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Everything posted by Broads01

  1. Not boring in the slightest. Having to work the same day I was picking the boat up would be my worst nightmare.
  2. Neil, I can well understand your disappointment in the weeks you were allocated. You've summed up very well the reason why I haven't been tempted in to syndicate ownership so far, namely the risk of being stuck with weeks I wouldn't want. I'd happily have any week in Summer and Winter wouldn't matter too much as I may not use it anyway. In Spring, however, I might hire in March one year(never been tempted so far) but I wouldn't want it that often. In Autumn, November doesn't interest me much to be honest. I actually like the fixed week system offered on Southern Crusader. You know where you are with that with no lottery involved. It doesn't pass under Ludham unfortunately but nevertheless I could see myself buying a single week in the future and continuing to hire for other visits.
  3. Great news Neil, thanks for sharing. I bet August 3rd next year can't come soon enough.
  4. As ever Vaughan, your knowledge is a real asset to the forum. I also enjoyed the film, thanks Carol. As always with historic films, there is a fascinating blend of views that have changed completely, views that have changed a bit and views which haven't changed in the slightest! Ludham Bridge looked slightly different at the top, perhaps the road and railings have been strengthened since then. The view going downstream under the bridge however looked very much unchanged. Carol - is it definitely dated 1969? I only ask because on the basis of the vehicles, the clothing and the absence of any GRP boats it looked more like early-mid 1960s.
  5. I'm really looking forward to it as well.Tim and Pru's strong bond always comes across which for me is one of the things that makes the programme so watchable.
  6. I enjoyed reading this, especially as Ive always had a soft spot for the old Aston boats. I'm looking forward to seeing Rambling next year with its rebuilt roof. http://freedomcruisers.blogspot.co.uk/2017/10/as-another-season-ends.html?m=1
  7. Hello ManofKent and welcome. I don't think you'll be disappointed with Commodore. I went aboard at the London Boat Show last year and I thought it was stunning. My only gripe was the galley is far too small.
  8. Ah yes, the old Ferry Marina "All inclusive", "we save you money" ploy. Yes its true they include everything (ish, doesnt include pilot fees and you still have to pay mooring fees and no doubt pump out fees) but I haven't yet their prices to be especially competitive even so.
  9. I agree Ricardo, I wouldn't think of going online and a lot of the time I can't get signal anyway. I would have thought all hire boats, whilst not technically sea-going are more than capable of handling Breydon at its choppiest.
  10. I must admit that although on the south Broads I'm wary of rise and fall and leave plenty of slack, I can be less attentive when on the north. Your tale is a cautionary one for us all.
  11. Superb review and write up Helen, thank you. Concerning the boat, I would have been miffed about the same things as you. It sounds to me like the batteries were in poor condition as I've rarely needed to run the engine when using the heating. There's no reason why you shouldn't email NBD and I'd be interested in their response.
  12. I'm reassured by your conversation with Richardsons, Bof. I think the policy is fair enough to be honest.
  13. I thought I recognised the building in one of the photos as that.
  14. I spotted this on eBay, not a company I knew ever existed. https://rover.ebay.com/rover/0/0/0?mpre=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.co.uk%2Fulk%2Fitm%2F162697227480
  15. Thank you Andy. I hired from you solo in 2012 and it's reassuring to know you haven't changed your policy. I've always thought resistance to experienced solo hirers is very bizarre. Herbert Woods and Co would rather trust a newbie who happens to have someone else on board who may be offering no assistance with handling the boat anyway.
  16. I phoned the boatyard similar to yourself Bof. Perhaps their approach does vary slightly depending on the staff member concerned.
  17. I phoned Richardsons today to make what was my 3rd booking next year (first time I'm doing that many, more to follow why that is in the members area). This will be a solo hire, something I've done with Richardsons on 3 previous occasions. This was the first time, however, where the staff member said "ooh, hang on, I need to check on that" and then put me on hold for around 5 minutes. She eventually came back and told me all was OK but they would need to "check" (can't remember for what) when I took over the boat. It was something to do with insurance and them having been caught out by solo hirers who hadnt admitted to being such. "If you fall in nobody's with you", or words to that effect. She took the booking (phew) but I'm slightly anxious I may get questions, or worst case, refusal, I haven't had before. My experience of handovers recently, solo or not has been a rapid firm filling exercise where they've taken me at my word on my experience. I do hope Richardsons don't go down the route that Herbert's Woods and others have taken in insisting on at least two people. Neither Mrs Broads01 nor my children will ever want to come boating as often as me, I feel, so my need for solo hiring will always be there.
  18. Thanks for writing Helen, I enjoyed your start. Re the throttle in my experience there's a soft but noticeable low clunk when the engine goes in to gear but I guess not in your case.
  19. There's not 12 inches rise and fall at Ludham, surely? Like you Steve, in my mind it was 4 or 6 inches but I could be wrong. Steve, I would suggest if in doubt phoning Richardsons a few days before. Worst case scenario they would swap you to another boat at no cost.
  20. Wroxham to Surlingham in a day and a bit - that's my kind of mileage. Lovely photos.
  21. I remember them well. They'll go down in the annals of hire boating history for all the wrong reasons. They started out by taking over the former Kingfisher Cruisers boatyard (and their fleet) at Thorpe where Freedom now reside. Why they chose to move to Marina Keys as a base is beyond me. Marina Keys in its current form has to be one of the ugliest places anywhere on the Broads. It makes the Yacht Station look like a beauty spot.
  22. Enjoying this Neil. I'm exactly the same as you in the mornings, can't wait to get underway.
  23. Great start Mouldy. I've read all your previous write ups and I've been looking forward to this one. I'm sorry to read you lost your dad. I lost my dad in 2013 only a month after our last Broads trip together, precious memories.
  24. John kindly showed me aboard Far Horizon at the meet in May and I agree the view from the top is amazing. I knew it was high but it wasn't until I actually stood up there I realised just how high. If only Ludham Bridge could be converted to a swing bridge....
  25. Broads01

    Oh Dear

    Tobago also has the single level, full width saloon instead of the narrower one and the single level walk through. I agree John, I think it's better like that. Yep those sliding roofs are enormous and hard work to move even with two people pushing from the outside. It was one of the niggles I mentioned to Richardsons on our return because I think cleaning and greasing the roof runners had been missed.
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