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Everything posted by jimbo

  1. There is a big one on my boat Julz, you are welcome to use that
  2. What fantastic news Perry! I am so happy for the pair of you
  3. That might just do it Some seventies curtain material and he wont notice a thing!!
  4. It's very handy to have 240v on board Andy. Mine heats the water as well as charging the batteries up, thus eliminating the need to run the engine
  5. Bless him! I trust it wont be too long before Grandad introduces him to boating?
  6. Fantastic! My kind of boaty pics
  7. Great picture Clive, I love pictures showing the fitting out process
  8. She is really starting to take shape now Clive! Looking forward to seeing the finished article
  9. David, David David! When will you ever learn? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=39qdhbkTko4&feature=related
  10. 36 Amp does sound rather small? The one fitted to my Nanni engine is a 60 Amp and that charges 3 110ah batteries.
  11. Looking a little vunerable near the stern there Perry
  12. Hi Dave, I dont think there should be any movement of the outer cable at all, this sounds like it might be the problem and hence why the new cable is just as bad!
  13. Dont forget Bounty made a Sea goer! Starfish 8 I think it was?
  14. No Perry! That's one of Clive's lesser models
  15. I would think the hose could sit there for 50 years without giving you any bother Simon! But replace it every 25 just to be on the safe side
  16. Jupes! What an earth are you on about?
  17. Very interesting point Jonathan. If the stats have been removed though, my concern is why??
  18. Loving it Dave! Keep it up mate
  19. Thats "two scoops" Jonzo! Any scam to get seconds
  20. What a gorgeous day to start a boating holiday! You lucky thing you!
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