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Everything posted by ExSurveyor

  1. He got a place up there near his daughter the year before last and spent the winter there. He is sailing his new yacht up over the summer. I think the cold winters were less fun than they used to be.
  2. These days you can't ask the age of an applicant, amongst a few other things.
  3. What a day, I thought i might have a quiet afternoon off, wrong. 8 interconnected propery transactions involving 5 sets of solicitors and someone in Spain started to unravel at lunchtime. It also involved the Land registry who are 4 months behind with their workload. After many phone calls and a lot of butt kicking it is finally back on track. Life should not be this complicated. Time for a darkened room and a little G &T.
  4. Dinger has finally retired and moved to Yorkshire. I had a lot of time for him and would often sit and have a chinwag.
  5. Im here I took a mooring about 8 years ago in front of what is the new house, when it was a rough patch of waste land and the power supply was a bit hit and miss. Since Sam has taken over the changes have been amazing. All the original moorings were replaced and upgraded. The marina was extended about 4 years ago and new power, water and tv posts were installed throughout. Wifi is available throughout the site. Last year the moorings in the basin by the crane were all replaced and the slipway is being renewed at the moment. I understand the shower block and laundry are next for replacement. They supply proper marina trolleys. The ash on the carpark is not ideal but they have fitted mesh to all the walkways to help and to prevent slipping even though they jet wash the walkways at least twice a year. For me, the best thing about the site are the gardeners, they maintain the grounds to a high standard and when they have time, they build a bench or create a quiet spot. This is a great example of someone having the commitment to the Broads to invest several million in providing first class facilities and providing employment. No i am not on commission
  6. How ironic, when I had a penalty notice wrongly issued and stuck on to a perspex window, the response from BA was, it will come off without damage if i took my time to remove it. Perhaps they have someone available to spend a couple of hours to clean the sign after some fool damaged it. They can also mutter about 'idiots' whilst they clean it off, as I did.
  7. John Stuart Mill, said in 1867: “Bad men need nothing more to compass their ends, than that good men should look on and do nothing.”
  8. Peter, upside down plastic dustbin You then have a holder for the cover when you take it off.
  9. The hardware shop is brilliant. I can't think of any occasion I have been in there and not found what I need. They even hire carpet cleaners. The staff are really helpful to.
  10. One is the old Budgens and the other is on what used to be a garage. They are two different societies so effectively different companies. I use both as they have different ranges but the farthest one is more efficient and organised.
  11. Vanessa There is no doubt that the moorings are available to use, the point i was making was in response to the report that the surface was slippery and care should be taken. If someone had an accident because it wasn't maintained it is unclear who would be responsible if structure was not maintained. BA would close moorings they operate if it was deemed unsafe, a mooring provided as part of a planning condition may not have a liability to maintain. Therefore without explicit permission there may be no liability. Short answer, if it looks unsafe, take extra care or don't use it. I think the extra charge D46 refers to applies to elsewhere and there is no provision to extend the stay at church fen by paying the parish council a fee.regards Clear as mud now
  12. The two 'new' moorings, upstream were provided by Brundall Gardens as part of planning permissions. They are not adopted by BA. What is unclear is if they are managed or maintained by the marina owners. Hope that helps.
  13. Read it again, I said the owners are not fools, you turned that into saying i called anyone a fool.
  14. And that is one way of not giving formal permission and therefore not assuming liability if they are not maintained. The marina quay headings are maintained, jet washed frequently and have non slip surfaces. They know they are liable for these.
  15. The lack of signage either way would not confer liability on the marina any more than mooring in front of the new house would, ( yes people do try to) The moorings are provided but clearly not managed. The OP raised concerns about the surface being slippery, therefore caution should be exercised. The lack of signage may be as a result of not implying liability and the owners are not fools.
  16. But that doesn't give an automatic right to use them, the same as Barnes, you have to ask first,
  17. We have estblished that the moorings are not public moorings. We know they are private moorings built by the marina. No signs exist that say you can moor there. A fee is not charged to moor and no contact details are shown as to who you should contact to gain permission to moor as is common with Barnes and others. If someone moors there, they obviously do so at their own liability as no contract exists and no permission is given.
  18. You would think that BA would insist that any mooring created under planning requirements would have to be up to the standard that they provide themselves.
  19. Brundall Gardens covers a huge area, including a hidden broad that was blocked off years ago as an experiment by a university. The land extends to the edge of the original Church Fen moorings and were built as part of the planning permissions to extend the marina. The moorings directly outside the marina are all private.
  20. I wonder why BA have not taken over these two additional moorings, given the relative lack of moorings on this stretch of river, making them 24 hour would deter people from taking up residence and provide additional space for everyone.
  21. Thats what I need, thinking outside the garage Lots of oil should get the hitch off, sadly the garage is a silly little one, barely 8' wide so no room to angle the trailer and the measurement was with the engine lowered and turned. I need to check with the insurance as they require a hitch lock although i can fit it through one of the hitch bolt holes. Looks like it will be sitting on the drive, currently barricaded by cars.
  22. After recommendations for an affordable self contained alarm to fit to my Broom scorpio whilst it on my drive over winter. I have hitch locks and outboard locks but would prefer a movement type alarm as well. The idea was to keep it in a recently refurbished and upgraded garage I have nearby, problem is the boat and trailer is 12" longer than the garage. Measure twice and all that
  23. John Packman, BA chairman, A quote from a recent article in the EDP. Hardly a great omen for an in-depth investigation. The days of even average journalism have long gone, the standard of reporting has declined in direct ratio to the decline in sales.
  24. Part is owned by the Parish Council, the 2 boat extension is owned by Brundall Gardens. Both areas are managed by BA as 24 hour moorings, not that some people take much notice of the 24 hour restriction.
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