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Everything posted by ExSurveyor

  1. With a Mercedes engine and running gear = German/American , that's why they cost so much to repair
  2. Gracies Christmas wine box
  3. I was supposed to be going up to Rugby this morning but the M1 was closed with abandoned vehicles. No help to a big 4x4 jeep Probably 90% BMWs. .
  4. Pleased to hear the Brundall Navy have a new Flag Ship Complete with a new High Lord Admiral of the Fleet. Congratulations on your promotion Robin
  5. Great news on the mooring Robin, can you say where yet. With a 60 foot mooring you will probably have 2 power posts to use Look forward to saluting you as you cruise past.
  6. These are worth fitting. The heaters will only come on when the temperature drops to whatever it is set at. Could save a lot of wasted heat and will operate if the temperature drops during the day. https://rover.ebay.com/rover/0/0/0?mpre=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.co.uk%2Fulk%2Fitm%2F331236391983
  7. Tube heaters and a flat panel heater on separate plug in thermostats. Engine bay set to come on below 2 degrees and the cabins below 5 degrees. Dehumidifier on a timer between 10am and 3pm. and, Plenty of credit on the electric. Worked well for 8 years. For an average winter on a 32 foot boat, about 50 pounds.
  8. Unless you are using Google Maps
  9. On a very low tide I sit on the bottom, on the riverside, average low tide I have about a foot.
  10. Out of interest, how deep is New Cut ?
  11. If you repeat a lie often enough people believe it. When people start to believe a lie is the truth, it becomes easier to manipulate opinion. When resistance is lowered a misrepresentation becomes fact. Then they can pass legislation with less protest. The protesters are seen as a few loonies hankering after the past and stopping progress. Five simple lines, five steps to overrule the majority. This happens every day, some mundane traditions, some important cultural events, they get diminished and disappear.
  12. I am up wednesday evening till Monday for a little birthday break. Hope I get some thermals. I will have to scrape ice off the Scorpios windscreen to go up the pub.
  13. Brundall Gardens Marina may have spaces in the marina..
  14. For some, but not for all. I spend a lot of time onboard, I even have Netflix when on the mooring, easier than carting a load of DVDs around. Also very handy for the weather reports.
  15. I would be more worried about getting a phone signal than the marina power going off
  16. The older I get the more a floating pontoon appeals. Fortunately, with Whitey, if the tide is low I can step onto the roof and go down the rear steps. I prefer a river mooring and there aren't many pontoons on the river.
  17. They do a 22" version https://rover.ebay.com/rover/0/0/0?mpre=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.co.uk%2Fulk%2Fitm%2F232476479797
  18. Seen this write up. Might be useful for some set ups.
  19. Just going down to Yalding to winterise the Calypso, why is it always so cold when we winterise boats . Going up to Norfolkland wednesday for a few days and will probably have the little Scorpio taken out and stored. I usually wait until after our New Year visit but I think we might have a cold one this year. Whitey will have heaters added, the dehumidifier has been in since mid October. Water will be drained but it will be used over winter, it takes 15 minutes to make habitable. I have a few trips up planned before March.
  20. Good luck John, I hope you get settled soon.
  21. Robin, have a look at domestic plinth heaters, used in kitchens. They plumb into the 15mm copper radiator circuit and plug into 240v for the fan. They also blow cold air.
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