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Everything posted by ExSurveyor

  1. Alan, The once a day exercise isn't compulsory.
  2. If the property is empty and not in a chain with occupied properties involved, then sales can go ahead. Solicitors are doing simultaneous exchange and completion. I have one scheduled for Wednesday, one Friday and hopefully one on Monday. These are more dependant on buyers not panicking more than solicitors.
  3. Fortunately for every idiot there are thousands of good Samaritans quietly helping complete strangers. Focus on the good works and don't give the idiots publicity.
  4. The first signs of Spring in Kent
  5. Peters woodie is 1/12 the size of the real thing, but he does have two of them
  6. Unless it doesn't work and you think it is working !! Hot tub chemicals are designed for small quantities in a large volume of water. Too little, doesn't work, too much, a potentially corrosive mixture. A correctly monitored hot tub is fine to use, just don't invite the neighbours round.
  7. The grant will be classed as taxable income so we will be paying some of it back.
  8. Not that far outside the box Ian
  9. Worth thinking outside the box
  10. Chillenden, near Canterbury.? I went past it two weeks ago on a lovely drive through the countryside on the way to a survey. Seems an age ago.
  11. Thurne, because the sails look new
  12. They should hold money in a client account or have a specific insurance policy to cover the money. That is good practice. Make all payments on a credit card to gain the extra protection.
  13. I suggested that to Matron, her reply, "No, that is the path to anarchy and the breakdown of society"
  14. Griff, Garage next on the list ? I have done two out of three sheds working on the marathon not a sprint principle.
  15. Sorry JM, everyone also had the choice to let it go for the time being. Why attack an otherwise informative post at the moment, as you say, we all have family and friends to worry about now including every member at the BA, Go after it in the future if you want but for goodness sake call a truce now. My earlier post was wrong on the number of morgue spaces being created, Birmingham is to have 12000, yes twelve thousand, now compare that to a line in an information article.
  16. I have to agree ChrisB. At a time when we are opening emergency hospitals to provide 10,000 beds and 4,000 morgue spaces in London, Birmingham and Manchester, with more to follow, is it really appropriate to keep on with this campaign. There will be a time in the future for that and many will support it. I would respecfully suggest now is not the time.
  17. The blood donor service is desperate for donations, Here is how you can help the NHS. Phone 0300123 23 23 Register as a donor and give blood. If you are a donor already, see if you can give blood early.
  18. The grant will be subject to a declaration that earnings have been reduced, that will enable a clawback against chancers, HMRC will see income declarations on the next return via Making tax digital that comes in to force for most self employed in April.unless it gets delayed again.
  19. Griff, set up a garage on your drive, they are allowed to stay open.
  20. We suggested the client should take the precaution of storing the old kitchen until the new one arrived. It isn't going to arrive so at least he has some units.
  21. 2m boundary if you are on your own in an empty room is still ok. The problem is on big sites with workers arriving on public transport and not distancing on site. I could have carried on with most of the planbed work under the current guidelines but it wasn't worth the risk of it changing overnight. We will have a cushion of work if we ever get back. I could have slotted a big job in for a school, booked for Easter. Of course although the schools are shut, they are still open.
  22. I think by friday all construction and building work will cease, just emergency call outs. The builders merchants are open but you phone the order in and they deliver. This won't last long. I have shut up shop completely except my admin sending out furlough notices and finishing remote set up to pay wages and bills. The last job in an empty property is finished so the owner can fit his kitchen back in and move back home. Turn the lights out as you leave. The graphs I have seen show if we rigidly follow the advice the peak they are aiming for is past in 8 weeks, too soon and it leaps again in the summer, to slow and the peak comes in autumn and winter. It really is finley balanced. I have seen the plans for the new hospital at Excel, it frightened the cr#p out of me, this is serious planning. Plan for it but hope we don't need even half the capacity. It is reassuring that the goverment are organised, the public just need to LISTEN and ISOLATE. Now.
  23. Strange times. A lovely service. Farewells are always hard.
  24. Make sure if you are copy paste to remove the - at the start of the pass word
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