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Everything posted by Broads01

  1. Thinking it would end up rammed at Thurne I diligently moved the boat up close to the boat in front to avoid taking up more than my fair share of space. Once again I was surprised though because of course the moorings are very busy but nevertheless there ended up at least two good size spaces remaining. It's true, you really can moor in the afternoon on the North Broads, as long as you retain some flexibility.
  2. I had a brilliant day once again. Chugged to Womack in the sunshine, turned around at the Staithe (which was full at 1020) and had a lovely dog walk stop at the BA moorings on Womack Dyke. We carried on to Potter and I braved Lathams for a couple of items I forgot yesterday. That place is hideous in the current situation. I find it cramped and awkward at the best of times but insisting all customers use a trolley as a draconian method of social distancing doesn't work - all the narrow aisles become blocked with people and trolleys. I was relieved to return to the boat in Herbert Woods and had some food before heading back down to Thurne. I had a table booked at The Lion for this evening and as always it didn't disappoint. The Redwell Steam on draft always makes it for me and the delicious burger and cheesecake to follow was a bonus.
  3. Finally, finally, I'm on the Broads for the first time this year. I had a hire due in April postponed until October and for a very long time I didn't know if the trip I started today would happen or if Covid would get in the way. But I'm here! I'm on Brinks Phantom and I'm writing this on Cockshoot Dyke. I'll keep it brief because the signal is poor. Unfortunately my son is unable to join me but my daughter is happily due Monday pm. Rollie our faithful Lhasa Apso is here and also enjoying himself. It's been a fabulous day. We left home in South Wales at 0645 and after a straightforward journey I was parking in Roy's at 1130. Rollie walked, shopping done and food eaten we arrived at Barnes at 1320. The boat wasn't ready but a phone call was promised which I duely received at 1410. We were soon aboard, unloaded and the briefest of handover explanations given. Away we we went at 1530 with the help of one of the Thwaites brothers who kindly offered to take us out of the windy mooring basin. As one Charlie Griffin would say, the river was "proper busy". As always, the vast majority are sensible but the juvenile drunken minority do their best to spoil it for the rest. Nevertheless they didn't spoil a lovely sunny cruise. Progress was slow in the traffic but that didn't matter in the slightest. We arrived at Cockshoot around 1700 and I wasn't expecting any room but there was so much space that three boats came in after us. Hopefully I'll post some pictures tomorrow when the signal is better. I was surprised to see a permanent looking fence blocking off Cockshoot boardwalk and no signage explaining the reason.
  4. I disagree with that because I don't have an unlimited budget simply to pick the boat that I'd like if money was no object. David's pricing example above is very valid.
  5. I'm enjoying this thread and learned a lot. Another mudweight question - if I want to use a wild mooring where there's a tree for tying up the stern but no bank for a rhond anchor at the bows, am I safe to use the mudweight?
  6. Enjoy. I'm on Brinks Phantom from Saturday so I may spot you and give you a wave if you're still on the North side.
  7. Is it worth phoning Broads Control about these sort of incidents?
  8. Happy "retirement" Malcom if that what it turns out to be or happy job hunting otherwise.
  9. Helen, all being well I'll be afloat next Saturday and I'll be writing up my trip.
  10. Good to hear you're well, Vaughan. You must be missing your family in the UK terribly, not to mention the frustration of being kept away from the Broads for a long while yet.
  11. That's right. Double mooring has been discussed before but I can't recall anything around the specific issue of mooring without permission, hence why I asked if anyone had experienced it. Fortunately it's never happened to me but if it did it would be my worst nightmare.
  12. I agree sedans are less common than other designs. Brooms have a few at the top end of the market and Barnes Brinkcraft have cheaper ones like Duet, Belmore and Omega. I can see the benefits of Melody and San Remo but I've always been put off by how small the sunroof is. The helm position is too enclosed for my preference.
  13. I moored there overnight for the first time last year (a Monday evening) and really enjoyed it. I enjoyed the setting and its easy to forget that although there's the busy road one side, the other has trees, a cathedral view and Pulls Ferry. My personal preference is never to get a bus or train anywhere when I'm afloat. Getting to places is what the boat is for.
  14. I've heard from a reliable source that there have been recent instances of boats coming alongside moored boats and double mooring without permission from the occupants. I believe this has even happened on wild moorings. Has anyone seen or experienced this?
  15. Pretty inoccuous most of the time being that it's non-tidal above Teddington, plus there's no open landscapes to catch the wind. I think it can get hairy when it floods in Spring or Autumn though.
  16. I've just returned from an enjoyable mini break to Oxford and this morning I visited Benson-on-Thames and relaxed for a while at Benson Lock. When I first saw these boats in the distance, they looked so strange I couldn't work out what they were. As they entered the lock all became clear that they're actually motorised houseboats and they're available to hire from nearby Shillingford. They're powered by an outboard and electric is from both shore power and solar panels. Cruising range is between Oxford and Windsor. See http://www.campiboats.co.uk. Could these work on the North Broads above Acle (Ludham Bridge excepting) and would you hire one?
  17. I think it was Cambridge Cabby who mentioned booking Womack shop? I haven't tried it myself.
  18. My most recent hire was last November from Freedom. I'd originally booked for late October but ended up going later due to my wife's health issues at the time. Daytime was lovely and I was able to have the sliding roof open much of the time. I struggled at night a bit because although when in bed I was warm enough I was very cold each time I got up. Next time I think I'd hire a boat with hook up and buy myself a low wattage heater.
  19. This could come in handy, as long as I could find someone willing to come with me so late in the year.
  20. I've very much enjoyed following your trip, Peter, thanks for posting. I'd like to give Martham a go one day. To be honest I probably wouldn't have Jayne because I don't like the idea of having to go outside to the washroom. Tumblehome looks lovely but maybe a little too small. I love the look of Jocelyn though price looks high when compared to what I could get for similar money elsewhere. I think I'd pay a premium for guaranteed cruising above Potter though, Martham's USP.
  21. I once chatted to a couple on Garnet Emblem. They said the process for lowering the roof was an awkward affair. Only one opinion of course so I'm still not sure if its a good design or not.
  22. The south is indeed lovely but going across Breydon and navigating Great Yarmouth is fun (not the waste of holiday time some would have you believe) so if you want to go north then enjoy it.
  23. Thanks for the write up Helen. What a stunning looking boat. Wow, Dave is a generous man.
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