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Everything posted by marshman

  1. Actually it confuses things - I do not think the 12th rule applies at Great Yarmouth nor in many places across the Broads. There are just too many other factors around in Broadland, such as flows of fresh water etc etc. Apologies if you disagree!!!
  2. Not sure as though I would place much reliance on a 1795 map, to be honest!! Don't think in those days, cartographers got out much , or indeed had a lot of information to which they could refer, and my suspicion is that that whilst one map might call it something, others might call it something else!! Who checked, for example that the information was correct? Probably no one and I would personally would prefer to see at least 2/3 other sources giving that information, before I took it as gospel.
  3. I think Paul is about spot on - no hassle going down as you can probably easily , going south, pass an hour after slack and then you have the full flood across Breydon. Coming back I always used to be too early and pushing the ebb right up to Acle so now I tend to leave that too! Its only a bit of a shove through Breydon Bridge and down to the turn, but better that than flogging up past the Yacht Station. Whats the matter with stopping off at Cantley? At least you can always get a mooring - well almost always. I reckon its only 2 1/2 hours or even less, from there to Yarmouth and on a spring thats probably plenty - there is this fear of missing the tide so its always a temptation to shove off early but restrain it! And then avoid that bit of inevitability of the Lower Bure!
  4. marshman


    I could have been even more helpful so for others here is the link!! https://hawkandowltrust.org/index.php/web-cam-live/norwich-cathedral-side
  5. marshman


    Moved the page which was last years - you now have to go to the Hawk and Owl website and go in through that and you should not have a problem.
  6. Bit like Aspen petrol - only that is a lot more expensive! ( Well not really as its petrol, not diesel!! ) They do a regular 4 stroke fuel which burns cleaner as does the ready mixed 2 stroke - none of this gunk in your carburettor and it has a shelf life of 6/7 years. You don't get clouds of smoke with the 2 stroke either, nor oily plugs, but it is expensive. Having said that it does seem to be the go to fuel for your chain saw etc with some retailers selling it as if its going out of fashion! (Actually it seems to be in fashion, rather than not!! ) Read all the gubbins here https://aspenfuel.co.uk/
  7. Surely, equally important is the Classic driving them!!!!!
  8. Yep - a few younger old codgers!!!!!
  9. marshman


    Good to see that harbinger of Spring, the cuckoo, is on its way back from West Africa. I guess that fewer and fewer will make it back, but at least Norfolk remains a place you can still hear them! https://www.bto.org/science/migration/tracking-studies/cuckoo-tracking
  10. And this morning I am delighted to report........ they are busy sweeping the bridge by hand!!!!!!
  11. Methinks it is very much more about the fact that Easter is so late this year! That money is never recouped! If you assume that it will be available next year, you might well be disappointed - you need to check the dates for Easter 2020!
  12. Exactly Vaughan! I heard those very same comments from one of the Broads leading hirers only the other day!! Only though, they added in a very topical point re the roadworks on Wroxham Bridge - I just cannot believe that NCC are not forcing those involved to do the work overnight! Is laying bricks noisy???
  13. Crossing Breydon is part of the fun, but just as you should not overplay it, you should not underestimate the potential for it being a more difficult trip than elsewhere - you know what they say, never turn your back on the sea like King Canute and within that lies a grain of truth. Take your time to plan that crossing and it is easy, but cock up the timings and go across in a stiff easterly, or south easterly against a stong tide and you may wish you had planned for some eventualities- just a little forethought might have reduced the anxiety levels, if indeed you recognised that they existed!
  14. If it is against the NWT owned land downriver from Horning, I guess it is deliberate - you can blame those persons who go ashore and light BBQs and/or light fires. They are very concerned, as should everyone, of any fire getting down into the peat and causing a fire very difficult to put out. If people abuse these wild moorings, as some do, this will probably be the response of the owners, I am afraid. Not sure how you can get the message across about not abusing the landscape .
  15. Most of the wooden ones don't have proper foundations so as Vaughan has suggested some work with jacks may sort out the problem - to pile it properly might be the case of the never ending pile driving story in a bog!!!
  16. Perhaps that is merely an indication of the fact that there are so many bogus reviews around!
  17. As you all say, its a bit sad, but it just shows the problems surrounding the running of yards. One of their boats is at NYA for sale - the resultant cash from that would help cash flow I expect.
  18. Its actually probably a Wood Duck, a native of America. Almost certainly an escapee but they are in Iceland I think and it could have strayed - but I doubt it! Looks too tame to be a really wild one! But I may be wrong - other birders might like to confirm!
  19. Exactly Pete - we are in agreement again!! Dangerous precedents being set!!
  20. Case of time and time again in all rural areas, of use it or lose it. Clearly that was not happening and no one should be expected to work for nothing, so its gone. I actually doubt whether its "relied upon by ...regulars"! End of story I am afraid.
  21. Must have talked it up!! Two men, and a small cement mixer today!!
  22. Barton Broad an end bit??? Well I suppose it is - almost!!!
  23. Except when the rivers get iced up!!!!
  24. Horning? No problem if you go via Acle and Ludham. Only a mile or so longer. If you turn off at the beginning of Upper Street the lights have only just got there and in any case, although there may be lights, any delay has only ever been minimal with these.
  25. The trouble with the Bridge is that despite going over several times, without I hasten to add a lot of trouble, I have yet to see anyone working at all. OK the traffic light company are doing a good job ,as best they can, by operating the lights manually and are clearing long backlogs in one hit, but where are the workmen? OK I know really - having p***ed everyone off, they will appear at the last minute and finding that they do not have time to do it, they will have to extend it!! Whats really gone wrong with roadworks is that do not charge the contractors enough to close the road, and as a result there is no incentive to just get on and do it. Something like Wroxham Bridge where there is potential for maximum disruption the cost should be £5/10k per day, not merely a nominal figure.
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