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Wroxham To Horning Cycle Path


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Whatever Bewilderwood wants Bewilderwood gets.

Alan, I'd go further up the food chain for the one lacking in common sense, the workman was only doing as he was instructed. Next week he might be told to take it down again, it's what keeps food on his table.

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I'm afraid you're all jumping to the wrong conclusions here.

Although commonsense is often missing with signage, they're innocent in this instance, (so far).

When the sign was erected, both posts were  clear of the footpath, in the grass verge, as this Google street view shows.

The 3RW workforce have now stripped off the grass verge in preparation to widen the existing tarmac footpath, but have not surfaced it yet. They appear to be waiting till they've cleared the whole length, to then presumably do it all in one lay.

It may not look it, but it is exactly the same location and signposts, about 50 metres West of the Bewilderwood entrance, facing East. (The sign itself has changed since the Google Street view photo, but the posts haven't.)

Of course, if they leave it like that after they've tarmacked it, then we can have a good laugh.....


bewilderwood sign.jpg

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Yes, the posts have indeed been renewed as well, but that was also before the path was widened.

The Google earth photo showed the old posts in 2012, and this still from a video taken from the other direction in 2014 showing the new posts with the old sign.

The giveaway is the black sections at to the bottom both posts, unlike the original posts where the roadside post was grey down to the ground.

I drive or cycle past that sign every day from when it first appeared when Bewilderwood was created.

sign 2014.jpg

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Hang on, I apologise, you're quite right.

I've just checked my dashcam footage from last Sunday, and the posts do indeed look brand new, shiny and with a very clear black bottom edge, so it appears that they have been replaced yet again.

It does look pretty stupid.....

post 2016.jpg

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