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Everything posted by MauriceMynah

  1. Yes I am aware, but are you telling me that a slightly loose fitting something or other isn't left like that rather than spend extra cash on fitting ventilators. I think not. I am not saying that every draught is intentional but I assume that you are not telling me that every one is unintentional. If I remember correctly, I did advise caution, and I did say "some"
  2. Kingfisher Time, No simile is fully accurate, they are used as general comparisons. I am aware that there are certain differences between roads and television signals.
  3. Oh wonderful. The EDP as ever. "The incident happened near the beach at California Sands holiday park in Scratby on Monday afternoon. One girl was bitten on the leg and the other on the bottom and both were left with visible marks. Invisible marks are so difficult to find..... but seriously this is purporting to be a "dog attack" yet the skin wasn't broken. If it had been, the marks would have been described as "Injuries" The mother-of-one, who is on holiday with her eight-year-old daughter and friends, said the girls were running away from the dog, believed to be a black cockapoo, “screaming for their lives.” Really??? She added: “It circled them like a shark. Oh come off it They kept still but the dog kept going to bite. Sorry, do you mean "kept biting" or "kept going to bite but didn't" “I decided to rugby tackle the dog. errrm, how big did you say this dog was, and just how do you "rugby tackle" a dog anyway There were other little ones there and I was trying to protect the babies.” The holidaymaker said this would not have happened in Cambridge, where dogs have to be kept on leads. Yes, Cambridge is famous for it's long sandy beaches Police confirmed the dog’s owners had called the police to let them know their puppy had bitten two children. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Now don't get me wrong here, the dog was out of control and should not have been. It should have been on a lead, especially if it was indeed a "puppy". Whilst I have some sympathy for the mother, who was quite rightly, trying to assess what was going on and act accordingly, I can't help but feel she's "milking it a bit" I mean!! "Circled then like a shark". BUT MORE TO THE POINT, ..... Just how unpleasant does the EDP want to make the area seem? Stokesby, Beccles and now California Sands. If I were reading all this I'd sell my boat and buy a caravan in down town Harlem.
  4. Careful folks, some of those "draughts" might just be intentional ventilation. Blocking them all up might not be such a good idea.
  5. Japanese cutting tools eh..... Ahhh saw. :)
  6. On one hand I tend to think it's worth it just to view the high quality period dramas without the constant irritation of adverts butting in, on the other I tend to agree that there are some talentless oiks who have, somehow, managed to con the BBC out of a small fortune. The argument "I don't watch those channels so why should I pay for them" doesn't really wash, as I could say I don't drive on all the roads but I still pay my road fund license.
  7. I was soooo tempted to say something but thought better of it... after all... it might not be him.
  8. Jean, I just love the list of athletics winners followed by... "All life should be lived at 4mph" It just seems so... so... so right. :)
  9. Fair point Ricardo. I was talking 4 stroke, the only small 2 strokes I have any experience of is the old Seagull. Very noisy, a bit thirsty but would never let you down. An engine almost designed for abuse. Can you still buy 2 stroke outboards new? Not that buying new was a stipulation.
  10. I have a 2.5 Yamaha. That took a grp dinghy from Wayford bridge to Ranworth Island and still had a drip or two left in the tank. Inflatables have a bit more drag but are lighter but that would be about the range I'd expect.
  11. Naked??? ... Thank heavens for that!!! .... I thought it was a woodworm hole.
  12. Yeah, they're the very devil to land, unless you're an experienced bass player.
  13. Oh yes they do. Address and phone number's are in the local phone box.
  14. Ahh yes dnks, but it'll be a BRITISH Bass after Brexit. :)
  15. With Morse in the cockpit and a Lewis on the bow, I'm sure Griff will approve. Flappy things beware. :)
  16. Now BA has a nice new wooden gear knob, have yo a similar one for the model?
  17. What is the difference between a vice and a cramp (assuming one didn't get the latter because of the former)
  18. The following morning stare in awe and wonder at how you've glued your new laminate to the floorboards. That will be the strongest glued joint you'll ever make.
  19. I got several vices too :) :) :)
  20. I doubt the OP has been frightened off, but has just had his question answered and discussed, and has no further questions on the subject. No, where I feel there is some "frightening off" to be done is with our own dear London Rascal. Robin ! you naughty naughty man. As you know I make my own BioDiesel, and as such I am well aware of what the HMRC can do if you are found to be using fuel that has only had the lower rate of duty applied to it. The powers they have for investigating this if they even suspect you're being just a tiny bit naughty, are awe inspiring, and the penalties if they are found to be correct in their suspicions are more than just Draconian, they are eye watering. Lets say you buy a barrel of red for pennies. It has not had ... lets call it "propulsion duty" levied on it.... You have passed your driving test and have bought a diesel car, which you are running on this red. Your car will be confiscated, as will any other vehicle/vessel you own/part own that runs on heavy oil (diesel to you) These will be destroyed, plus you will have fines to pay. Big fines..... Bloody big fines. But remember, you DID save yourself a couple of hundred quid. :) Edited to add... I wonder if this is why Hirer yards don't like having their customers putting someone else's fuel in their boats. ... just a thought. :)
  21. Good point Jonzo, but with my eyesight, I need a larger screen than the phones seem to have. I was struggling to read the forum on this 10" laptop/tablet thingy
  22. That £17 per month included a new phone?, maybe I should go into Tesco's! What or rather who's service are you with? Tesco's own or EE or what?
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