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Everything posted by Hylander

  1. I have often wondered who keeps carving up the grass...
  2. I can imagine those girls would soon look a tad wrinkly sat in that water for too long. Not for me I can tell you. I liked the idea of the safety aspect for the little ones out of the back of the boat. Can just imagine someone mooring and forgetting the darn thing was on the back , it would be ' cruncheeee time again.'
  3. We just caught the end of an episide of the above programme on Gold this afternoon. It looked very much like it was filmed on the Broads and it looked like Womack. Has anyone any idea of where this episode was filmed?
  4. I recently read on the Alzheimer's forum this and I just had to share it. If only we could find a cure. Never mind going to Mars or wherever , money should be spent here to get this dreadful disease eradicated once and for all. This could affect any of us at any time and it makes you realise how you must make the most of everyday. Give you and yours a big hug. "I hate Alzheimer's because, many years ago, it barged its way into my dear wife's life and began the ruthless, agonisingly slow process of squeezing the life force out of her. I hate Alzheimer's because, not only did it take away the pen with which she could write new memories but, with cold-blooded efficiency, it also began the process of erasing the memories she had already written. I hate Alzheimer's because, even as our two sons and I hugged each other, sobbing at Brenda's bedside after she had passed away, it brazenly stood there, hands held aloft saying "Don't blame me! It wasn't me that killed her - it was the pneumonia or heart problems or loss of swallow-reflex" and yet it was the Alzheimer's as surely as any drug-pusher or illegal gun-supplier is responsible. It may not have pulled the trigger but it certainly provided the weapon. I hate Alzheimer's because, if I had bought a punchbag on which to take out my frustration over the many years of Brenda's decline and even if I had knocked seven bells out of it at regular intervals and even if I had kicked and clawed and battered it again and again and again, today it would still look as unscathed and unbothered as the day I bought it. Alzheimer's would have simply shrugged it off with a cocky "Is that all you've got?" But, you know, Alzheimer's, we are going to get you. Every penny we raise, every test we do, every trial we endure, every hopeful lead we see falter and fail takes us one day nearer to making you a hideous nightmare of the past and you will no longer cast that awful shadow over mankind. I truly believe that with all my heart and we will get you. I promise."
  5. What about Mitchell Marsh - boy he never seems to stand still, bet he is a joy to live with but we could we do with him being on our side. http://www.icc-cricket.com/cricket-world-cup/videos/media/id/3384/match-hero-mitchell-marsh-aus-vs-eng
  6. I watch it on Sky Sports, India v Pakistan at the moment. I am afraid to say that the Aussies deserved to win. India is another fantastic team to watch. What is wrong with our lot, may be three Shredded Wheat in the mornings may be the answer.
  7. If you want to see snow and really cold temperatures visit the Hampton Beach Cam on the Earth Cam site. I dont think it has stopped snowing for about a month now , the road you can see one day and the next it is buried in snow again. We get a smattering and the whole country comes to a standstill. http://www.earthcam.com/usa/newhampshire/hamptonbeach/?cam=hamptonbeach Best viewed in daylight - remember they are behind us in daylight terms. If you go to the cog like icon , you can set the place, the temperature , c or f, music if you want it etc.
  8. I have just been listening to Radio Norfolk and apparently a fishing vessel of the same name has returned to harbour but it is not the same vessel. They have asked the fishing fraternity to keep an eye out also Humber Coast Guard.
  9. Delete mne if you would prefer. No good having two posts about this.
  10. Only 101 oh dear thats not enough... A 'take away' Falcon I thought they were on the banned list now.
  11. Oh dear this is doing my diet no good whatsoever, it sounds fabulous. I like the idea of a tin of ratatouille. Crusty bread would also go down a treat.
  12. Sounds just the ticket for a cold day. one pot meals you cannot beat them. Buy some foil trays in various sizes and then another plus - no washing up.
  13. Hylander


    Thank you for your help. I have actually deleted it all for the time being as was just giving me a load of gobbledeegook.
  14. Hylander


    Found you on there but at the moment it says it cannot connect to the forum - try later.
  15. Hylander


    Right done that, have joined and created a password etc. Did search for this forum but it says cannot find it at the moment and to try later and that it could be connectivity problems. As Sky email is down at the moment may be it is my system.
  16. Hylander


    Will do my best. Well it gives a lot of items one of which is FORUMS but it is asking me to add the forum to it. Am I in the wrong thing because I pressed Forums and it asked me to log in with a password, well I havnt yet joined Tapatalk. I am now downloading Tapatalk from the Windows link.
  17. Hylander


    Yes you should be able to. Just open your internet browser on your phone. Go to the forum (http://www.thenorfolkbroads.net/) and you should be prompted to download the app Taptalk.. More details here: https://tapatalk.com/ I got into Tapatalk but it is a complete and utter mystery to me. Ok you download the app but then it asks what community I am. I think I will not get it if it is going to be complicated. Remember I am not one of the techno people.
  18. Hylander


    I have a Nokia 520 not a super duper , all singing and dancing version, so would I be able to access these smilies please?
  19. Joshly we have our share of what I call Bling Boats , massive great things compared to us anyway and personally if finances were there I would love to have one, trouble is hubby and myself would struggle to get on and off the darn things at our age. What I was referring to was the fact that it is just not a Marina it is a working boat yard and Marina. The moorings along the Cut do look a sketch at the moment but I suppose the fact that it floods in the winter doesnt really help matters.
  20. I was going to add this to my last post but it wont let me edit. It is also a working marina and not a show piece of just bling boats along in a line and grassy areas. A workiong environment as well as a Marina, of which there a lot of Marinas that are in a similar state of work in progress. Rome wasnt built in a day and you do need a lot of finances to make improvements.
  21. Hylander


    Sweetkingfisher where do you get your interesting smileys from please?
  22. i agree Peter it just needs a bit of TLC but I am sure the owners are well aware of the fact.
  23. You need to be careful Dave, your statement that people reside on boats in the Marina is only confirming what we know, but is contested by the Marina owners, they do not have planning permission to have residential moorings and what you are confirming is a serious breach of the planning consent! You really dont like our mooring do you. We who moor there are perfectly happy. I wasnt aware that when you buy a propery you buy the vista as well. If you buy a property next to a field and then they build a housing estate on it, you have to accept it. One persons perception of a piece of junk is not anothers. Oh dear I thought that this had died down as you had apparently won the battle of the river pontoons. Obviously not.
  24. Joshly where we moor out boat (St Olaves) is our second back yard if you want to put it that way. We have been there for 3 years now and love it. Only fault - no pump out facilities but there you go wherever you moor there is always something not quite up your street.
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