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Everything posted by ExSurveyor

  1. Useful information, thanks. Good idea to drain them and put in a locker then rather than leaving hoses hooked around the tap, as seen in many a marina.
  2. When I have a Boat safety due, and with 3 needing them all in different years. I ask the boatyards to check the boat over, fix anything that needs doing and get them through. I would rather spend money than my time, that way when I am onboard I use the boat rather than having to do things I don't understand or even want to understand. Thats my way and it is different from other ways. When I retire I may get more involved, or not.
  3. I have changed to the expanding ones, really pleased with then, just make sure you drain it as it contracts. They take up a lot less space.
  4. And The Beast that got me there, up snowy hill and down icy dale.
  5. The Kent Downs this morning.
  6. That just reminded me to order one, done.
  7. Having done a risk assessment and concluded that solo or single adult hiring was a risk they could not allow, if they then continued to hire and a problem arose, they would be in the deep smelly stuff as they had hired despite a known risk. Damned if they do, damned if they don't. Risk assessments are active from the moment they are identified, not in a years time.
  8. Ah, but Norfolk still has telegrams, who needs text messages.
  9. The OP said, Conversely if we wanted to pay lower tolls we’d need more boats to cover the costs. The North is a more popular destination than the South, therefore a greater proportion of new boats would end up in the North.
  10. And shipped half way around the world, very green. What a shame we don't have numerous fleece manufacturers in the UK.
  11. Perhaps the answer is to encourage more big boats to be based on the under used Southern Broads, nice wide and deep rivers and only go off moorings on high days and holidays. That would create a big income boost and not over stretch the facilities. Perhaps we could have a discount for being based down South I can't see much point in attracting more boats up North as it is already very busy.
  12. Hi Robin, I had a wander round on saturday while I was up, what can I say, Independence is bl##dy huge.
  13. I recently made a fundamental change to my business, as is my right. The difference is I haven't had it discussed all over the interweb. All businesses make changes, the people who are best placed to decide what changes to make are the owners. Customers may not like the changes but there are other hire companies available. Having said all that, the execution of the changes may have been a bit hasty.
  14. Sorry to be a doom goblin but I heard two weather forecasters slip, "we are expecting very cold weather to return before the end of the month" ,on the end of forecasts yesterday.
  15. At a time when hire companies are firmly behind the NP competition because it promotes the Broads and brings them much needed customers, why on earth would you disenfranchise a sizable and growing part of the market. Not only are single parents, (a growing statistic) and solo hirers, a decent percentage of the customer base but these groups are now being very vocal on social media. Madness.
  16. I have always bought new ones. The old ones if still showing pressure are dotted around the house and sheds. I do up end them and give them a swift bang with a rubber mallet.
  17. Unfortunately, even with the best training, the general public will be guaranteed to forget everything we know and not follow best practice. I did smile that Robins first reaction was to hit record.
  18. Timbo, its a tough job, but someone has to do it
  19. How many times have we seen two adults at the front on their phones and two children at the back, unsupervised and without life jackets. Just a thought.
  20. My love affair with the broads began as a 14 year old when the family went on Juliet 3 in 1974 Matron joined us as my 13 year old girlfriend, loved them both ever since. ( we need a vomit emoji )
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