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Everything posted by marshman

  1. For what its worth ECIPA, thats pretty fanciful As has already been said, I care not a lot about the money but far far more for my Broads which I have loved, and still do, for so long. If paying a toll keeps it broadly as it is, then so be it. Indeed after its all over, I shall be pleased to stand up and say that I contributed - what you do I really don't care but to be quite frank I just wish you and your like, would just shut up and go out gardening!!! If that gets me a warning do I care? No not a jot!!!!
  2. I think a new one would cost less than that, leaving out labour, but can you leave out labour? After all if they were not building a boat, they would be doing something else! I think this post has gone a little awry - as I pointed out,clearly its not that easy to make money or the Broads would be awash with new start ups, not vice versa.
  3. I think some think that rather than God, its regarded as the other end of the spectrum!!!!!!!
  4. If you could really make that kind of profit from boatyards that easily, I cannot see why any yards should close down at all, and indeed I would expect to see a queue of people taking over those yards so they could live in luxury!! My guess, for what its worth, is that figure is far from the truth - but I could be wrong!
  5. Not convinced about the animals one - if you check I believe the Hong Kong dog story did not prove to be correct in the end. We shall see about the tigers in due course I guess - although don't ask me to insert the thermometer please!
  6. James Knight posting in a personal capacity and not without a prior agenda? Yeah right!!!!!!
  7. I have just had a horrid thought!! Perhaps if we don't like paying the toll money to the BA, we should consider transferring everything to the control of the EA, like the Thames and the Fens do? Would that make people happier??
  8. I don't want to destroy the Broads or the BA by reducing their income - do that at your peril. Vaughans words should be heeded - in other posts I think he has pointed out how precarious the overall situation is and I would not wish to exacerbate that, as I want the general status quo to continue - I want my rivers and my Broads I love so much to remain unchanged, and in overall terms the cost of the toll is acceptable to me given the total investment I have made.
  9. You boys are stars!!!! See - I told you it was a bit harder!!! Thank you all so very much for your collective effort and I know someone who will be delighted! Seriously though it is the collective knowledge of all of you who nailed this so thank you once again - it has enabled another missing part of the Archive to be properly identified. P.S. Pete - my Black Sailed Trader should be on the boat by now - all the boat stuff is stored in the attic overwinter to protect it. It should be on the boat and it might just get there now as I do have to drive a bit to my walk tomorrow and I might just pass my boat on the way!!!!!
  10. Thanks for everyone's comments - what a real help you all are!!!! Not sure I am much closer to a definitive answer ( I know I will not get one of those! ) but there are a few clues from some which, either get me closer, or perhaps further away!!! My own Black Sailed Trader is in my attic with the boat books - need to pop up and check something and then I will be back!!
  11. That wouldn't surprise me particularly as she was known to work the Norwich River.
  12. Vaughan - just something to mull over!! Some 5 years ago my brother in law died and he had a huge collection of railway and transport photos ( including many transparencies) of lines and especially branch lines pre Dr Beeching. He knew many of the specialist train book writers and he was always sending stuff off to them for publication in many of their books. How many he had I never knew but he had boxes and boxes of them - but access to the right box was only in his head! When he died, even though it was not long ago, there was only one place who offered to take them and they promised to sort them out and digitalized what was a truly historic record - as far as I am aware it was never done and I bet they now do not even know what they have got! You must do yours - its part of the Broads and cannot be lost! I keep telling Mr Waller to do the same especially as I know he has some precious glass slides including many of wherries which like my brother in laws will eventually be lost unless they are preserved. Its always one of those jobs you are always going to get round to - but never do!! The Norfolk Wherry Trust has a huge digitalized Archive available for use - why not have a look at what can be achieved
  13. Ok then for the really old Broadsmen out there, where are these photos taken? I actually don't know exactky so any help identifying the place would be really helpful to an archivist! Date unknown but probably after 1922 as that was when the name changes to Gleaner. The wherry was launched as the Orion but the name changed to Gleaner around that time. I have an idea of where it is, but any idea you real old fogies?????????
  14. Yep you are right but I am sure quite a some years ago I checked and it was then - but I may be wrong! Perhaps there was some benefit in closing it down - never underestimate the Cators!!!
  15. I believe it is run by a charity but as you say it is the Cators behind it all https://www.salhousebroad.org.uk/ Like many charities, the primary cost to be covered will be that of the Ranger - and thats no mean feat!
  16. Vaughan - just an aside! Are all your photo records digitalized????
  17. Vaughan - on the huh!!! Yes thats about the size of it and yes, I did a quick H & S assessment - but don't tell my kids where I was!!!!!
  18. For what its worth, I think I am just as likely to hospitalise myself in the garden, as I am out driving around the roads!! I have been up a ladder this afternoon cleaning and re positioning a nest box - and you lot think I am at risk on a road?
  19. As some have spotted, it would be very easy to sort the store so social distancing could be maintained - now people have to drive to Stalham or Yarmouth? Who will be the first to be stopped for "non essential " travel? I actually think it is encouraging to see the debate being opened by some senior lawyers and especially senior policemen about the over enthusiastic enforcement of this issue in these emergency powers - some examples of police interpretation of these powers has already seen to be little more than petty. The object of the legislation is to help limit the spread of the virus and I cannot argue with that but how on earth does my getting in a car, and driving up the Norwich bypass spread the virus - I live alone, have hardly been out and probably not within 12' of anyone for over 7 days, so if I stay in the car, and don't get out, where is the risk to others? Similarly I actually believe the Broads Beat officers were being equally over zealous by suggesting people could not work alone on their boats - if I get in my car, drive 5 miles to the boat to clean it, who on earth am I impacting? No one else comes to my house, in my car or in my boat - I am old but try as I might, I cannot really see the issue! No doubt, someone will put me right!
  20. Yes indeed I agree with some that what are children want may be entirely different to what the future generation want and although I am one myself , I do sometimes think the elderly quite often lose touch with reality when they decide that what they want and what they think, is the right way forward. The "olds" cannot often see that they might be wrong - and that includes me! A very classic example of that was when the Brexit referendum result was announced, I had one of my children in floods of tears , quite simply because they were upset that the oldies had decided the way forward! They of course had a point - its already noticeable that calls are going out for volunteers to help with the harvesting of the soft fruit crop this year!
  21. Griff - you have been in isolation too long already!!! Not everything on social media is right.....!!!
  22. For the sake of accuracy, doesn't millet look like potatoes, rather than sugar beet? Think we might have opened a can of worms here (for the seagulls?)
  23. Spread worms on the "field" and open the windows????
  24. Does "Amen" mean you are actually finished???
  25. Perhaps what we also do not need is the constant nitpicking and negativity towards the BA either!! If Chris goes, which I hope he doesn't, that will be 2 significant posters who have gone as a result! The trouble is that those who do it just have no idea of the damage they do - either that or they don't care either! If they did perhaps they would just stop it!! I shall soon be feeling very lonely!!!!!
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