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Everything posted by ExSurveyor

  1. Sorry, only heard the bridge was closed.
  2. Ah but they didn't have elf and safety then The same reason they closed the QE11 bridge today ( but not the tunnels ) when they towed a WW11 bomb down river, the very same one they had managed to dig up and move onto a barge without it going bang.
  3. My old man was a Bootneck, my little sister was called Sprog until the day she died, a fairly common nickname for a sailors child. My eldest sister married a sailor, guess what their first child is call. David
  4. These days, about 30 My granddaughter is 10 and happily hops off with my ropes. I can see it might be a problem if it is a single adult and say two under sevens. This policy needs a rethink.
  5. I get why stabilizers are not on Robins list, when used, Indy will be on the Broads with a few fair weather trips to sea. For his planned use they are a waste of money.
  6. Whitey actually has two bath wastes fitted at the rear for drainage, I have a bath plug for each when refueling to save any spillage going into the bilge
  7. I get the impression he has with the YBW, never seen him get cross before. More tolerant than me.
  8. You assume Robin didn't seek advice from a time served former professional seaman rather than listen to anonymous posters on a forum. I could say I am a commercially proven yacht master but you have no way of checking. Always better to follow advice from someone you know and trust rather than someone on the end of a keyboard. I have no doubt that Robin would not have contemplated this trip or the sea trial without Griff onboard. Just my view.
  9. Robin tends not to ask for advice, but many choose to give it. He is a rational adult with the capacity to do his own research and select a competent crew. Doing a blog or sharing his adventure is not, despite some peoples hopes, an invitation to share their great wisdom and then get upset if it is ignored.
  10. Griffs report would be, It was rough, we put our big coats on and did it.
  11. Socrates, Can I ask an idiot question, Why with all that beautiful wood above the water line do so many woodies get painted.?
  12. Which one is supposed to be kinder to boat engines. My old Perkins 408 has supermarket diesel with sultron and the newer nanni has brooms with sultron.
  13. Perhaps someone taking the attitude of, sod them, they can wait. What these people don't take into account is that if the bridges aren't used they would be out of a job. Sadly an all too common attitude in many types of employment these days, the customer is no longer King, just an inconvenience. They ought to try self employment. Vaughn, I like embuggerance, I shall remember that one
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