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Everything posted by MauriceMynah

  1. There is absolutely nothing wrong with bow thrusters, either in having them or using them. I watched a largish cruiser leaving the moorings at Upton Dyke earlier this year. Space was very tight as the Water Rats were moored up, filling just about all the space. The skipper was obviously pretty experienced as although there was a crew on board ready to fend off, they were not needed. Use of the bow thruster did all he needed. Had he not had this piece of equipment, leaving that mooring would not have been possible without the crew. My second reason for preferring to see boats with them is that the extra manoeurverability they give makes the likelyhood of the boat hitting mine reduced. That's got to be a good thing. Those who say that bow thrusters are unnecessary tend to be those who also say "We all make mistakes, even me" yet still for some unaccountable reason, cannot accept their value.
  2. When something like this happens it is so very difficult not to speculate as to what happened and why. I'm sure the truth of the situation will eventually come out.... which is the only speculation I shall be making 'out loud'.
  3. Going by another thread, if it were to be an accurate model, it would need to look... "Improper impressive"
  4. That's a load of faff just for a selfie!
  5. As I understand it the sweetness of the apple has no relationship to the apples sugar content. (No, I don't understand that either!) Crab-apples have the greatest sugar content, or so I'm told. It does seemto sound like insufficient sugar for the yeast to work on..
  6. Hi Steve, My fridge is an Isotherm, I think. I'm sure it doesn't have any useful flashing lights. Even the light that used to come on when the door opened hasn't worked for some time, though I was quite happy with that as a power saving device! Are there any fridge engineers out there?
  7. I too have a problem with my fridge. Some time ago I managed to blow a fuse and lost the electrics to the starboard side. I replaced the fuse but soon noticed that the fridge didn't work. I tested the power to the fridge, and it's there ok, but the unit is as dead as the proverbial. It does nothing at all. Any ideas? Sorry to hijack your thread Ella but you just reminded me to get off my jacksie and ask for advice!
  8. Oh Mr Q sir, May I draw your attention to the original post, picture 3. That shows how people with no engine have to manage. They find someone else who has an engine, and thumb a lift.!
  9. You mean like those who turn off a perfectly serviceable angine and use the bedsheet for propulsion instead.
  10. What's so magical about 16? Given the discussion on another thread about Micro Scooters. anything with wheels who's primary function is to convey carbon based life forms should be taxed and insured... even bloody prams if you like!!!!!
  11. This thread, like so many others has wandered off a bit, I have to admit I'm thinking of starting another, just to highlight the most important aspect of where this has gone. We want stuff. All broads users want things. Things cost money. Somebody has to pay that money, so ... Whoi should pay for what and when? Boaters want moorings. Fishermen use those moorings to fish from, walkers trundle along them and twitchers stand on them to... twitch I suppose! That's just one example, there are more and certainly better ones. I do not have the answer to this conumdrum, nor I suspect does the BA, the Environment agency, or even Peter Weller (well ok, he just might ) but our not having the answers, does not make the questions go away. Moorings, Waste disposal, speeding boats, weird algea blooms wot I can't spell, tidal surges, and on and on and on. The list is almost endless. So ladies and gentlemen,I put it to you that we should all consider the prospect, the implications and the practicalities of Forty two.
  12. I tend to agree, it was a bit of a pain. My system rebooted itself but hung within the reboot. I left it about 3 hours before I risked turning it off and on again. All was pretty much straight forwards after that. I had almost all friday without the pooter !
  13. Not a criticism Andy but a genuine question. Wouldn't it make more business sense if 'out of season' you opened at weekends but closed Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday? Surely with so many private boats around, weekends are the time your services are most needed.
  14. and if I read Timbo's most excellent explanation correctly.................................It'd be a bloody miracle
  15. Sorry Mr Q sir, I cannot agree with that. If there is enough force to strain a cleat, how much force is being exerted on the mudweight? It cannot possibly hold. The further away the mudweight is from the bow the more effective it might be stopping forward/aft movement (as long as the water level doesn't change) but the less effective it will be to stop port/starboard movement. I accept that in places like Womack Water where the mud is deep, sticky and luscious, a mudweight dropped straight down will have an effect. This is proven by how much of a b*****d it is to get it back up in the morning, perhaps Ranworth is similar, but I can think of no other stern mooring where the mudweight serves any other purpose than bringing sludge on board.
  16. Mudweighting the bow at a stern on mooring has always struck me as a complete waste of time, but I do wonder... am I correct in this ? First lets take a tidal mooring. Should the weight be deployed at the high water or at low water? At high, it will just go slack (thus doing nothing) as the water goes down. If thrown over the bow at low water, it will drag up (but work a bit) until high water, when it will just go slack. throwing it out as far as one can makes only a marginal difference, On non tidal water, think about what you are asking the weight to do. To hold several tons of boat still from a side wind. Yeah, like it's going to do that !!! Please advise !
  17. I strarted having broads holidays in the 1960s, the water is far clearer almost everywhere than it used to be. Less toilet paper too. I'm sure the drop in boating traffic has much to do with the improving clarity.
  18. THe Broads Authority tide table says that at high water on a normal tide (whatever that is) Potter Heigham bridge has 6' 6" clearance! Yeah right !!!!!
  19. Andrew, For as long as "no win no fee" lawers exist, waving £1000's under the noses of anyone who hurts thenselves, Land owners will be reluctant to let the general public have access to their land. For as long as public libility insurance costs an arm and a leg, Land owners will be reluctant to let the general public have access to their land. For as long as there are people out there who know how to "play the law game" Land owners will be reluctant to let the general public have access to their land. These days we have people who will bump into your boat and sail off into the sunset without so much as an acknowledgement, let alone an apology. What level of respect do you think they will proffer to the land on which they moor? Do you imagine they will take their litter home? Who will pay for the damage done? What a delightful thought! and what level of social responsibility are you expecting from the general public? What sort of behaviour can the land owner expect. Until such time as society encourages... no, demands that people act in a socially acceptable way land owners will not welcome the general public onto their land. It's a sorry state of affairs but that's how it is. Blame society as a whole, not the land owners.
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