Oops - wrong webcam (Brundall is fine)
  8. Preset one is showing quite a lot of shed wall (excellent paint job) but Preset 2 is now out of focus woodwork!!
  9. Is this one and the same Mike Barnes (page 12) appointed to BA this year (Details of who are still not on the BA website) Incidentally what was the date of the RSPB report Read recently that RSPB has more members than Tory, Labour & Lib Dems combined ( 1.2m against around 781,000) Its quite hard to find an up to date number for RSPB
  10. Of course we need to remember the CEOs of the NPs including of course BA meet together on a regular basis and of course participated in the Landscape Review (Glover) and as the new Government formulate their parliamentary timetable which could well include the proposed NP/AONB formula now is the time for them to wave their flags & singing from the same hymn sheet could well sway MPs especially with many of all parties being new to Parliament now is the time to make sure they are well informed of what the population think (Lessons could well have been learned from the recent election)
  11. From the Planning Portal Planning permission. You may need to apply for advertisement consent to display an advertisement bigger than 0.3 square metres (or any size if illuminated) on the front of, or outside, your property (be it a house or business premises). Is it an Advert??
  12. Maybe the fitter had forgotten the torque wrench and underestimated the effect of environmental conditions in Acle
  13. Maybe BA have high expectations of the Government "Landscape Review" (formally known as the Glover Report) Watch the new governments legislation programme and make sure the MPs especially the new ones are up to speed (Party members please note) One interesting quote the other day was that the RSPB have more paid up members than all the political parties combined?
  14. it was from a reliable source though without permission I am not in a position to name them.That said when I asked the question having seen the number being queried in here I was given an instant response & they are aware I was going to put the result in here.
  15. Been asking around and from a recent survey 67% of hire boats (& rising) are fitted with shore power facilities.
  16. My favourite scam call on my landline was from someone claiming to be O2 offering me a better mobile package but they gave the game away by asking for my mobile number ! I hit the block button pronto.
  17. WRC is an entire complex not just a Boatyard wonder where the idea of moving the new WRC fleet came from?
  18. There is a Planning Appeal in currently on Windboats site, an application having been refused by BA
  19. There is a Planning Appeal in currently on Windboats site, an application having been refused by BA
  20. I certainly got stuck on the wrong side in a hire boat in the 1970s & the yard came with a load of weights plus about 6 people who had been watching & only just scraped through though the pilot had only taken us up the day before. I don't remember which craft or if it was high rainfall overnight or what was the cause - there were about 3 others being helped back.
  21. I have read the argument that more dredging of the Bure could let more water out on the ebb but that would allow more salt water up on the flood thus devastating fish stocks?
  22. There are some copies on FB Marketplace
  23. I am told that http://www.citybookshopnorwich.co.uk/ has a wide selection of "Broads" books
  24. The Charity Commission website is only showing five trustees currently rather than 9 listed in the 2018 accounts (there were a number of changes that year too)
  25. Here is today's EDP info https://www.edp24.co.uk/business/what-now-for-whitlingham-country-park-1-6325279
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