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Everything posted by ExSurveyor

  1. Just not sure what year. You can't rush perfection.
  2. Wrong, wrong and wrong. I do however have a huge respect for our Armed Forces who serve, and have served, Queen and country regardless of rank.
  3. It looks even better when they have earned the right to wear them. Really
  4. War medals are earned, they didn't dish them out for nothing, even to future Consorts. The fact he became engaged to our future Queen in1947 doesn't alter the fact that he joined the Royal Navy in 1939 at age 18 and served in numerous theatres of war.
  5. Cornwall is a long way from Kent for 3 bags I need over 100 bags to start with, Everything has been moved back till mid July and keeping fingers crossed.
  6. That is an agent talking it up They are busy because they have limited staff in and are dealing with the pipeline they have. My company normally does 50 surveys a week, we had 3 enquiries in two months and just 1 since last week. The market is frozen by fear of the future. The construction business should be open except there is a nationwide shortage of plaster and plasterboard that is likely to last 6 weeks. I can get 3 bags of finish plaster, from St Austell, These shortages will not help.
  7. Prince Philip is an unreformed Matelot, he will be to the day he dies. He really has served Queen and country since 1939 until he recently retired from public life. I think this photo says it all.
  8. Prince Charles served in the Royal Navy, no doubt he was kept well away from danger, as was Prince William, probably not ideal to have the heir to the throne on the front line. Harry was the number one target whilst serving in battle, that says much about his comrades who served with him. Prince Edward did a few weeks in the Royal Marines before he left because he didn't like being shouted at. In most aristocratic families he would have become a vicar as the third son.
  9. I have found the situation very difficult to deal with, My guys will only be working on site if no other trades are there. They have found they can't rely on others to maintain distancing. Occupied houses are not happening either, it is difficult enough normally with householders and children wandering around, No point in having the new additional risk assessments, agreed 5 days before and then verified 24 hours before starting when other trades have no assessments or concept of the need for them. Clients are now told if we turn up and find some one else there, they go or we go and they have a aborted visit fee. Any hope of the housing market recovering in the next 9 months are wishful thinking, unless someone is in the process already there is not going to be the infrastructure of agents, surveyors and solicitors up and running in sufficient numbers to deal with new sales. Homeowners are going to be doing up rather than moving until next spring, that should help you Griff.
  10. M, keep your card. Everyone else, make sure your nearest and dearest understand your wishes, families can still over rule the implied consent so talk to them now. It has always puzzled me why most people would jump at the chance if a transplant if needed but so many hesitate to be a donor.
  11. It is easier to say side on rather than going to the effort of marking a 2m gap, that someone will try and squeeze into. A combination of lazy management and stupid people I fear.
  12. It was on a Calypso. I have a Topliner now.
  13. Craftinsure are excellent, if you have a fairly recent survey they will extend for a year for a small premium. Welcome as well.
  14. Both my sons, my grandaughter and my brother are highly likely to have had Covid 19 since Christmas. That is 4 people. I also know four friends who have died from confirmed covid 19. One was 70, two were in their 60s and one was a fit 49 year old. That is FOUR too many from my point of view. Please feel free to nit pick about what numbers are what, I don't care. The number that means everything to me is FOUR, Four friends that are no longer here and Four family members that were extremely ill. Stay safe, don't be selfish in your actions, don't spread it any further so I can keep those that I have left safe.
  15. I was going to ask what you do if you drop it overboard, then i though, idiot. You tie a lump of metal to a line and go magnet fishing. I get there, eventually.
  16. After being taken by suprise by last nights announcement of the housing market being reopened, I spent today sorting out all the new guidelines and writing policy. We won't start again for another 4 to 6 weeks because of time lags. No doubt by the time we restart it will have changed again and need amending.
  17. We should all remember the Governments aim isn't to restrict our freedom, it is to save lives. Last night I watched a programme following three businessess since the start of lockdown. The engineering company struggling to survive, eventually supported by a government backed loan. A plant businesses with no one to sell to who gave the plants away to local people with a note explaining they were a free gift to them, they recieved substantial donations that will keep them going. Finally the private mortuary company in Essex. This covered three boroughs and serviced the hospital and local authority removals. Normally they have less than 100 bodies in their care. On one day they collected over 90. They have needed to install 5 40' refridgerated containers and convert the vehicle store to deal with the crisis. They now hold 500 bodies awaiting funerals at any one time. This is the reality of what the government is dealing with. It was a very sobering programme and puts into perspective our urge to go to our boats.
  18. I very much doubt they would be liable as they are offering inspections if asked. The marinas are closed in accordance with goverment instruction, the same basis as caravan parks.
  19. That was the interpretation of the 50 page guide by the BBC and Sky. Also visit Cornwall, but they may be biased.
  20. You can travel whatever you want in England, you can't stay overnight anywhere other than your own principal residence. My marina has confirmed it is remaing closed and we shouldn't visit, they will check boats and report back..
  21. Halfords still do vinyl strips and lettering, Griff and Mrs G would look very retro
  22. https://www.rya.org.uk/newsevents/news/Pages/return-to-boating-update.aspx Not sure what they know that the rest of us don't, yet
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