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Everything posted by mbird

  1. Hmm, mixed feelings on this one. I think it is interesting to see some "retro" type photos, but isn't the reason we use the latest expensive technology to ensure we don't get results like the app generates? A bit of fun certainly, but nothing I'd be proud to put my name to. (These comments are purely regarding the app of course Bruce, not your undeniable skill with a camera!)
  2. We've now watched the Reedham episode, and most enlightening it was! So it's not just a button the operator has to press after all.... What did amuse me though, was that a few months back there were bridge closures for maintenance. When walking under the bridge, a strong smell of paint was in the air. As the outside of bridge is still as rusty as ever, we did wonder what had been painted. From the tv program, it's obvious they have painted the bit on the inside, that was vivible as Michael Portillo walked over it!!
  3. Daft question maybe, but should this thread not be moved to the Norfolk Broads Events section? At the moment no new members can see it.....
  4. Can you put us down provisionally for the Friday night too please John? We won't know for definite until nearer the time.
  5. I don't know where you are based James, but if local to Norwich, you could try Walker Rubber on the Sweetbriar Industrial Estate. They have all sorts of profiles and do manufacture some of the fendering profiles themselves.
  6. After being down at the boat yesterday during howling gales and torrential horizontal rain, I can confirm the Fabsil I applied in September is still working! Not a single leak!!!
  7. Forgot the link, sorry! http://www.ybw.com/forums/showthread.php?t=291075
  8. Hi, I now have a 3.3hp Mercury which I will be using a ratio of 50:1. I should think this would suit your engine too. With regard a manual, I don't know if sending a PM on this link would be of any use to you? (mods, sorry for cross linking to another forum, but I didn't think it's be too much of a problem in this case)
  9. I've got a lovely totally unsuitable boat for sale Ian.......!!!
  10. Congratulations on the sale Ian. A change is as good as a rest so they say....
  11. What a superb tale. That whale was certainly happy at the end!
  12. If anyone is thinking of having canvas prints done, I can recommend the ones produced by NBN member Bruce (Brucec) at http://www.norfolkartplace.com. I ordered one about a metre long, and the quality far outstrips anything I have had before from the likes of Photobox, for a comparable if not lower price.
  13. No problem Gav. I'll be calling Coldham with definate numbers on Friday. I spoke to George on Monday and we are still ok for ticket numbers and mooring availability, but as last year'sdo was a sell out, I don't want to leave it too late.
  14. I've also got BT Broadband and use the BT Openzone/FON when out and about. Living in a small residential close in a rural Norfolk village, there's not a lot of chance of passing users taking up my bandwidth. As I understand it, the FON part uses a totally separate port within the router and it is (reportedly) 100% secure from your own network. I believe any customers that have signed up to BT Broadband within the last 18 months or so are automaically joined in the FON network unless they opt out.
  15. One other thing, I've just spoken to Coldham Hall and guests under 18 are only £5 each!
  16. OK guys, no problem. I'll check with Coldham about cost of tickets for kids.... Current list: Serenity (x2) Happy Jax 3 (x4) Job Done (x3) Black Diamond (x3) Alex's Star (x2) Escape (x2) Clandestine (x4) R&R (x2) - provisional
  17. Sorry Jim, maybe I mislead you a bit regarding the edges. This fake teak stuff is basically all the same and the panels are made up with 2" wide strips of the PVC material which is then either glued or welded together depending on manufacturer. The pieces around the edge are cut to suit the curves and then the edges are beveled off to form a rounded edge. The panels are only about 6mm thick, so you don't need any edging to finish it off with. All I meant was that the Tek Dek I saw on a friends boat had the edges radiused off much neater than the Permateek we had. No great problem.
  18. I don't know if you use any proofing on your canopy? We use fabsil (put a load of it on our brand new canopy earlier this year) and whilst it doesn't prevent algae etc, as it repels water, it doesn't seem to stay wet for so long which I think may help reduce the problem.
  19. We went for the Permateek on our bathing platfrom Jim. We spent a bit of time weighing up the options at LIBS, and went with them as they were the only people willing to talk at length to us for a relatively small order. I don't think the finishing of the edges was quite as good as the proper Tek Dek, but I didn't care for the dismissive attitude of the Tek Dek people. Here's a couple of photos of ours mid-fit and completed. I templated the areas with large sheets of paper using a "brass rubbing" methos, and they sent back the completed panels and glue. It was quite easy to fit (though a sausage type mastic gun would have made it less messy), but did transform the back of the boat. It's also really easy to keep clean with a good squirt of EVM and a scrubbing brush.
  20. Hi All I need to confirm the numbers of tickets with Coldham hall on Thursday 01/12/11, so if anyone else would like to join in an excellent evening, please speak now or forever hold your pieces Serenity (x2) Happy Jax 3 (x4) Job Done (x2) Katakalousse (x3) Alex's Star (x3) - Baz, please confirm if I have this right? Escape (x2) Clandestine (x3) R&R (x2) - provisional
  21. Excellent set of photos mate! Twas an interesting and enjoyable season, though ours isn't quite finished yet! Here's to next year
  22. We will probably be having a salty-boaty holiday next summer again, but I doubt very much we'll be in a position to go continental.
  23. You'll be more than welcome! We still haven't got the experience yet to do a continental jaunt, but hoping to get down to St Kats in May with the Sealine Owners Club if all goes according to plan.
  24. Bump Up! No-one else wanting to join fellow formuites? I'll leave the list open until 30/11/11 at which time I will need to confirm to Coldham Hall how many tickets/moorings we will be requiring.
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