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Everything posted by BroadAmbition

  1. Looking forward to both the upcoming maintenance weekend where we plan to be very busy, plus the 'Sea Trial' day out and of course the passage weekend. Counting down the days once again Griff
  2. Never been to the current venue, never really captured the attraction or atmosphere for me. Earl’s Court however was a regular once a year day out to look forward to. There and back in same day via train from Donny. Happy days Griff
  3. Nope not doing it - I get a window appearing stating Windows media player want to make itsen the default for all programmes and I don't want it to upset other stuff Griff
  4. I'm a bit stuck until I get the actual cctv footage onto a memory stick, and then into my possession which will hopefully happen today. Then I can play about with it, zoom in take stills etc. I'll keep thee informed Griff
  5. The actual time shown is 1 x Hr out, it is 1211. The ****** can be seen in my van. This photo was taken using a phone from a tv screen. tomorrow I will have the actual cctv on a memory stick and will be able to view it better and hopefully get the registration number Griff
  6. The thing with smartwater / DNA marking and the like. Just how many punters wandering round car boot sales, or go on Ebay and have the facilities to check each and every items before they buy / after receipt of such items - Hardly anyone. It is only any good if the police manage to confiscate goods, they can then check items, but the average joe pumter? - Not a prayer. So if suspect stolen goods don't get into the hands of the police the probability is that the same goods bought second-hand in good faith will never be checked. I have done and will do so more vigilantly now, physically mark tools where I can using a soldering iron and will purchase an engraving set for the other gear Griff
  7. Shorten the exhausts Done that - sort of. Removed the standard Triumph unit, now have a Beowulf item with baffle 'Temporarily' removed - It does help Griff
  8. I just wish I could find the On / Off switch that controls the cloaking device on my Triumph Tiger, then I could permanently disable the blasted thing Most days it is turned off, but some days for no sensible reason whatsoever it turns itsen on and makes both me and the Tiger invisible to other road users including pedestrians Griff
  9. Any fixed point of your boat will do, that works in calm seas when you have a very constant heading but when it gets a bit rough and your heading is constantly changing with the sea it is not so good. Tell me about it, had a proper 'Mare' overnight passage from Thames to Lowestoft, passing the entrance to Harwich / Felixstowe onboard 'B.A' we spent more time down deep holes (Troughs) visibility was somewhat restricted at best. That was somewhat of a challenge, not something I want to repeat in a hurry Griff
  10. Original stolen kit:- DLX 2007 = Combi driver and impact driver with 3 x 3ah batteries £335, Aug 2016 Replacement kit:- DLX2007 = Combi driver and impact driver with 3 x 4ah batteries, charger and case £356 - Ordered just now (There is a DLX2173TJ but the impact driver is not quite as strong) I tried the usual suspects like Amazon, Ebay, then Toolstop and FFX but ended up at 'FastFix' coincidentally the same outfit that supplied my previous purchase in Aug 2016. They had the keenest prices without me spending all day just to save a few more pennies. That means my stolen kit was just under 18 months old and still under guarantee. New kit will arrive Monday. Van is in for a service today. I'm of course now dreading next full working day, going to get a certain tool from van only to find it is missing. The power of social media is doing it's thing and is on-going. If the police don't get to the scumbag then I will and it will cost him a lot more than my recent purchase Griff https://www.fastfix.co.uk/makita-dlx2007mj-18v-brushless-2-piece-kit.html?sqr=dlx2007&
  11. Shipping lanes, by their very nature are designed to make traffic flow smoothly with no incidents, they really are quite good imho. Crossing them is also really easy if you apply common sense. The MKI eyeball is the best tool followed by radar. Just cross a shipping lane at right angles or as near as possible. Or of course enter, go with the flow, exit keeping clear of larger faster craft obeying the 'Rules of the Road'. Night or day - same rules apply. The key to this is having respect for dedicated shipping lanes and all contacts therein. Respect them but do not get overawed by them They do work Griff
  12. That all depends on how keen the police will be to follow it up Griff
  13. The neighbouring property to where I was yesterday has a cctv camera pointing straight at where my van was parked. The owners inherited the system and not sure how to operate it. However they have a 'Man that can' visiting them today to hopefully get the cctv evidence off the machine and to me for onward transmission to the police. Another neighbour round the corner does have cctv footage of the same van with reg etc. We will put the two together and send that off. Griff
