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Everything posted by Broads01

  1. Thanks for a well-written and entertaining tale. You've taken on some ambitious mileage for a 4 night break but fair play, it shows what can be done if you're a mind to it. The Waveney above Beccles, as you discovered is well worth the effort. It's always empty, even in the summer and almost feels like you've left the Broads and joined a separate waterway.
  2. Ferry Marina hire all year, I phoned them recently to confirm what their online availability was suggesting. You have to stay north of Stokesby. They hire to solo hirers as well, sensible people.
  3. I remember them well, forward steer stretched versions of the 44 footers. They must have been a heck of a challenge to manoeuvre in a tight space. I bet stern-on moorings were fun too. http://www.broads.org.uk/wiki2018/index.php?title=Boat_Details&BoatId=7325&BoatHistory=12241
  4. Thanks for the detail and photos. In the saloon photo, the sofa cushions look very much on the basic side for a premium boat. Was that your impression?
  5. I tend to agree, although the statement should be broadened to include those of us outside England who aren't in the three tier system but are still prevented from travelling ( including the whole of Wales from 6pm this evening).
  6. Thanks for clarifying, Andy. In my experience, the only occasions I've had difficulty mooring in hire yards is at those with a combination of limited space and changeover. The Wroxham boatyards all fall in to that category.
  7. Nice pic of your Connoisseur 42 in situ. I think it may have been brand new that year?
  8. I think Ferry Marina are hiring this one https://www.ferry-marina.co.uk/holiday-cruisers/sleeps-4-to-6/serene-emblem/?arrivaldate=2021-02-13&duration=7&flexibility=3&sleeps=5
  9. Yes you were. All the hire operators are members of the Broads Hire Boat Federation which has reciprocal arrangements for mooring in place.
  10. Busier than a "normal" October I suspect. With going abroad so awkward at the moment, August and September were fully booked unusually early so I suspect that influenced October. There are often pub spaces for hirers if you know where to look. At Acle there are wild moorings upstream of Pedro's moorings that are easy walking distance from the Bridge, plus as a hirer you can moor at Bridgecraft very often. At Potter and Stalham there are big boatyard basins to moor and sometimes Ferry Marina at Horning can be handy.
  11. Warm air generally works well on hire boats for the saloon area but is less effective in the cabins in my experience. I think its because the warm air becomes less warm and less powerful the further it travels from the heating unit. I switch off warm air when going to bed as I've always believed it's not safe to leave switched on but I'm happy to be corrected on that.
  12. Credit to those who've cancelled if in they're in Tier 3 and following advice. Unlike the Wales lockdown, as I understand it for Tier 3 travelling isn't against the law, just "not advised".
  13. Sorry you had issues. There is 100% a lot there on the South Broads, the difference is you have to cruise a lot longer in between destinations. That's part of the fun though and I love the South Broads and the contrast with the North (which I love just as much). Plus at NBD they may want to rename and rebrand the boats.
  14. I was due to hire from WRC this year before Wales lockdown messed me up and I was refunded. I'm not surprised by the news but disappointed for a few reasons. I was looking forward to hiring from the location in the future, another South Broads hire location is going and, almost certainly, another operator sensible enough to permit solo hirers is going. NBD don't allow solo unfortunately.
  15. Herbert Woods made quite a thing of it, spent a lot on restoration and used the boat as a marketing tool. It was even on the front cover if their brochure if I recall correctly. Hire prices were equivalent to a modern luxury boat but it was only available to hirers with experience. I'm guessing it didn't let well though.
  16. Sorry I asked the question now. I do get frustrated when the NP debate keeps popping up at the slightest opportunity.
  17. Pyes Mill is a lovely mooring but I tend to prefer the downstream end because of where the car park is. I'm enjoying your tale so far.
  18. It is the most hideous looking pub I've seen anywhere in the country. I know nothing about planning regulations so a question - would planning permission be needed to change the building colour and the windows?
  19. Next time I'm on the south Broads I must make the effort to get up early for the tide when I can benefit. I've spent too many hours cruising on the south slogging against the tide when I didn't need to do so. I love the photo of the paddle boarder with her dog 🐕.
  20. Enjoying your write up as always, Helen. I have to admit, I couldn't cope with not cruising for so long, it would drive me nuts and I'd much rather cast off and brave the weather. Perhaps I'm more like Seren! I've heard collies need a lot of stimulating, is that right?
  21. Not only did WRC agree to refund in full, they did so immediately and I had the money back on my credit card the same day. That's been a help to me psychologically because I feel I can draw a line under it and I've avoided having to battle my way through a travel insurance claim. Credit where it's due, WRC came good in the end. I'm in the fortunate position of having flexibility in when I take leave from work, so as soon as restrictions allow I'll be booking again.
  22. You're too nice, Helen, I couldn't have agreed to that, to be honest. Why couldn't it have been done before the next owners boarded tomorrow? Blimey, your search function isn't working properly, there's thousands! Looking forward to the rest of your tale.
  23. I feel for you, also living in Wales and having just cancelled my trip for the same reason. You may have seen the thread about my cancellation If it's any consolation, when the lockdown and consequential decision I made to cancel the trip first came about, I was psychologically pretty low. However, a forum post, some helpful suggestions and a promised refund later, I feel a whole lot better. I'll be back as soon as restrictions allow, I don't care if it's winter by then or not.
  24. One place I've never moored, I shall give it a try. Is it my memory or are the moorings there a fairly recent addition?
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