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Everything posted by marshman

  1. Not sure I have read anywhere that Trowse Bridge will open during the day?? As Ricardo says, it will only open at night because of the train scheduling and I suspect that that will still have to be the case. I guess Carrow Bridge and the others will have to open during the day as the City Council would not want to pay overtime would they???
  2. Thanks MM - you put it so much better than I !!! However get ready to repeat it as lots of people still don't grasp what you have said and will continue to blame the BA!!!!
  3. The real prize is of course your data and even more so now because of GDPR. A lot of people go to great lengths to limit the distribution of their data, but then give it away to all and sundry for the sake of "cheap" offers! Its all a matter of choice - I know what I would choose!!
  4. Meant to say also, that there has been some serious serious money spent on that boat!!
  5. I just wonder how many times you could have got an AF38 through Potter in the last 12 months even if you had just sat there the whole time? And got back!! Not many is my guess - indeed I doubt I would ever bother trying!!
  6. Personally I am ambivalent about dogs on board but I think you have to accept that there are a lot of people who just cannot tolerate them. Bit like smokers really - however much you clean a boat after smokers the lingering smell remains all pervading to those who find the smell abhorrent. I think if I ran a fleet of upmarket boats, I think I would keep some "dog free" especially for those who just cannot tolerate them. Cannot see anything wrong with that just as some restaurants will not tolerate them either. If you do not agree with that policy, its up to the individual to make a choice, which will generally be available elsewhere.
  7. Like it or not, we have to face change and if you are going to expand any facility, surely it is best to tack it on to an existing facility, rather than expect planners to give approval to a whole new one! It is a part of the Broad also that most do not really go to - most of the traffic is straight down the middle, well away from this. Despite going to Oulton many many times, I don't think I have ever been up there - I usually weight outside the nice houses in North Bay!!
  8. Is it really likely that an individual would own such a place in the first place? Well he might but it would have to be a wealthy one, like Len!!! And indeed, I cannot see that that would make any difference - its hardly going to alter significantly that corner, except possibly upgrade it!!!
  9. Cannot see anything disastrous there - modest expansion, more public moorings etc etc. Surely its better there than on a brand new, unspoilt site? And the public moorings will not go amiss - just what Oulton Broad needs. Its hardly the most scenic of areas so if you are to grow something, it seems a good idea to do it where there is already development?
  10. As Malanka quite rightly says, trespass is a civil matter and generally there is not a lot the landowner can do, apart from ask you to leave. These large estates in Norfolk love their signage but at the same time deny public access - Ranworth is the same!! Time all National Parks had a right to roam!!!!!
  11. Just to pick up on Alans post of "facts", there are at least two which are wrong! The new patrol boats are very different to the old ones in that the ones sold had no toilet facilities on board ,whereas the newer ones do have them. I see nothing at all wrong with that - you cannot expect mixed crew out on longish patrol to always nip over the hedge. And the Broads Forum has NOT been disbanded but will likely come back in a differing format - the existing format had become stale and it needed refreshing. Indeed it seemed at times that it was becoming an extension of some of the internet Forums with differing factions taking control. We shall have to see what the future brings but it is not an easy thing to do to engage with the general public - if you hold meetings and no one turns up it is relatively difficult to engage! And then we come back to that hoary old chestnut about dredging the Lower Bure to let the water out - noone has any evidence that this would make any difference at all but what is a real concern and plenty of evidence to support it, is that tides are getting higher. So if the Lower Bure is getting bunged up, how is it that salt water surges are getting more and more common and every year the impacts are felt further and further upstream? Don't ask me I am not an oceanographer but the two don't seem to quite match up!!
  12. Now you have opened the can of worms!! Having said that I am not sure if I disagree with a lot you have said - indeed hardly anything and indeed have been posting ad nauseum along such lines for years!! But I just refuse to get drawn into all the old arguments time and time again. Indeed in the past I have oft been accused of being a BA stooge and indeed JP once!!! Lets see how long it is before you feel like a recently departed poster too!!!
