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Everything posted by ExSurveyor

  1. That comment wasn't aimed at Robin but at "tradespersons" in the wider world.
  2. Because you would be better with Griff than you would be with me His jokes are better as well.
  3. A recommendation is worth a stack of paid for advertising. I know a little bit about a lot and not a lot about anything.
  4. The biggest danger is someone whose opinion of their own expertise is greater than their actual ability. I have dealt with various "tradesmen" who claim to be experts with years of experience, but are fools on the make, they end up being shown the door. Others who don't shout about how good they are but can diagnose a minor fault for a fraction of the price. Recommendations are priceless.
  5. Robin, I have a cunning plan Can you access a second pontoon shore power supply, then isolate the aircon/ heating to a dedicated supply from the second power post, simples
  6. Happy birthday, sounds like you had fun.
  7. I am not sure how anyone can claim the fine is disproportionate based just on a report in the EDP. The court will have considered all the evidence and the defendant will have had his say in mitigation. Having been subjected to his outrageous speeding I would suggest horse whipping is too lenient He is a danger to other river users and his behaviour is anti social in the extreme.
  8. Time to fit indicators that are not supplied by BMW or Audi as they don't work.
  9. Over Christmas and New Year, pond dwelling, scum sucking low life oxygen thiefs broken into 3 crematoriums in Kent to steal gardening and power tools.. The third crem parked a van in front of the tool store, the pond life smashed a window and rolled the van forward. They even attempted to break in to the actual crematorium. It seems we are being surrounded by the little bar stewards. We had a van broken into last year, the little darling emerged to find two if my guys very upset with his action. Apparently he fell to to floor several times before he limped away. Steel toed boots are issued to all my staff for safety reasons. I didn't ask for details . The muppet even tried to nick one of the guys insulin, test kit and lunch. Coincidentally I paid a good bonus to them that week.
  10. I have suffered the effects of this idiot leaving Coldham Hall one evening where I saw his boat moored when I was there.. About an hour after we left, in darkness, a speedboat shot past us at Brundall, he must have been going over 30, the wash was horrendous and he was out of sight before I could get to the window. I spilt a bit of G and T. He should have his boat confiscated.
  11. I had a big storage container broken into and some breakers and drills stolen, the little darlings used one of the wheelbarrows to move the gear to the compound fence. The CSI unit swabbed the wheelbarrow handles, got his DNA and woke him up early the next morning. The police recovered our gear and he got twelve months. It does sometimes work.
  12. Easy, we bought a boat ( Topliner ), we had hired it for a week the year before they came up for sale. That's what you call a proper test drive.
  13. The increase in tolls is dwarfed by the increase in my mooring fees this year. Having said that, the mooring fees are lower than others locally so they are just trying to catch up.
  14. I have my 32' Topliner anti fouled every 4ish years and the engine serviced every 2 years mainly because it doesn't go out much. I have the little Broom Scopio out every year over winter and the outboard serviced because we use that a lot. Hasn't needed anti foul yet after 2 seasons. No idea on the cost of anti foul for the Topliner but I think I might get a shock next month when I ask for a quote.
  15. Glad you are back, along with your humour. 52, you are just a boy.
  16. We came up Wednesday, going back Tuesday Cold, wet and windy. Who cares
  17. Send the First Officer out to investigate and then report back to the Captains cabin with a cup of tea.
  18. And keep them in arms reach
  19. Car packed with the remains of Christmas food, big coats out, gloves found. Looking at the traffic reports, The Midlands has snow heading across to Norfolkland. Should I unpack the Lexus and put it in the 4x4. ? The Lexus is not happy in snow. Dartford crossing here we come.
  20. I leave my Broom Scorpio in from March to December then have it jetwashed and stored on its trailer with a winter cover. It is antifouled.
  21. I had the same with a wireless door bell, you should be able to change the channel on the plug, usually 4 to choose from. You could stand outside and switch your lights on and see if a neighbours lights come on as well.
  22. Ricardo, the simple answer is, because he can. It is Robins journey and he is sharing it with us, he isn't seeking advice or approval, simply sharing his story. He did his homework, made is decision and bought his dream boat and bloody good luck to him.
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