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Everything posted by Poppy

  1. I find him far too racist for my taste !
  2. http://vi.raptor.ebaydesc.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItemDescV4&item=231249988856&category=43951&pm=1&ds=0&t=1547719174000&ver=0
  3. Whoever said one person couldn't change the world never ate an undercooked bat....
  4. Tidal influence on the Yare extends as far as New Mills in Norwich, and Wroxham (at least ) on the Bure. The thurne can be observed as tidal to Heigham Sound. That's hardly a small area surely ?
  5. I'll just leave this here... https://metro.co.uk/2020/03/25/travelodge-gives-homeless-families-two-hours-notice-leave-despite-put-councils-12455054/?fbclid=IwAR3GVgJods8TniqhXflc6xvfIh8HcCXoMZtojpHJtBYrY9eQ3I1M8PJqeu4
  6. 5.15 am She's snoring like the engine on the Reedham Ferry and I've got back ache, so I get up. 8am Mrs P rolls out of bed. 9.45am Conversation: Her "You could've done the ironing." Me "No. That's your job." Her "There are no blue/pink jobs, just jobs." 10.10am There's an angry wasp in the kitchen. "Poppy! Theres a wasp in the kitchen. Get it !" "That's no longer a blue job. Just a job. You get it". The upshot of this is, we have gone back to blue/pink jobs.
  7. I actually heard some pillock of a presenter on Radio Norfolk this morning say that any car journey other than for essential shopping or a medical reason etc could mean diverting 'essential services. ,breakdown co. etc. " not being available to NHS or other emergency personel in the event of anaccident or breakdown ". Yes, and maybe we should all stop using knives in the kitchen in case we cut ourselves !
  8. Assuming that you have glass cover, have you tried phoning your insurance co ?
  9. Regretting panick buying the 350 toilet rolls as the pile has collapsed behind the toilet door preventing me from getting in there and I'm now desperate for a crap. Unfortunately I live in a flat above Gregg's and have no garden, any suggestions?
  10. It should - but it may not if there are not measures in place to stop employers cheating !
  11. 'Very Brexit Problems' is the FB group I copied this from. I'll leave yo to work out why 'Brexit' and refugees may be linked in some way.
  12. Mine is alwys paid just before she goes back in the water for the same reason !
  13. I recon that's looking across the marshes heading up Womac dyke - just before Hunters.
  14. 'Red' to disappear in 2yrs. Best learn to sail
  15. Before coronavirus I used to cough to disguise a f**t. Now I f**t to disguise a cough
  16. The fields around the lower Bure, the Yare, Waveney etc are largely water meadows, where the water is meant to go in a flood situation. The EA and BESL have largely prevented that with their works over the last 20 years or so. I recall the first tidal surge after the work on the Chett had been completed. Yards in Loddon were covered in up to 3' of water, whilst the water meadows lower down remained dry. When challenged, EA engineers proudly claimed that it was exactly as the computer model expected.
  17. https://chaser.com.au/national/laxatives-sell-out-as-hoarders-try-to-make-use-of-excess-toilet-paper/?fbclid=IwAR3g8rJZKB4txYsoAulT73cEQWj48CJIZXZNJuJrT6l2vq_Ksp7lOHZvGI4
  18. Well, they are about to start building one in Lowestoft https://www.theyworkforyou.com/debates/?id=2020-01-20e.142.0 As is the Ipswich one ! https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-suffolk-47165575
  19. Her indoors has got cupboards full of oxo cubes now. Somehow I don't think she's got the hang of this stockpiling lark ...
  20. Very interesting EDP article. https://www.edp24.co.uk/news/environment/winter-flooding-on-broads-potter-heigham-ludham-bridge-1-6549600?fbclid=IwAR01CIntZ3zxB4h9I5P73PMAO7fGydmTxmMDyAvWsv3jriKmZ3LrvfK9Uog
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