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Everything posted by ExSurveyor

  1. https://gruntboatcleaner.co.uk/ If this is the one, it was on London Rascals post, Big changes ahead.
  2. Blimey, mine was 300 for the complete unit, that is heated, auto dipping, tinted and electric folding. I don't feel so bad now
  3. I had the same problem, except my drivers side door mirror was smashed to bits by a black van man who didn't stop, I have his shiny black door mirror in my possession. A replacement door mirror assembly for a Jeep Commander is eye watering.
  4. Have you been following me Robin Have you thought about a 240v domestic fridge freezer. I took my silly little marine fridge out and replaced it with a full size one, I fitted an adjacent power socket connected to the inverter for when we are cruising. Be aware that some of the energy efficient domestic ones have extra thick doors, these can make it difficult to fit in cabinets. Really enjoying you write ups.
  5. Haha, both parts might be just as appropriate
  6. Robin, might be worth hiring an endoscopic cavity camera from a plant hire company. I have a couple for work and have just ordered a version to plug into an andriod phone. I use them a lot on the boats, very handy for seeing behind panels before dismantling.
  7. I used a tank monitor that sticks foil bands to the side of the tank and has a wired display, can't think of the name at the moment. Very easy to install and works well, no messy maintenance either. Cost about 200 pounds. I think it was Tek tanks, although the may have changed the sensors to individual sensors rather than the foil strip.
  8. Robin, one set for you, one set for the river, or is that just me.
  9. The only bit I understood was cutting the grass.
  10. If I cook it with a milk based sauce and it curdled, would I have a split beaver….. sauce
  11. Tim, I need one of your chopping boards for my boat When are you putting up a sales link.
  12. Talking to my little granddaughter Ellie on the way to diving tonight she was telling me about a poem they read out during a Remembrance assembly today, she could recite the first few lines and said it was a lovely but sad poem, I recited my favourite war poem, The Life That I Have, this is now her other favourite poem. The school caretaker played the Last Post on his bugle, or as she called it, The Last Ghost. Good to know the next generation are being shown the importance of Remembrance. In Flanders Fields By John McCrae In Flanders fields the poppies blow Between the crosses, row on row, That mark our place; and in the sky The larks, still bravely singing, fly Scarce heard amid the guns below. We are the Dead. Short days ago We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow, Loved and were loved, and now we lie, In Flanders fields. Take up our quarrel with the foe: To you from failing hands we throw The torch; be yours to hold it high. If ye break faith with us who die We shall not sleep, though poppies grow In Flanders fields. The Life That I Have The life that I have Is all that I have And the life that I have Is yours The love that I have Of the life that I have Is yours and yours and yours. A sleep I shall have A rest I shall have Yet death will be but a pause For the peace of my years In the long green grass Will be yours and yours and yours. by Leo Marks The second photo is my Dad, a Royal Marine, signed up in 1944 at 14 after claiming to be 16. Some years later he the played The Last Post at the Cenataph and the Royal Naval memorials at Chatham, Portsmouth and Plymouth. A day to remember why we are free and those we should be grateful to. Many men came back having witnessed unimaginable horrors and treatment, they would never be the same again or enjoy the lives that the should have. Too many died on the battlefield, many more died emotionally and spiritually from the effects of war. The suffering didn't end in 1945 and continues today with many of our service men and women. WE SHOULD REMEMBER THEM.
  13. That ship ( too big to call her a boat ) is none to shabby Robin, congratulations, time to follow your dream. I shall lookout when I am on my boat for the moment the light disappears when you cruise past.
  14. I got my old mother in law an electric chair for Christmas, but she won't let me plug it in
  15. Where would they plug the electric chair in.
  16. Any suggestions of a reasonably priced dash camera to fit to my cars please, I would prefer not to hard wire them in.
  17. I loaded tapatalk, made no diffence. Is the app still available?
  18. Bit strange, works on data, 4g, not on wifi. No device via wifi is connecting, the pc is connecting via cable I have reset the router, restored to factory setting, cleared history on mobile devices but still no joy. Any advice please.
  19. I will give it 24 hours before administering another sound thrashing. I will leaf it alone for a while before I bark at it again.
  20. I have turned 0ff everything, cleared cache and beat it all with a branch, that seems to have fixed it, thanks. Sod, it all goes wrong when I am back on wifi, pc is fine . Mobile is saying server not found ?
  21. Having trouble loading on my Android mobile with both Chrome and Firefox, cleared cache on chrone and has not helped. Any suggestions please.
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