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Everything posted by NorfolkNog

  1. An X2 runs through Loddon Lori. Yes, they are pretty regular. Nearest train station would be Beccles. We don't drive, so it can be a problem. http://www.firstgroup.com/ukbus/suffolk ... edirect=no
  2. Couldn't agree more Geoff. Well said. And yes, Richardsons would have been a totally different story, So sad to hear.
  3. Hi Very sorry to hear about your experiences. This all sounds terrible, but I can in all honesty say that after 37years experience of hiring on the Broads it is certainly not typical and you have been incredibly unlucky. I don’t suppose you can reveal the identity of the yard? PS - with a bit of detective work, Ive seen the yard. Hindsight is a wonderful thing of course but if you had gone to Swancraft you would have had a very different experience. So sorry though.
  4. Another of Swan Renown at Beccles
  5. Got to agree with you there Dan, in fact my favourite boat is the older version, Swan Royale. Alan, most boatyards seem happy for you to look around, as long as it doesn't hinder the changeovers! Richardsons were particularly helpful in this regard, a memeber of staff told me I was welcome to look around as much as I liked and feel free to ask if I had any questions. Excellent service I thought.
  6. Some pics of Swan Renown, Swancraft's latest baby. Its based on the new shorter version of the Alphacraft sliding cockpit hull. Beautiful craft.
  7. Good luck Gary, fingers crossed! Oh, and please keep us posted!
  8. Bit off topic but we passed the Thorpe boat last month. According to Craig’s database it looks to be ‘Sureline’ Looks to be one of Clive’s?? Nice pair of air horns, if they had been around our way they would have been nicked by now…… Sad to see a boat like this though
  9. Been there, got the T shirt Barry!
  10. Hi John We rang the Gt Yarmouth control (01493 335520) who then gave us another number to contact Breydon Bridge. We wanted to check the conditions over Breydon as it was a tad breezy! Unfortunatly Mrs N cant remember which number is which but one of them should be the bridge number.
  11. Hi The river control number is 01603 756056. Also Mrs Nog rang the Breydon control last december - she has 2 numbers recorded, think it could be the second one, perhaps someone could confirm? 01493 700006 01493 651275
  12. Sounds like a job for the BA Carol. I’d hate to think of a thing like that getting tangled round the prop! Good job you were on watch!
  13. Great holiday tale Trev Also very glad to hear that you’ve been supporting the local hostelries! If more people did that they wouldn’t be closing at such a rate!
  14. I think I've worked it out now, do they need to be 499 x 192????
  15. This is just a test but I wonder is this the type of format that is required??
  16. Hi Strowager No probs, I could supply a bigger version (I shrank them quite a bit) but I think what you are getting at is the format – they suit more of a 4:3 format rather than ‘wide screen’ if that makes sense???!!! I’ll have a browse for some which might suit a wider format!!
  17. NorfolkNog


    Sounds a very good move Arnold!!
  18. She doesn't look to have gone down too far, so maybe a pump out would be possible?
  19. Thanks Jonzo, that must have been before I went in the pub!! Couple of flappy things from May.
  20. I don't think it snows on the Broads too often, so would these be any good? Not up to Strowies fine effort though!!
  21. NorfolkNog


    very tempting indeed John but sadly I'll be stuck up here in darkest Yorks until December!!! Unless the lottery comes up of course
  22. NorfolkNog


    What a splendid idea John! Fine beer on your door step too!!!
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