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Everything posted by MauriceMynah

  1. Barry, you've confused me! It sounds like you are suggesting that there is some other way of serving a pink gin. It HAS to be plymouth, and the water MUST be iced. Only members of the lower classes leave the Angostura in!
  2. Well he'd feel a bloody fool standing there looking for it then, wouldn't he!!!!
  3. If the statue is of the man standing, It was his horse that died.
  4. Kadensa, Whilst we may be discussing the same divisive subjects that tore the other place apart, we generally seem to be able to do so here in a rather different way. I don't know why this is but there seems to be more respect here for the other persons point of view, and where necessary more "Well let's agree to disagree". There are many here who are members of both of the forums, some even of the third forum and one or two of all four (that I know of) so how each of the forums manages to come over with such a differing ambiance I surely do not understand, but they do!... and long may that be the case. This particular thread appears to risk becoming a them and us custard pie fight between the hirers and owners, but in fact it isn't, that's not what's being moaned about here. The subject of any anger is the "I'm all right jack" attitude and the "It's not my boat so I don't care". The latter by it's very nature has to be from a hirer, but the former can be from either camp. When an incident takes place on the broads there will always be the forum "kangaroo court". this is (in my opinion) not only inevitable, it is both essential and desirable. As has been admitted here we all make mistakes. Last month, 50 years of boating experience didn't stop me from trying to go under Potter Heigham bridge when there wasn't really enough clearance, Whispering Reeds will be sending me the repair bill in due course! I fouled up, just like the person in the opening post of this thread. The Hirer made a mistake. We will never know if it was owing to an "I know better" attitude or that the skipper just got it wrong. Either way the Forum Court has examined the case and discussed it. I have probably become just a little more sympathetic to the boatyards as direct result of reading their side of things. Others may well have learned other things. The forum has worked, is not divided, and is still friendly. Not one custard pie has been thrown in anger! Good show!
  5. Tricky to do that Dave. Take me for example (or just make an example of me!) I could leave something to "We protect birds.com" but later someone could "discuss" this with my executors and transfer it to the RSPB for whatever reason. This would have me turning in my grave!!! To be honest, I can see the moral question, but no satisfactory answer.
  6. I can do you a bridging loan Ray, I've got bits of Potter Heigham bridge all over my boat from when I last "graunched" it through do you want to borrow any of it? As for that Nigerian fellow, Isn't he friendly, He's going to help me too!
  7. Marshman, I think your "set of assumptions" are probably as near correct as needs be, and I say that as one whose dislike of the RSPB is well documented. You make a good argument and you make it fairly, but there is still a moral issue to be considered here. Lets say she left that plot of land to a relevant and universally loved charity with those conditions attached. Does that charity have the right to disregard those conditions as and when it suits them? and if not, What can that charity reasonably do about it?
  8. With the power turned off at the mains, will holding the on/off switch in for 30 seconds have the same effect?
  9. Hi Tim, PM me with your bank account details and your mothers maiden name and I'll see if I can help too.
  10. Grendel, Is there a comparable routine for desktop tower computers?
  11. I'm very good at joints, spliffing one might say!
  12. Dave, amazing as you might find this, I agree with every word you've said! Staggering eh!
  13. Well, anyone can misjudge a bridge!
  14. Thank you Andy for bringing back a little sanity to the discussion. Who was most likely to be in error, The boat yard, for not giving proper instructions to this particular holiday maker, or, The hirer, perhaps thinking he knew better than the yard.? People these days think that firstly they know better and second that when it's proved that they don't, it's always someone else's fault.
  15. The sun worshiper I saw a lady on a boat, She came from Norwich city I know she was a naturist 'cos I could see her devotion to worshiping the sun. She was not old, she was not young, She surely was no granny She must have been 'bout 35, 'cos I could see her devotion to worshiping the sun. A pretty lass by all accounts, Quite nice, but not a hottie, "A bit of class" is what I'd say, 'cos I could see her devotion to worshiping the sun. So that was it, She'd been and gone, I'd let the moment pass, A lady that I'll not forget, 'cos I could see her devotion to worshiping the sun. Well other people have written poetry, Why shouildn't I?..........Oh.... That's why!
  16. That's certainly the legal standing Lou, but surely there is a moral issue here too, especially given the nature of both the charity and the doners wishes. The RSPB is hardly "cash strapped"
  17. fart from the mooring crowd ?
  18. I agree with the Admiral, get the timing as near right as you can, then as you start to go up the Bure, get under those two bridges and tie up at the yacht station until the flow is favorable to push you up river. PS. I also agree with Wonderwall too
  19. Hi there, I’m sure you will love the French canals as much as you love the broads. There will be differences in very much the same way that there will be similarities . The idea of visiting the various wine growing regions and sampling their delights is as appealing to me as it obviously is to you. I have even wondered about taking Nyx across the salty bit and having an extended stay there. I have little doubt that, as with any boating holiday, there will be a great reluctance to come home. Whilst I have little or no knowledge about these waterways, I have gleened some information from what I consider a reliable source. The canals are run by the french government. The department directly responsible for the navigation of the waterways is the Autorité de Bateau (AB) headed by Docteur Jean Packhomme. A word to the wise here. There is a groundswell of opinion that Docteur Packhomme is in some way linked an organisation (Le Arress Pebea) who are intent on changing the French canal network from "Le Frere de parc nationale" to full "Parc de Nationale" status, for reasons best known to themselves. Whilst this “alliance” is in question, it has to be noticed that there has been no attempt by Docteur Packhomme to distance himself from this controversial organisation. I hope that helps
  20. If someone has a broken arm, are they a damage waver?
  21. The plans BB shows tells of a duel carriageway not a "poxy 2 way carriageway" and when it gets to the east, it joins the southern bypass. What's not to like about it? (unless ones house is actually on the route)
  22. Thanks BB, looks like a good road to me, Especially if it eventually joins the southern bypass to the west of Norwich. I'm not sure I understand the negative comments I've read here!
  23. I live near Stansted Airport (make a note of that Lou, in case you want some sensible parking) I have no idea what these plans are of which you speak so cannot comment on them, I do ask however if the increasing housing in Stalham, Martham etc. has had any impact on the broads good or bad, and if so, what that impact has been? Any chance of enlightening me as to what the plans are?
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