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Everything posted by Broads01

  1. An enjoyable read, thanks for sharing. Top marks to Bridgecraft - they're great people and I'm hiring from them this year for the second time. At Thurne, we're you towards the bottom end where it narrows?
  2. Aargh, being without water isn't good. I hope you can sort it.
  3. I'm looking forward to your tale, Helen. I was initially wondering why Harry and Alec needed you as a taxi but then I remembered trains will be non-existent.
  4. I found this about Stracey Arms. I assume the photo shows the original building Vaughan describes. https://norfolkpubs.co.uk/norfolkt/tunstall/tunstsa.htm
  5. I also miss those Wayford moorings. Squeezing in on the BA moorings close to the bridge just isn't the same. I had no idea there used to be an old pub on the same site as the hotel.
  6. Re Berney, as a teenager in August 1986 my parents took us southwards over Breydon late in the day and we were hoping to moor at Berney around 7pm. That long mooring was absolutely full and we had to carry on and with Reedham being full as well finished up near the bottom of the Chet on a wild mooring which has long since overgrown. Great to hear about some other pubs which I think were before my time. I'll look up where exactly they were. I know where the Bridge Inn at Potter was though because from photos of the time it used to dominate the view of the bridge.
  7. Which "dear departed" Broadland pub do you miss? For me it's the Berney Arms. I have happy memories of it's unique location, sat out on the picnic benches and admiring the view across Breydon.
  8. Having kept my Silverline booking I received a new Hoseasons invoice unexpectedly last week with a reduced balance outstanding. One of the drawbacks of Silverline was they restricted hirers to a single dog (we have two) and charged you more for it than anyone else (£90) - this is the one policy of their's I wont miss. The new invoice was to remove the £90 for the dog booking and also for some reason remove the £35 I'd agreed to a while back for a change of dates. I was then able to add back 2 dogs at £35 each which seems much more reasonable.
  9. I fancy doing March one year as well, not least because I've never hired then. I am booked for 1st April next year though.
  10. Good old Facebook, always a reliable source of information.
  11. This might be of interest as there are inland waterways exhibitors. I noticed Richardsons amongst the exhibitor names. https://boatlifeevents.com/?fbclid=IwAR1_cRCEFlWZiuldnDOupQwXWozcTSckV69JQuVtzz8-J1D5iAXp0N781Aw
  12. Broads01


    The White Heron looks nice, very inviting.
  13. Broads01


    Beautiful morning in my part of the world at least, Howard. I'd love to be where you are.
  14. Broads01


    I've been hoping we'd hear from you, Howard, I was sure you'd be afloat. Humber Bridge again?
  15. "The dyke dug by Blakes at Brundall is one of the most popular moorings on the south rivers." Which dyke was that? When hiring on the north Broads I rarely moor for the night before 4pm, even in peak season. I plan where I want to go with contingency options in mind and I'm not bothered about missing out on the hot spots- I just enjoy the Ranworths and the Womacks for daytime stops instead. It's a myth that all moorings are taken by lunchtime, you just have to know where to go - Salhouse Spit anyone? Mudweighting? As a hirer I also have Richardsons, Herbert Woods and Barnes but I know this is expensive for boat owners. Newbies of course, don't know where to go so I get Vaughan's concerns completely.
  16. I bought a lifejacket on Amazon last year for our now dear departed Lhasa Apso, Rollie. The holiday just after was a very warm July week and understandably he preferred to stay indoors out of the sun. We brought him out on deck whilst cruising one day and put his lifejacket on but he hated it and refused to move! The moral of this story is maybe to buy from old-fashioned real life shop so your dog can be with you to try jackets on and give you his opinion on them.
  17. Thanks very much for sharing your tale, Jean, very enjoyable. I take it the steering was all sorted and no issues with the boat this time around? I know what you mean about it's nicer when there's no-one cruising behind you, on the Ant especially. It can be very off-putting when you're doing 4mph and yet there's someone chomping at the bit to get past.
  18. I think Richardsons tried November last year for the first time and it wasn't very successful. HW on the other hand have tended to make some boats available in November so there absence is more surprising.
  19. Interesting issue. So the "no return" rule applies to the boat rather than the people occupying it? I guess in practice the BA must know the scenario you describe can exist and in the circumstances would allow the new hirers to stay.
  20. All sounds lovely Jean. Did you manage to stay warm?
  21. Good shout. I had one as a teenager and loved it. I remember mooring at Paddy's Lane and rowing out on to Barton Broad. I tried towing a dinghy once but when you moor it always seems to be in the way, especially stern mooring.
  22. Royale, Topliner and Braemore have all now been removed from Barnes' website. Royale and Braemore both still appear on Hoseasons, albeit with zero availability. Good old Hoseasons, ever reliable for being on the ball.
  23. That's helpful thank you and of course I was forgetting that the worst that can happen if you get it wrong is it trips out. The hire boats I've had have always had gas kettles so at least they're out of the equation. I remember years ago they always had gas fridges. Maybe they should come back! I don't think a gas microwave would work very well though😀
  24. Noting registration numbers is one thing, taking action on overstayers is another issue.
  25. Just to clarify, I'm aware that when not on hook up it's low power only, it's when on hook up I'm wondering how much does it give you. So, if my wife decides to bring hair dryer, toaster, power tools electric lawnmower.. well maybe not the last two but you get what I'm trying to ask.
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