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Recycled Custody Counter


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Back in the 1970s I was running the office of a small building company, Although fairly run of the mill now, in those days Velux windows were not that common and we had had some on order for quite a long time and their lack of arrival was causing a considerable delay on a job.  When I received notification that they had come in, I  immediately sent a couple of men with a truck to collect them. On their way back to the site they had somehow managed to lose the box containing all the seals. So it fell to me to phone all the police stations  covering the areas that they had driven through in the hope that someone had found the box when it had bounced off the back of the truck and handed it in. The last place I phoned was Cheshunt police station. "Has anyone handed in a large cardboard box?" I enquired, "what's in it?" asked the policeman who answered the phone. Knowing Cheshunt police station had a reputation in those days for being a bit whacky (which was why I had left them till last to phone) I dreaded that question .and I tried to avoid giving him an answer but he insisted." It's a flashing kit" I said. Although he put his hand over the receiver I was still able to hear him call out "has anyone had a dirty raincoat handed in?"

There was a happy outcome, I got  call from a police station I had rung earlier to say it had been handed in so we got it.back.











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And Mr Wildfuzz Sir, you need a wooden boat in your life! The combination of your skills and a nice woodie would lead to something really special.

You can practice on me anytime, happy to fit in around shifts...


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I have to say this woodwork malarky is certainly addictive. Even as I type this at 22:47 pm...I'm just 'finishing a stool'....oi! A wooden one I knocked up today from a 2x4 to practice half lap joints before starting on RT's cockpit sides. The thing with my woodwork is...I'm crap at it. It's the occasional surprise when something turns out right that keeps the interest...that and learning skills I can use on my boat of course!


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Mpfff pmff gmmmmfuuugh Lost tongue?

The cockpit sides were an add on in 1970 when they removed the wooden cockpit roof and replaced it with a canvass roof. From what I can see they are made from 23.462mm thick hardwood, all half laps apart from one mortise and tenon joint on the centre section. Here's the remains of them that I brought home to try and work out how to do the job...biggest woodwork job I've ever done.


Incidentally I finished Royal Tudor's hull the other week after much help from future brother in law Steve and Doug of course.


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13 hours ago, Timbo said:

I have to say this woodwork malarky is certainly addictive. Even as I type this at 22:47 pm...I'm just 'finishing a stool'....oi! A wooden one I knocked up today from a 2x4 to practice half lap joints before starting on RT's cockpit sides. The thing with my woodwork is...I'm crap at it. It's the occasional surprise when something turns out right that keeps the interest...that and learning skills I can use on my boat of course!


is the hole for the stool?, and do you stand a bucket underneath? - I bet that you require some concentration to aim correctly.

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I think its a fine stool!!!!:angel:


The good think about working with wood is it actually grows on trees, so if it goes wrong you can always get some more, the cabin sides look a good project and you have a template to work from to, should look great.



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4 minutes ago, Vaughan said:

Lovely job Timbo. Get her launched as soon as possible now you've got the top coat on.

Is that on of Barry Johnson's Anglias behind you or is it an old Brinkcraft? They both looked very similar.

Looks like an old Hipperson or Rowancraft roof colour to me Vaughan.


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7 hours ago, grendel said:

is the hole for the stool?, and do you stand a bucket underneath? - I bet that you require some concentration to aim correctly.

The original idea was to...fit it through BUT I only had 2" diameter forstner bit and of course there is only 12" clearance between stool top and floor, so it just won't fit! :norty::naughty: 


6 hours ago, Wildfuzz said:

I think its a fine stool!!!!:angel:


The good think about working with wood is it actually grows on trees, so if it goes wrong you can always get some more, the cabin sides look a good project and you have a template to work from to, should look great.



Most important lesson Doug taught me..."You can always buy a bigger bit of wood!"

I dunno what she is Vaughan . I know I kept belting my head on the bow!

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