  14. Could have been worse Griff, you could have caught them and be in clink for assault by now, even if it is what the low lives deserve Not a prayer. it would have been a classic case self defence of course. I do wish so hard that I had caught him, it hurts. In the morning I shall be spending in the region of £350 to replace the tools stolen, no doubt then I'll be even more angry. It takes me hours n hours to earn that kind of money, so this week looks like I'm working for the pondlife to enjoy the fruits of my labours Griff
  15. Working at a clients property, who are also family friends, Lower Pastures, Blaxton just outside Donny. 1230. White van old (transit size), either Renault or Peugeot No markings other than finger drawings on the back doors. They have been in my van and robbed a matching pair of Makita drivers (£350:00 -ish). Theft happened whilst I was in and out of the property putting tools away. Ten seconds earlier and I would have caught him red handed half inside my van. Next door has cctv but they are not in at present. I'm way beyond angry, lucky for the pond life I did not catch him. I have informed the police - nothing they can even try to do without cctv evidence, even then they tell me the plates are bound to be stolen so little chance of them actually investigating it let alone actually accomplishing anything. Feeling sick with anger now, really want slow revenge, the nasty kind. Griff
  16. Cracking update there Robin. I shall enjoy instructing Alexa to play Sandstorm by Derude at Full volume! The keen eyed amongst you forumites will now know we are due to sail from Plymouth on the 02nd Feb bound for Gya and her new home berth on the Broads. More details forthcoming in due course Griff
  17. Well I like the Broom video, no matter what the speed. They are certainly not breaking any local bylaws and they have been doing this kind of thing on these stretches of the river right since the late 1800's and the river is still there in all its majesty. I like the Broom brand, always have done. Now if only I could stretch to a woodie Admiral or an Ocean 42. I would like to think that the Broom brand could be associated with the NBN is some form or other Griff
  18. The big day of the move from Plymouth to Norfolk is drawing ever closer. Robin will in due course reveal all. In the meantime we have a mammoth maintenance weekend planned in for this month at Plymouth. Six of us for four days, including sea trials and the like. Exciting times ahead once more Griff
  19. Interesting to note that ones of those nabbed was on Breydon where there is no speed-limit. Oooohhhhh, just wait til next month when I'm skippering Independence across Breydon. North to South, semi displacement, 23:5 x tons throttles down 22kts. Bring it on! Griff
  20. Couldn't make it as I was at the Donny Rovers, third win on the bounce with third clean sheet too. A first time this season Griff
  21. Oh Wow, if you ever get short of rags to hang off a mast, there is plenty spare at the bottom of your jeans! Griff
  22. 'B.A' Has been out since the 23rd, and will be into the New Year. They are currently at Malthouse Broad, no doubt expecting to get frozen in once again on any given morning Anyroadup, I wish you all the best time afloat and for the New Year all those of you lucky enough to be on the rivers Griff
  23. So, reaching for my phone was not an option as it was well out of reach, what was in reach was my tilers sponge and bucket (Not to be confused with the common car washing type sponge) so I was able to mop up one handed. Both the lady and gent were out of the house, the teenage girly was downstairs somewhere though, after a few times of me hollering she appeared, 'Did you call'? Yes, ring your Mum, Dad, grandparents even farther Christmas etc and just tell someone we have a situation here, oh and pass me my phone will you? The both of us are now on the phone, me to 'My' plumber who suggested I first contact the clients plumber and if no good to ring him back. Fitting one of those compression blank end stops was out of the question, even if I had one in the van I could not get to it (Finger still on end of pipe in the wall) besides the pipe had separated from a soldered 10mm elbow joint and compression fittings as we all know will only fit to straight pipe, not onto another fitting. Lady of the house was now only 10 mins away but the message came back to me that 'Her' plumber would not be able to make it. What a predicament, nowt to do but sit there and have a bit of a giggle to mysen. So, on ringing my plumber back he said if it was a soldered joint (It was) to try pushing the pipe back into the elbow. I went for it and it worked, now only a slow drip was on view - this after dashing to van for my LED floodlamp. By now my plumber was on his way. I turned the water off and commenced draining down the central heating system. To shorten down the story, the leak / fitting was repaired, I finished tiling and eventually got home for about 2130. I expected a late one, but not that late. Friday I was done and sorted for about 1100. The home owners we so lucky as that joint could have separated at anytime, so just as well it happened whilst I was there Griff
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