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Everything posted by MauriceMynah

  1. I don't know, doesn't it rather depend on what the parameters are?. If you compare the broads with say Disney World, I would thjing the broads are emerald green in comparison. but if compared with pitching a tent in the Sahara for a week then maybe less so. Where would YOU go for a green holiday?
  2. Easier to put the top back on when sending a broadland SOS NMW
  3. Thanks all. I was assured that this DID NOT HAPPEN and that mooring fees were only ever collected from boats moored to the bank. As I said, I started to doubt my own memory on this. What year did he stop?
  4. Thank you Labrador, I said that some years ago in another place. I was told I was wrong and that he only ever took money from bank moored boats. I always thought I was right but couldn't be certain. Thanks for reinforcing my memories. Are you refering to Timbo Vaughan?
  5. Ideally the same as the one I have. Now, to describe the 'one I have' is going to be a bit tortureous but here we go. The flush is an electric pump on a push button control using river water. For as long as the button is being pressed the pump sends the water straight into the bowl. There is no mashing and grinding of that which has just been laid, it drops straight through into the tank. If you want to know how full the tank is, just operate the foot peddle and peer down the hole. The afore mentioned foot peddle when pressed, operates what looks like a hemisphere, allowing the objective of your visit to fall gracefully into the awaiting space below. As you release said peddle, the hemisphere turns back providing an almost (but not quite) waterproof seal between yourself and that which lies beneath. As descriptions go,that's about as full as I can think of. If any further information will help anyone, please do ask. The replacement is becoming a little more pressing as the effect of the hairline crack is that all is well for the gentlemen who stand and consider their options, however, should it be a lady, or if it is a gentleman wishing to be seated uses the facility, the hairline crack I think opens up and gives forth a little and slightly unpleasant seepage.
  6. you gave her 16 wonderfull years as she did to you. Chin up and remember the good times.
  7. We know that one cannot be prosecuted for tresspass, you can however be sued for damage caused, and that damage can be pretty minor. So, any damage however small done by the mudweight on the riverbed/broadsbed could be sufficient to see you in trouble. If the bank owner and the riparian owner are one and the same, they would have the authority to pursue the matter with right on their side.Alternatively they could just throw bricks at your boat and play Des O'Connor records at volume near you. Just my theory!
  8. Hmmm, thanks Tim, I think I've lost interest it now. Does anyone else have one they want to get rid of?
  9. Tim What loo bowl are you getting rid of? I might be interested, Mine has a hairline crack in it!
  10. I do understand Mowjo's question to be 'a point of law' and not for practical purposes so perhaps we should 'retract our claws' just a bit We all agree that the only reason to do this would be to save on the mooring charge... but is it? Take the ex ba 24 hour moorings near Thurne mouth. It's "no mooring" there now, but should someone anchor for and aft, it would be a tricky one to argue. Obstruction to navigation? Why wasn't it an obstruction when craft were allowed to tie to the bank? see my point? Oh I do love to stir it up a bit
  11. Yes of course, I forgot the double in the cockpit... ok... thin double. Mine was 5 berth counting that!
  12. I could be wrong here but I believe technically, to mudweight the boat must be more than the length of that boat and it's anchor warp away from land
  13. Oh come on Mowjo. Just wait till they put it on for the first time and say... ... "Oh come on love, you can't wear that old thing"
  14. I agree with Mowjo, 25ft will open up your prospects a bit. I used to own a Sea-Master Cadet which boasted 9'6 beam for it's 25' length. I refitted it inside to a 3 berth but 4 is do-able.
  15. Probably the hirers are cyclists, They seem to have trouble differenciating between red and green
  16. Iain, Hang your head in shame sir, that comment is not worthy of you. I have met Tim and had several beers with him, and just in case anybody is in any doubt, inspite of what Iain said Tim does have a head. Not necessarily a good one, I'll give you that, but he does have one.
  17. Ok, Try this for size. Imagine a sheet of A4, on the first side is a list of the top ten mistakes easily made whilst on the back just one paragraph on each mistake and the reason it's wrong. A second sheet has the top ten 'Don'ts' and again on the back of the sheet the 'why not's' The third sheet could have the more obvious pitfalls, and the forth the top ten tips. If this was formatted carefully, it could be printed out in a manner where the user (or even the hirefleet) could keep it to hand for novices. It could be kept on the forum in a place easily found. The trick is to make it very concise and clear, perhaps even illustrated with cartoons. The overall format might not be as I have just suggested, but the concept is I believe possibly useful. pointing out to novices what mistakes other people make.
  18. Are there no other options as to where your batteries could live? The toilet tank is best as near to the loo as possible. Edited to add that amps will run along a wire better than turds will run along a pipe. Something to do with resistance I believe.
  19. When ever I said that to anybody I'd always put it ... " you don't PARK a boat, you moor on" .. Sometimes I wonder on why I never had my face punched in!
  20. I'm hoping that getting mine repaired will be a less expensive option.
  21. Ok, this post is rather a result of another thread that's drifted on to Bow Thrusters and their value. Link that with the number of times we are asked by novices how to do things and we come to this point. It was mentioned that some people try to steer their boat by using the bow thruster. It wouldn't be unreasonable for a novice to think it a perfectly reasonable thing to do..... until he finds it doesn't work and rams Broad Ambition, making Griff cross! So one contender for the top ten could be "Trying to steer using the bow thruster." I'm trying to avoid things like "Going too fast past moored boats" because although it shouldn't happen that's down to thoughtlesness rather than an error, whilst tossing in the mudweight without tying it to the boat first although an error wouldn't help the novice because it's too obvious. Being moored on a linier mooring and trying to leave it by just steering into the river, not realising that it won't work because the stern keeps pushing the bow back in is more the thing I'm after. We may end up with several lists ranging from the "Doh" moments to the " Well well well, I never knew that" ones. Not only might these lists help newbies to boating, they might also raise a bit of a laugh with old hands remembering the damned fool things they've done.
  22. Sorry Simon, my comments were aimed generally but with an eye to Gracie's fellow. I often hear comments about bowthrusters and how 'unnecessary' they are, yet I see them as another hand on deck. Misused... yes, often, but still handy if things aint working your way !
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