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Everything posted by MauriceMynah

  1. Just what level of constipation are you expecting Gren?
  2. And it still didn't bloody work in Horning
  3. I look forwards to meeting you Eric.
  4. Up for grabs FOC is a 600w inverter. To the best of my knowledge it works. Don't ask me any questions, I won't know the answer! Anybody want it?
  5. This weekend is next weekend. The broadland AA will be meeting there the following weekend not next weekend (this weekend)
  6. One final thought from me... When you decide to have your first outing, post the 'when & where' here and you never know who might show up to give you a hand.
  7. I really hope I'm not treading on toes here but for the total novice I would be recommending float fishing, mid depth with maggot. My justification for this is that it is in that area where the small (10cm) roach, rudd and skimmer bream live. These young fish have yet to become over cautious and should be just that bit easier to catch. It is important that the youngsters feel the sensation of a fish on the end of the line preferably within the first 15 mins of trying the sport. If they blank (catch nothing) on the first day, there's unlikely to be a second. Also I'd suggest somewhere like Thurne Dyke for the first attempt. It's a busy bit of water where the fish don't get spooked by the slightest movement. Ok, I'm a bit bais on that one, It was Thurne Dyke where I first tried fishing back in 1965, and I caught several roach on my first attempt. All about 4 to 5 inches. I was 11.
  8. Grendel's answer was better, I didn't know that one, very usefull
  9. To what? In fairness, that might be relevent!
  10. Yes, that makes sense, but when you look at the list of posts, on the right you will see the number of posts and a little speech bubble. to the left of that, a picture of a clock and the time the last post was posted. Click in that clock and it will go to the latest post. Well, it does for me
  11. Yeah, Twig eh! It's usually logs that block loo bits.
  12. I would agree that a size 20 is a good choice, but not for the young novice who's hook tying abilities are yet to develop. I'd go for the 16 on 1.5kg or even 1kg breaking strain line. (3lbs or 2lbs in my day!!). Don't go too light, there will be a lot of 'tree catching' in thew early days. My suspicion is that although the lad may well take to the sport, the young lady is less so. (sorry Gracie ) given that scenario, buy the whip for one and a float rod for the other, that way, when the lass gives up, the lad has two different rods available to him for later trips. A plastic tool box doubles up as a good tackle box and is usefull anyuway if both kids pack it in.
  13. Right, we need a bit of info here. How old are the kids? and am I correct in thinking they're two lads? When will you be on the broads? and will you be North or South? Bit of advice 1. Be careful not to buy "toy fishing tackle". the real stuff needn't cost a bomb but if it turns out it's not the sport for them, you can always re-sell proper gear on e-bay. To avoid complication, I'd be inclined to set them both up with float gear. it's the most simple method. Bit of advice 2. Take them to a fishing tackle shop, tell the vendor your budget and what you want to acheive. It is vital that they catch something fairly quickly. then, like the fish, they'll be hooked. I'm sure some more info will be soon forthcoming, probably some assistance too. Good luck. Edited to add, See if you can find a book called "Mr Crabtree goes fishing" or "Fishing with Mr Crabtree in all waters" both easily read books that gives a ton of good advice.
  14. Hmmm, a donation pot in the heads eh? Grendel, my mind is boggling
  15. QUICK... get the smelling salts for Gracie.
  16. Ok, I freely admnit it MM, I rarely agree with you, but your post above is right on the nail. Yes, I'm sure that the levels of respect for other people is lower than before, yet Smellyloo is quite correct to remind us all of the terrible shows we all laughed at before, not to mention Bernard Manning!!!!! Various things have lead to these culture cxhanges. An apology can be read as an admission of liability so leaving ourselves open to litigation. An offer of assistance is also fraught with similar dangers. But, all in all, I'd rather be helping the person I'd just apologised to, moor his boat than be safe anyday!
  17. I'm sure the Tech Gurus will give them back to us in the fullness of time, though... Beware of geeks baring gifts
  18. Thanks for that clarification Fred, I tend to agree with you, but as has been said there is arrogance and ill manners on both sides of that fence, the only thing in the hireboat arguments favour is that for the mostpart, the sailies are more experienced. (please note... I did say "for the mostpart" ) I hold regattas and angling matches in much the same light. If I know about and remember them, I do what I can to avoid cruising through them. I don't consider this an infringement on my right to navigate nor do I feel my human rights have been violated, it's just a bit of mutual back scratching.
  19. Are you sure thast wasn't "Peace in the toilets"?
  20. Well come off it Vaughan, The Bible's hardly likely to say "By their avatar ye shall know them" after all swapping servers back then was a real nightmare. Let he who is without DOS cast the first stone.
  21. Hmmph. Mine's b******d off now!
  22. Well it wouldn't be 'Miserystones' now would it!!
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