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Everything posted by Hylander

  1. I guess the day you called in these were all 'Slimmers Specials'. Their display is really inviting.
  2. Crumbs nearly £3 for the night, we used to plug in sometimes with 70p left on it and it lasted. Shows how times have changed.
  3. Gosh I am glad I started to read this post this morning. Please be careful you lot please. I have gone all shivery thinking about it all.
  4. Hylander


    First thing my hubby always says to me is - what side of the road should I be on, his excuse is he was in Germany for a long time in the forces not withstanding the fact that you steer the boat on the right hand side of the river. We dont need confusing at our age.
  5. Hylander


    Funny that but I recall after being on a hire boat for 2 weeks and not really getting off it much , when I got back and was in the office I could feel movement and I was sitting at my desk. Strange.
  6. I am with you StevoO. I completely forgot as well.
  7. Hylander


    I dont blame you. Just you stay safe both of you.
  8. Hylander


    Enjoy your last day and tomorrow have a safe journey home. Thank you for posting and keeping us entertained at this very boring and dismal time of year. You will have to find out when half term is next year and avoid it like the plague.
  9. Hylander


    Are these the culprits? I didnt think Richardsons hired out so early as February. Obviously do now.
  10. Hylander


    Brilliant. It will be wine oclock here before long. What a fantastic day to cross Breydon, you could not have picked a better day even in the Summer. So pleased for you.
  11. Hylander


    Misty here in Worlingham but not thick fog. About the same as where you are in Oulton. Should lift when the sun comes out, which should be about 8 this morning by the look of the weather map giving a lovely day. Get your gamp ready for tomorrow. (Gamp is a Brolly). Edited because fingers not working this morning..
  12. Hylander


    I think you have brought some much better weather with you which is lovely and we need it. Gosh it was foggy this morning and raw cold. Enjoy Oulton , such a shame we cannot see you on the web cam anymore.
  13. Hylander


    Wow you two do get about. Welcome back on the water. You put us all to shame. Feel now we all ought to be out and about once more. Have a fantastic time, we just love your posts. Take care and enjoy.
  14. I am still trying to get my head around Look East West!!!! Crumbs. Got to be some kind of contortionist.
  15. I know how you feel about not existing. We recently had a break in North Norfolk near to Blakeney, where does the local news comes from - Yorkshire. What the devil has Yorkshire got to do with North Norfolk. It was ITV Calendar. Supposedly from Lincolnshire but the area covered is North of there. Certainly not North Norfolk.
  16. Thank you for the link, very informative. Good to see the residents are now back in their own homes.
  17. I have just read that the bomb went off unexpectedly. Everyone OK.
  18. Has anyone heard anything more regarding the disposal of the bomb at Great Yarmouth. It all seems to have gone quiet. I saw on the Anglian News this morning that the Army has started to dismantle the bomb but nothing more. The remainder that is not part of a controlled explosion may be taken to somewhere inland for the Army to dispose of or taken out to sea.
  19. I do think these days it seems the fashion to take everything silly thing said literally. I too was raised in a military family, my father and his father before him were in the RAF , my hubby is ex Army, Uncles were in the Navy. You got through tough times through humour. When my sister was died a year ago now she died of pancreatic cancer and the only way we got through it was with humour, it was not cruel she too agreed that at the time she was so yellow she could have been one of the Simpsons. As for closing this post, why? because someone disagrees with another, this is what some Dictators would love to happen but we live in a free society where to have an opinion that differs from anyone else is allowed and long may it be so. This forum is richer for it.
  20. So sad to hear that your Aunt Brenda , a wonderful age of 100 , has passed. Condolences. Brenda and her colleague certainly were an asset to many youngsters learning to sail in the past.
  21. Hylander

    Wide Load

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