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Everything posted by MauriceMynah

  1. I had guessed that it would be something of the sort, My question was more along the lines of... Danger of fire, Danger of Co poisoning, Danger of damage to the boat. I see all three as possibilities, and wondered which was in the hirefleets minds. Thanks Vaughan for clarifying the matter.
  2. I'd have to ask the gardener if I may.
  3. Mallets and club hammers are very useful in the height of the summer when the rain has hardened off the tarmac. Also those granite chippings are really difficult to get through if you are just using your foot to drive it in.
  4. This type of incident has been discussed (at considerable length) elsewhere. I found myself in agreement with one of Ricardo's early posts when basically he said... and I paraphrase here... "If the activity was illegal, it should have been reported at the time to the relevant authorities irrespective of whether the perpetrators were 'pikies' ." The thread thereafter took an unpleasant turn, which I very much hope this one does NOT. As I say, the crux of the matter is whether the incident had illegal aspects to it and what was done about that. Perhaps it is worth remembering the old quote... " For evil to exist it just needs good people to do nothing " or some such.
  5. I was of the view that portable gas appliances were not allowed on hire craft. I hope the boat-yard concerned has this picture brought to their attention. How they react to it is of course up to them, whether they 'go in hard' or adopt the 'softly softly' approach is a matter for their people to decide, not this forum. ( I hate 'Trial by forum' ). Would someone please enlighten me as to WHY portable gas appliances are banned by hire yards.
  6. If you want a double-entendre come over here and I'll give you one. (Stephen Fry)
  7. QV to Sea, Nah, that's a shopping channel. Ask Gracie for help Dilligaf.
  8. In all fairness, that was ignorance not malice I'm sure. It just needs someone to tell them, I just hope the person who eventually would have done, did it nicely.
  9. Pretty much agree Peter. I don't "Match fish" but I do understand those who do, requiring a keep net. I also understand Youngsters having the delight of releasing the "days catch". I don't use one myself but am generally ambivalent to those who do. Each to their own I suppose.
  10. Sorry all but not being too computer savvy, can someone explain to me again what is meant by "Flaming". Meanwhile back on topic, Timbo, RT is looking really good, do you have a planned data for getting her bottom wet?
  11. I rather think it depends on the lake and the rules applied at that lake. I fishes one once where the poor fish had been caught so often their mouths were in a terrible state. The fishing was such that even a novice would be almost guaranteed to catch and to be honest I did not enjoy the experience one iota. On another lake, I blanked on all but one occasion and though the fish wasn't massive (about 15 lbs) it was a common in prime condition. I did enjoy each of those visits. Generally speaking I enjoy all aspects of the sport though I am starting to have moral qualms about coarse angling. Nowadays I prefer Sea or Trout fishing. Fishing for the pot!
  12. I have no idea WHAT you are all talking about !
  13. I think you will find that the expression dates back to when the Guardian was a Board-sheet newspaper.
  14. Out of respect for dear Mr Q, I refrain from further comment.... but I do have my thoughts
  15. Yes Vanessan, your point... "But if something is put in place that can save lives, that can only be good" is one held by many many people. The problem is that there will always be things that can be put in place. Educate people by all means, but if you legislate to remove/neutralise boating's biggest killer, then something else will take it's place. Logically you would have to end up banning boating and all other leisure activities involving water. Water is dangerous. I realise that I'm exaggerating the issue, but it's the only way I see of getting my point across. I can agree that hire craft should be equipped with these devices, but at the same time there should be full detailed instructions as to what to do should one go off. Evacuate and ventilate is not enough. As I was typing this, BB has posted with much the same question. Yes have the alarms, but will someone please tell me what to do about them?????.
  16. Now, before all the sailies close ranks and rally together (And please remember, I DO know what that's like) lets look at the evidence both circumstantial and actual. There was a major sailie race that day involving 90+ yachts. The height of the marks are consistent with a sailing boat and the direction of them is consistant with a slow moving boat or boats. Being a race there may be excuse for making contact with the owner at a later time, which still could happen. and finally, Merlin65uk has not said this was done by a saily, though I would say it was most likely.
  17. It's just one of those things Vaughan, I fitted gas in a friends boat back in the 70's then changed the installation in my first boat, again back in the 70's. In the 80's I bought a GRP hull and superstructure (complete with floors and main bulkhead) I fitted that out installing the gas. When I refitted St Christopher (mid 90s ) I did the gas installation, and when I replaced the cooker in Nyx, again I did it myself. On all those occasions it was with Butane, I've never used Propane before. I shall have to try to find the book of words for Nyx's current cooker to confirm whether it's ok for Propane but from what you've said Vaughan, it sounds like it should be. One thing I have picked up within this thread is that it's a wise precaution to renew the gas regulators from time to time. I shall in future do that. How often though? Five years or ten?
  18. I did realise that I would need to change the regulators on Nyx to do this change over, and no, I wasn't planning on trying to "Get around that". I had two concerns. Firstly would my cooker need any adapting / replacing and second, Value for money for the gas itself.
  19. I shall get around to it asap. You don't happen to have a contact number for Beccles YC do you?
  20. Whoops, That's a point, Mine isn't tolled either !
  21. As William Franklyn used to say... "Tempting isn't it."
  22. Compulsory Co alarms, Compulsory smoke alarms, compulsory wearing of life jackets, compulsory boat handling lessons for hirers, compulsory swimming lessons... etc. etc. etc. Not one of the above is a 'bad idea' the only question is how far do you want to go in making things "compulsory". I will do a risk assessment of my boating habits and will, sometimes, act accordingly. There is a limit to the amount of cotton-wool I want to have forced upon me, and it's already been exceeded. I have no objection to having a co alarm on my boat, I already have one, but I'm damned if I want to be ordered to have one by some pen-pushing bureaucratic doughnut who's total knowledge of boating was obtained by playing in the bath as a kid.
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