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Everything posted by marshman

  1. Its not quite true that all the moulds went back to Brooms - I think that in the end Aquafibre went into receivership and some moulds were left up on the premises at Rackheath. In the end I believe that what was finally left up there in the hands of the Administrators was just smashed up.
  2. I know nothing of real interest but the more you look at it, the less it actually looks like a Broom, in or out. Looks more to me like a specific one off, probably by a professional builder to an individuals spec. The design of the windows and their positioning too, just look a little odd and the inside is just too dark with lots of poncy bits included which do not look Broom like - the little spice rack fiddle rails all over do not appeal to me at all. If Brooms did do it, perhaps they "forgot" their builders plate on purpose! Still, as they say, it takes all sorts I suppose - at least it will always get people going, "Whats that??"
  3. Dressing screws, wherever, still comes naturally to me! Sadly or anally!!! (Thanks Griff - as they say takes one to....!!! )
  4. In my youth I used to muck around down Bells Boats in Brundall and I used to have to dress the screws BEFORE I glued the dowels in (with the grain running in line of course! ) and to top it all ,then antifoul over the whole damned caboodle - even the fish could not admire my handiwork! I recall that I was not even allowed to do the glueing until they had all been checked!!
  5. Sadly though you will not get a Diamond cheap. I think the cheapest recently has been around £50k and they tend go up to £75k. There is a Diamond at NBS but thats probably been for sale at the end of the season for many years - but it will be in reasonable condition although the hull will need work after being in hire for a long time. They should do that for you - the worst area is around the stern quarters but a surveyor would pick that out and you must use on on an ex hire craft. I think the Pearl has gone - there are fewer of those around or seem to come up less often. And no, my Diamond is not for sale - not this year at least!!!
  6. If it is a one off, you should be aware it will have a more limited appeal in the marketplace - it may also be a slightly unusual construction all of which will affect resale value. But whatever you do, do not think having a proper survey is a waste of money - its for your own peace of mind and quite literally your insurance. That upper steering has River Thames written all over it and you should remember that at that time there were a number of boatbuilders on the Thames who could have put it together.
  7. Windows don't look Broomlike! Notice how they are all in rubber frames - or look like it! That's not like Brooms either. Picture looks like the Thames - boat looks pristine on its maiden cruise - is that a clue??
  8. Not necessarily Vaughan - the mud is coming out of the channel! As it has been since they started dredging Heigham Sound about 8 years ago. They are NOT specifically improving water quality unlike Barton where they put in huge barriers to, initially, keep the fish out of certain areas.
  9. If they had even the vaguest intention of closing down the area above Potter, then I wonder why over most of the last 10 winters, have they done so much dredging up there? I know - its just to lull us all into a false sense of security!!!!
  10. Aha - the church! The one where the tower goes up and down!!!!
  11. I suspect too that it is just legal waffle without the need of the dire warning posted, yet again, by PW! I might be wrong but my belief is that it would take a lot more to actually just abandon waterways than the text written above. For what its worth I am also very much in agreement with MM's view of " be careful what you wish for" as IMHO it could be an awful lot worse!! And neither is it necessarily appropriate that those who pay the most, should have the most say - they could easily be wrong concentrating on their specific issues rather than Broadland as a whole. Which again may be inappropriate!
  12. And surely its time to move on? James has a business to run - personally I would be glad to get away from the hassle and concentrate on doing my job!
  13. I know an ex police driver who always turns his radio off when driving in town and tells his wife to shut up as well!!! To all those who cannot read signs, in the Advanced Driving Test, the examiner had a habit of asking what the road sign was you had just passed! That sharpens your thoughts!
  14. Its well away now!! https://flood-warning-information.service.gov.uk/station/6203
  15. Oh no - thats obviously caused by the lack of dredging!!!!!
  16. Its ok - because of the lack of dredging the water could not yet have got up the Bure!! Or has it?? https://flood-warning-information.service.gov.uk/station/6203
  17. Vaughan - you will be very pleased to know that Paul Bown is still very much around and about - so much so I had a drink with him last Thursday in the Coach and Horses!!!! A load of old, and younger, Wherry gits, having a few jars together! I think Mike would be upset if you called him "Sir" - he has been very much less evident over the last year or so but still gets around Ludham on his mobility scooter!
  18. Thanks Carol for sharing that with the Forum - there are many lovely shots in there and if you all have the time, please look at it and enjoy! The Trust still continues in good heart as I am sure they will confirm, and this year, 2019, is the 70th anniversary of her rescue - I doubt through all those difficult periods in her history, did many Members really believe she would still be around today. However, following a 10 yr period of restoration, she is in good fettle and I hope the Trust can continue this progress for the benefit of our children and indeed, those that follow. The Broadland scenery without a huge black sail drifting past the reedbeds, would be lacking something!! And no, there is no BA funding or assistance these days!!!!!
  19. As if you would ever make spurious suggestions!!!!!
  20. Robin - your first paragraph is probably spot on!! And I don't even like the Lowliners - I suspect I am not the only one!!
  21. Vaughan - nearly as important as Albion, but not quite!!!!!!!
  22. First bone (so to speak! ) of contention which would affect at least half the available people interested, is that I cannot imagine a syndicate without a no dog policy!!
  23. Didn't help with the strong northerly breeze yesterday - flipping perishing at Cromer yesterday for the fireworks!!!
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