  13. I believe the schools were in the Lowestoft area, the point being that even local children do not know the Broads exist!!!
  14. I think too many people take "education" as being too literal. Who said anything about children? Who said anything about watersports? However what is required somewhere is a centre to explain to anyone who may wish to know, about the Broads as a whole. Not about boating necessarily but just explaining to visitors to Norfolk and many residents too, just what else is here apart from nice countryside, beaches and indeed what they came for. You all know that information centres have a more specific function. Its a very sad fact that few children in Norfolk as a whole even know they exist, let alone those outside this particular area and that applies to grown ups too. The BA's role is not just about those who come to the Broads nor is it limited to meeting particular navigation needs but it has a role for everyone else too, and thats much much broader. Acle is by no means the worst place to have such a Centre but the BA has to make the most of its assets or it would blow all its budget on buying the land alone. Lets all wait for more information before we all go off and join the Crusades! Fortunately there are some who can see a wider benefit - lets hope they are not drowned out again and are allowed to express their opinion.
  15. I wonder what that great champion of Broadland Lana Hempsall thinks of this?? Glad to see the anti BA brigade going forth at full throttle!!
  16. If you can get it back to bare wood, another option is Deks Olje No 1. Apply wet on wet for as many as you can then annually light sand and 1 more coat. I am sure someone else will have another favourite!!
  17. And its no use saying Wroxham, or Horning, unless you know of a fairy godmother who will give you the land!!!!
  18. You think thats what the market wants but its the yards who will tell you different!! Its those types of boats where you have to cram 2 people into a Richardsons RC45 that they want and its always those which let the most weeks - if the punters want them then the yards will build them. Remember "character" is in the eye of the beholder, or rather hirer!!
  19. The situation at Ludham Bridge is pretty convoluted and I have a feeling the EA believe they own what was the staithe - that I think is disputed but I have a feeling some land around there is owned by the EA and as a result leased to the BA. But I could be wrong....!!
  20. I guess Aquafax in Wroxham would also have been cheaper for the battery - the guys there also happy to do deals on multiple purchases!!
  21. I believe Grist may well have been a tenant of the Field Base - as recently as 2017 Slippery Bottoms was operating out of the Base as well but they departed in May/June 2017. I have certainly heard plenty of rumours about it being sold but as yet nothing definite - if it has it it has only completed fairly recently. ( But I could be wrong of course! ) It has proved to be a difficult asset to sell primarily because access is so limited. I think they nearly sold it 2/3 years ago but that finally fell through over the access road over which there is even purported to be limit to the number of vehicles using it. It is certainly single track and suitable only for light vehicles. Sorry PW, it definitely would NOT be a suitable site for whats is proposed at Acle Bridge - which incidentally I still welcome along with a few others!!! Of course what it would offer which How Hill does not, is somewhere accessible to the general public most of the time - which How Hill is not.
  22. Nobody charges those members of the public who bring their chairs and sit on the moorings either - disgraceful!!!
  23. The BA do not make the rules as to many of their "admin" costs - its not their idea to have to talk to the Forestry Commision to cut down some riverside trees, its not their idea to have long and meaningful discussions with the EA as to which 25% of said trees they must leave to provide spawning habitat for the fishes, neither is it their idea to have to wait at Hickling to allow the water temperature to drop below 8C before dredging can begin - to name but a few!! And there lots of others sticking their nose in the trough too. I bet the old Port and Haven Commissioners just cut the whole ruddy lot down and dredged when and where they liked!!
  24. The BA do not make the rules as to many of their "admin" costs - its not their idea to have to talk to the Forestry Commision to cut down some riverside trees, its not their idea to have long and meaningful discussions with the EA as to which 25% of said trees they must leave to provide spawning habitat for the fishes, neither is it their idea to have to wait at Hickling to allow the water temperature to drop below 8C before dredging can begin - to name but a few!! And there lots of others sticking their nose in the trough too. I bet the old Port and Haven Commissioners just cut the whole ruddy lot down and dredged when and where they liked!!
  25. But probably a different one to me!! Each to their own as they say!!
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