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Everything posted by ExSurveyor

  1. At least you can say you gave it a go. Take care.
  2. Fair point. I am also sure all the paperwork would have been in good order promptly. Time to, in the words of Frozen. "Let it go, let it go". I have watched it twice today with my little granddaughter,
  3. I never said we had a grass on the forum, this adventure has been on Facebook as well.
  4. Ricardo, I agree, shame they are not so hot on chasing ALL un tolled boats as they were in this case. Good job Robin arrived on time or they would have had a long wait.
  5. Great to watch how you and the Team overcome everything that has been thrown at you, from weather to bridges and moorings. Time to rest before you start washing and polishing the Big Lady.
  6. There is always one little snide lurking in the bushes. Well done to all crew and support team.
  7. Keep at it Timbo, you will get there.
  8. Bike rack with a lunch box stand next to it
  9. I have just pleasure craft showing from the options, it should make it easier to spot them.
  10. I don't think it is sinister, as long as it is on the forum. I suspect it is because they are interested in your posts.
  11. Migraine moon more like, another brain fart this morning Last few have coincided with storms. I suppose if it can effect the tides and we are mostly water ..
  12. I hardly think this is harsh moderation. I enjoy most of Ricardo's post but on this and the Independence thread there has been a tendency to , for want of a better word "snipe" at Robins dream. It may not be everyone idea of a dream but it is Robins, he is sharing his adventure, not seeking constant advice. As one of several posters who have challenged his comments and criticism I felt he was needlessly provocative in his posts, the implied suggestion of the rib ripping up the Yare just one example. I would rather Ricardo remains as a contributor, I also enjoy his input and knowledge, when it is asked for. My only advice would be, think what you like, but please let the Indy thread run without constant input.
  13. Maybe to you but not to everyone. And how is it any different than driving a car ? Most cars can go over 70 mph, most people don't.
  14. Ricardo, As far as I am aware, nobody has seriously suggested it will be used for speeding on the Yare, apart from you.
  15. From the latest blog, it can side launch as well as probably off the back. If Independence is sat on the mud at least it won't list during launching
  16. I think you will find that Robin will have thought about these issues or will find a way to overcome any difficulties. Nope, nor can I use my car or Broom as they were intended but I still use them quite happily within the legal constraints. I must be missing your point Ricardo.
  17. I have a 4.6 litre engined car, it can go very fast, I can't drive it above 70 in this country, but by heck I do like driving it even if I stop at 70. My Broom Scorpio could go a lot faster than 5mph, I don't go faster than that, but by heck I do like driving it even if I stop at 5mph. I suspect Robin wouldn't have gone out and purchased a Williams Rib but fairly sure most on here wouldn't say no to a free one.
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