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Everything posted by mbird

  1. Hi Brian I think Matt has come up with a pretty good itinery there! There is always the temptation to try to see too much and miss out on the relaxing side of things. Going oop north will basically cost you 2 days of your holiday in travelling. Fine if you want to be spending hours on the least attractive parts of the broads system, but I've always found I then missed out on some other lovely areas. Just as an addition, try mudweighting on Surlingham broad for your final night. It's only 10 minutes from Silverline's yard and can be quite magical on a still clear night.
  2. Disgraceful. Does make you wonder if all the locking devices you see fitted to outboards actually can make the end result worse......
  3. Good luck with your purchase and hope you enjoy it! From your description, the hole with the black spinning wheel sounds like the speed log transducer to me. Why not start a new thread with loads of photos for all the work etc you will be doing? I'm sure I'm not the only one who would be interested.
  4. It really depends on what the reserve is I guess. A few other things to bear in mind if you go to view: 1. The description says £350 has been spent replacing the windows. I dunno if it's just me but the photos of the cabin look like there are puddles on the vinyl upholstery. 2. The descritpion also says £250 has been spent antifouling. Only one photo shows anything that looks like new antifoul, so they are either old photos or only one side has been done. 3. The engine I would say is probably over 30 years old. I had a 9.8hp Mercury that looked similar a while back that was a good runner, but getting spares proved almost impossible. Only a good look at it in the flesh will tell you if she's what you want, but as the auction reserve has not yet been met, there is no way of knowing what they actually want for her.
  5. I've never had it done, but have done it myself using iron-on transfer printer paper. You can get it from places like PC world and worked pretty well.
  6. Hi Dave If you are around Brundall, pop into Brian Wards as I know they stock several different types of teak cleaner.
  7. Yes it does work Jill. We don't get too many in Reedham (no overhanging trees) but when we moored at Womack, I swore by bowls of conkers.
  8. Oh that sounds horrible Julz. When we heard the news report my first thought was someone being on deck.
  9. No Brian, the NORTHERN Norfolk Broads in Peak Season! Much more refined darn sarf
  10. Did we hear right on the radio over the weekend that someone was hurt at Wroxham bridge by getting squashed??
  11. Thanks for the reply David. With regard the screen/drain, I don't think the boat has an "RF ground". As far as I am aware, the older Autohelm network simply has a red +ve, bare -ve and yellow data wire, with the +ve and -ve being connected to the main power panel "log" switch. I don't think there is anything else I have seen.
  12. I purchased some small ferrites from Maplin, which were the click-together ones that just snap around the cable. I don't have enough cable to spare on the back of the ST7001 where is has been butchered in the past to loop it through one of the bigger donut type. Whilst at Oulton at the weekend, I removed the helmpanel on the flybridge again and tried to re-create the situation that gave us intereference on CH68 before. Initially there was nothing, but then a hiss started accompanied by the familiar sound like a turbine spooling up. I disconnected the shield wire to the ST7001 and sure enough the sound ceased immediately. As all the other instruments remain on, to me this proves the problem is the ST7001. I attached the ferrite cores to the various cables under the dash, which seemed to have no effect. The ST7001 has two Seatalk sockets on the back, so I removed the plug and used the alternative socket. This did seem to have a positive effect, and so I then wrapped the cable junction with aluminium foil (Tesco own brand, not Bacofoil!) and all seems to be good now. Time will tell if the problem is solved as it does seem to be intermittent, but early signs are good. One thing I did notice was the way the seatalk cable is arranged up onthe flybridge. At the lower helm, the instruments (log, sounder autopilot head unit) are daisy-chained so they are all in series. However, the seatalk cable from the lower helm then travels up to the flybridge. Here there is a junction, where one spur goes to the ST7001 and the other spur then has the GPS display and multi-repeater in series with each other. Would putting the ST7001 in series with the other two make any difference I wonder? The problem is that all the instruments are the old Autohelm type with the round 3-pin seatalk connectors, but the ST7001 is a later Raymarine with the flattened D-shape plug; hance the cable butchery...
  13. Thanks Perry. I have seen the section about it in the ECP, but not ventured over there yet. We are hoping to get another week saltside in September, so if Wells isn't possible then maybe back down your way and visiting Harwich would be an option.
  14. I'll certainly look out for that Roy, thanks. I wasn't sure if you'd sussed who the nutter waving frantically at you was when we passed. I know it took Barry a few moments to figure it out!
  15. Did you moor the boats at Halfpenny peir Perry? We have thought about seeing what that is like more than once.
  16. We passed MTB102 and the ensuing entourage in Oulton Dyke as we were heading down to the yacht station on Friday. A spectacular sight with all bunting everyone was flying!
  17. Most of them can be set to kts or mph anyway. We keep ours on mph on the Broads, then change to kts as soon as we are the otherside of Mutford Lock. I do wonder why the Broads stick to the mph unit though? Is it to make it easier for hirers to judge their speed?
  18. Really Graeme? I'm sorryr but I refute that accusation. I always make a point of checking how much wash I am making when passing moorings to avoid causing boats to be rubbed up and down the quay, particularly somewhere like Reedham with unforgiving concrete. I know I got told to slow down once last year through Reedham by the BA quay attendant, but at the time was only making 3.5 mph over ground against a strong ebb tide, but still no excessive wash as I recall. There is also the point many people fail to realise that sharp-bowed sea going boats tend to simply look like they are going faster than they actually are due to the shape of the bow-wave. It's a similar phenonmenon to Ford's "Kinetic design" advert campaign.
  19. For the reasons already mentioned, a 3mph limit passed moorings would be unworkable, but I do fully agree (and do put into practise) with slowing down when passing moored craft. With the fast ebb current past Reedham Marina where we berth, there are always craft (both private and hire) travelling too fast past the moorings and creating a large wash. However, if your doing 6mph through the water, you are only travelling at about 3 over the ground already. One thing that does definatley help is giving moored craft a wide berth if possible, to reduce the impact of your wash.
  20. You are right David. I have just found something on google. Apparently that flag was the original Union flag from 1606 when James VI of Scotland also took the throne of England (becoming James I). The Cross of St Patrick was added 01/01/1801 when Ireland became part of Britain. Another bit of useless info I've learned today
  21. Looks like a great weekend Perry! I can only imagine how hot it was. It was dead calm at Reedham, (which always has a breeze!) and really very humid on Saturday. Maybe a daft question, but the Union Flag hanging from the Custom House in a couple of your shots has a diagonal cross missing (the cross of St Patrick?). I assume this is historical but does any one know why?
  22. Thanks for that explanation Dave, which I confess to understanding about half of! Unfortunatley I didn't get time to investigate this weekend and the boat desperately needed cleaning after our holiday. 6 hours of compounding and polishing left me with little enthusiasm for anything other than cold beer! I will pop to Maplin and get a couple of ferrite sleeves. I know all the new kit I have installed has them, but the old stuff doesn't. I hope to have a bit of time this coming weekend to look into it further, so I'll report back next week. Hopefully the combination of some ferrite sleeves on the cables and aluminium foil screening will sort it.
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