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Everything posted by jimbo

  1. Dont forget to back flush the tube stack before fitting your nice new impeller Bjorn
  2. That would be better Dan! A 7ft high Kingfisher holds no fear for me
  3. Simons right! I think that picture would serve to keep people away from the Broads, through fear of being carried off to it's nest
  4. Hi Simon, No I haven't taken the SLR plunge just yet! This picture was taken on my Kodak DX6340 point and shoot jobby.
  5. Thanks very much for the advice guys, very helpful indeed. I shall have to get myself to a camera shop and have a good play I think An interesting point you bring up there Mark, that the kit lens that comes with the 400d is dire! Would it not then pay me to just by the body only, leaving me some extra money to put into a better quality lens???
  6. Now that could be where I live up in the Dales!! The failing of my current camera, which really winds me up is not having the telephoto availability! I have lost many an opportunity to take a brilliant picture of wildlife on the broads due to this
  7. Thats a cracking picture Jill ! Close up's are not really important to me as such, but you never know what tomorrow inspires I guess!
  8. Thanks for the reply John, so I take it lenses would be more readily available for the canon's via ebay etc than the Olympus E series ? I have seen the 400d on ebay B grade new stock at £370 ish with the kit lens . What are your views on buying a B Grade camera?
  9. I am thinking of venturing into the world of digital slr and wondered what you guys thought of the following 2 camera's I have been looking at?? Canon 400d Canon 1000d Both seem to be in a similar price bracket but was wondering if one stands out better than the other? The type of photography I will be looking to achieve is landscape stuff really like Broadlands obviously.
  10. Last time I changed my primeary filter something was in the fuel that came out of the filter casing? My best description of it would be it looked like squid ink mixed in the clean fuel? Not much of it but noticable all the same.
  11. Try ebay Jim. I am sure there is a guy on there who sells all sorts of different sizes.
  12. What about changing the deck filler for one the same size as the tank Jim? Good excuse to spend a day at the chandlery
  13. Hi Jill, Obviously the Comfort bit was a joke but I swear by the washing powder! It's got to be the cheapest product for doing the job as well And when not in use the box of powder does an amazing job of keeping the cupboard it is stored in damp free
  14. Tesco's own bio washing powder is my recommendation! Does a lovely job of cleaning the bilge. A cap full of comfort to finish off with
  15. 'Semtex' should clean the floor quickly and effectively Barry!
  16. " was dry for the remainder of the holiday." The go alot better with the water on the outside Mark
  17. Please Mark! I've enjoyed reading your exploits
  18. jimbo


    Glad I'm not the owners!
  19. What's he doing sneaking about on an Easter Sunday
  20. Looks like you had fantastic weather Mark! You struck lucky there
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