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Everything posted by ranworthbreeze

  1. It is with regret that I heard on the way home that Victoria Wood has died at the early age of 62. Sadly she lost her short battle with cancer. RIP Victoria.
  2. Update at Bath. A egg was damaged and disposed of by one of the falcons. Regards Alan
  3. Hello Jean, Sorry to report that there is an egg missing at the Bath site according to the website, all the eggs are secure at the Norwich Cathedral site. Regards Alan
  4. Hi Jimmy, Here is a link to the Paloma website, they may be able to help you out. http://www.palomawaterheaters.com/support/ Regards Alan
  5. I see that there is some on Ebay for £575 or there is this supplier at £459 https://cooltechleisure.co.uk/shop/dometic-smev-fo311gt-oven-with-grill/ Regards Alan
  6. Not on the Broads, but we have hired via Hoseasons because that was the only way to hire the boats we wanted at that time. Regards Alan
  7. Hi Grendel, It was always the case that the old Transit knew its way, sadly mine also remembered where it blew up the first time. Regards Alan
  8. Hi David, Its not you or any of your platforms. This camera is not working at all, its bad enough that the one at Wroxham is uncontrollable but not being able to view Oulton Broad in any shape or form is a pain. If I were a sponsor of any of these camera's I would be leaping up & down. Come on Norfolk Live, please get your act together. Regards Alan
  9. Hi Jean, Going by the last few years of watching the Norwich Falcons I would say you are about right, by 1 or 2 weeks to go. It gets more interesting when we get sight of the balls of fluff. They grow fairly quickly with both of the parents gathering food for their hungry offspring. Regards Alan
  10. Hi Ray, I have heard this joke before, but it always pleases, crown lost again, too good a joke Regards Alan
  11. Hi Johnb, The mods or the tech team have to authorise or decline membership if the automatic spamware software on the forum is unsure of the IP of the person trying to join the forum. If this is the case then we have to this manually after checking various IP checking sites. Regards Alan
  12. Here is full link:- http://plantationgarden.co.uk/visit-us/where-to-find-us/ Regards Alan
  13. Hello ScrumpyCheddar, Welcome to the NBN Forum from Tan & myself Regards Alan
  14. Hello Lynsey, Iain got there first. It is placed in the full members section, sadly at this time you can not see this section, but it contains the following:- Jokes (beware of Poppy & Ray) Members boats and pictures of hire boats Members out and about chat area Members suggestions Tales from other waterways The dumb blond section Bog (bald old gits section) Syndicate owner forum Health matters Regards Alan
  15. Hi John, The link works for me. Regards Alan
  16. John (Hockham Admiral) usually posts the messages for full membership proposals early in the morning, some members rush to give you a proposal, some may wait to give Grace a chance to wake up (no doubt now in for a world of pain from said forum member) Sadly no poultry bums for you to kiss, mind you the choice to read one of Poppy's jokes or kiss a chicken bum, is a very close call Regards Alan
  17. Hello Lynsey, Don't get too eager, within the next few days a message will be placed in the full members section asking for a proposer and seconder for you to be a full member, assuming no objections are received, you will become a full member in a little over a weeks time, plenty of time to gain more posts and prepare yourself for Poppy's prize winning bad jokes. Regards Alan
  18. Hi Eric, It's a pity about that. I liked the program especially when they were showing some new apprentices around the factory (just like looking around Brooms but on a far bigger scale) the guy showing the apprentices around showed them a process where staff were drilling holes into the hull, one of the new hopefuls asked what happens when I drill a hole in the wrong place rather than what happens if I drill a hole in the wrong place, I guess one to watch there. Well done for now going over the thousand posts. I remember when I authorised your membership wondering should authorise you or not because of you location. It is always good to see a decision made that turns out so well. Regards Alan
  19. Hi John, The way its going with the high cost of electricity compared to the gas price, we may be all back to using gas mantles Regards Alan
  20. If any of you missed the program last night a behind the scenes about Sunseeker, please use the following link. http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b077kgw9 Regards Alan
  21. Some good pictures of Norwich's Plantation Garden, which has been closed for 7 days following the discovery of a sink hole at the neighboring hotel. http://www.edp24.co.uk/features/eight_stunning_photos_of_norwich_s_plantation_garden_1_4496525 Regards Alan
  22. Hello Bill, Welcome to the forum from Tan & myself. Regards Alan
  23. We have loads of ants outdoors under some of our block paving, we have had them for many years, so far we have never seen any in the house, maybe it is just the case of leaving them alone outside that they leave us alone. Regards Alan
  24. Hello ChrisB, Thank you for posting, I agree you would have thought that it would have been more widely reported. The owners of the pub are lucky that it wasn't burnt to the ground. Regards Alan
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