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Everything posted by MauriceMynah

  1. My parents hired Broadlander a while ago and loved it. That was in 1966 so it is just possible it was a different boat.
  2. Wouldn't that depend on whether or not VAT had already been paid and not claimed back? you DO pay VAT on 2nd hand vans in many cases for example. Frequently an auction house will charge 15% commission and I've known it to be as high as 25%. I agree that 20% is a tad high, but not outragous.
  3. and you think it's dignified for me hiding behind a sofa?
  4. AS you said Barry, If it aint broke.....
  5. " Oh yeah hey man, I'm just sittin 'ere catching the soles".... Nah, sorry Viking, It just doesn't have the same ring to it.
  6. Unless you are training him as a gun dog or something, I'd be inclined NOT to encourage him into the water. If he discovers he likes swimming, you might find it harder to stop him going in when and where you don't want him to. Jumping off the boat when you're going along, that sort of thing.
  7. He'd need to go sea fishing to do that... very few rays up the Bure
  8. Well be honest, they deter the hell out of us!
  9. Strictly between you and me Mark, I think I prefer the method Griff would probably use to deter herons. but don't tell anyone
  10. Sorry, edited to add that the fountain and the waterfall will only be turned on when we are there to see them. Only the low powered filter pump will be on 24/7
  11. I have to say that as the pond will be running at least 3 pumps, I'm going for good ones. two will be low lpm and one high. One low one for the filter system, another low one for a small fountain and a more powerful one for the main waterfall.
  12. duel... Duel... DUEL...!!! DAMMIT !!!!! I can't believe I did that
  13. and I take it that if it's coughing, that's the smoke alarm.
  14. Sorry dnks34, I've just read the John Pye auction site and in this case you are correct, it seems VAT is payable on the craft as well as the premium!
  15. Keith, I don't want to de-rail this thread ( yet ) but in fairness I feel that what you describe is how you have interpreted the byelaws. I have interpreted them differently. I have interpreted them as being mutually exclusive. Now we could argue all night as to who is right here, but had they been written properly, there would be no confusion. Lets face it there was a long drawn out argument elswhere as to how long a boat could remain at a 24 hour mooring if that boat was disabled, and indeed what constituted 'disabled' purely because the byelaws didn't make the matter clear. This facilitated 'cherry picking' of the byelaws.. If a byelaw is to be written and adopted, it should first be checked that it is not in itself ambiguoius and that it doesn't contridict, or appear to contridict any other byelaw.
  16. The 20% VAT is on the buyers premium, not the sale price, so if the boat sells at £10,000, there will be £2000 premium + £400 VAT. Price to pay £12,400. I go to a lot of auctions and although 20% is a bit high, it's not way out. Given that they will also be charging a sellers premium, usually at the same rate, that £10,000 boat will make the auction house £4,800. It makes one wonder what they do to earn that money.
  17. With those 'duel' alarms (CO/Smoke) Do they tell you which of those problems have triggered them? Hypothetical case... You are making toast on board, the alarm goes off You do notice the slight smell of burned bread, but not the fact the grill burner is flickering with yellow in the flame. I think you can see where I'm going with this With seperate alarms at least you can see which hazard is going to kill you!
  18. ...and that's the problem with byelaws! They're so badly written that nobody knows what is allowed and what is not.
  19. Now there's a novel thought !!!
  20. Well, there didn't seem to be any metal in there, but plenty of agregate (if that's what pebbles in cement is called) and a bloody hartd job this has been too. I purchased a dry cutter and it hardly touched the job, so I used the woodworm approach drilling lots of little holes in a circle then used the cutter. Two holes have taken me the best part of the day to do (less the break to watch the Grand Prix. The 'exit wound' isn't very tidy but it will rarely be seen. Barrels installed, pipework assembled and system is now under test. Thanks again to all for the assistance. Job Jobbed!
  21. Oh you really MUST visit the White Horse Neatishead.
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