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Wroit Yew Arr, Borr!

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Iain, undoubtedly and unarguably this is the NORFOLK Broads Network. The clue as to what constitutes 'proper' English is surely in that august title?

Regarding 'mobbing', as used my Vaughan, a term that surely relates to women? Us men never 'mob'! Maybe gentlemen who wear skirts qualify?

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Rite you are JM thas wimon who mob. Do they go on an on. Giv me the lug aik she do. But she do look arter me she do. The old muther in law wuz the same. Her next door naybor she wuz a rummen, smelt a bit but a heart a gold, heart a gold. 

Edited by Wussername
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4 hours ago, JennyMorgan said:

Maybe gentlemen who wear skirts qualify?

JM, these days mair n mair sassenachs are seen in oor national dress....The Kilt is often worn at waddins doon sooth. Very smart they are tae, however, ah wunner if they huv oany idea of the cost of such an outfit to buy? The full dress garb that some take on cruise ships cost about £1500.00, so know quite yer cheap skirt as you caw it !

Sadly I huvny been able to wear one in years, but its very comfortable, and extremely warm, even in winter!


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6 hours ago, Wussername said:

Rite you are JM thas wimon who mob. Do they go on an on. Giv me the lug aik she do. But she do look arter me she do. The old muther in law wuz the same. Her next door naybor she wuz a rummen, smelt a bit but a heart a gold, heart a gold. 

Puggy wimmin wot niff a bit, now yew torkin!

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I were now thinkin, thass funny yew tork about Naarfolk....

Moi missiz, she tork Naaridge, but that int the same thing. She went to that posh noter darm skule an all, along a Wussername's missiz. Yew'da thort they'da laarned em how 'er durt praarpa, woodn't yer?

Susie, she rekun she musta picked it up on the 79 bus, with all them ol dears on their way up the Oomstors. you know, that int verra far from Thorpe. Yew git orf at Carsal Meda an thass just up Susteevens.

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I must bow to Vaughan's rich heritage but here in Suffick we generally refer to Norwich as The City, 'we goo upper Ci'ee'. As for Norfolk, or Nor-fick, well, what do I know, being a Suffick bor wa we ter skewell wiv orl them Norfick farmer's sons.

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o'corse, arter yar bin ter the oomstors yew can tairke a quick pook aroun the maarket, see if yew cun git sutthun noice fer 'is dinner, hev a Bulluds Nip in the Garnut Woolsley and then yar a bringin arn it oom agin!

For those of you who Peter calls "north of Sutton Bridge" (thass a whully long way an all, yar gotta change at Melton Constable),

The oomstors  is British Home Stores, the streets are Castle Meadow, and St Stephens, a Bullards Nip was a very strong bottled beer, also good for cold-starting diesel engines, and the Sir Garnet Wolseley is a famous pub on the corner of the market, close to St Peter Mancroft Church. Famous for being open all day on market days!

The 79 bus used to run through Thorpe Green and finish up at the "eye skule" on Pound Lane.


Who started this, was it you Peter?

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Ah cannae ***** th' lingo.

 Narrfok I can't speak though

I be spend time in Wiltsher And Zomerzet,


HOW be on? It be a bit dimpsy, bain't it? 

Be the way to talk

And  the Hebrides  the Gàidhlig talk

And that I speak, I don't think,

so after that, I need a drink

Gi's a gurt big pint of thee best zider

or a Highland Park, I can't decide  err.... 


A little note the Scots English translator translates Speak as S P I C K but the built in censor on the NBN puts **** in


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8 minutes ago, Hockham Admiral said:

I think it's a two-seat Republic F105 Thunderchief, isn't it?

That int ner good askin me!

For grammatists, note the renowned Norfolk double negative.

There is also the triple negative, as in "Oi int never haard nuthin loik it."

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