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Broad Ambition - The Model


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I have only used the smaller of the long bits so far, about 1 1/2" x 1 1/2" I still have the bigger bit for the cabin sides and other bits, that will be cut wider to be able to do the full height of the sides out of one 'plank' also slightly thicker than the planks for the transom. the teak really does come up nice when cut and sanded.

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9 hours ago, grendel said:

as the teak is a quite oily wood, it will be cleaned with acetone just prior to applying glue, this will give the glue the best chance of sticking properly.

What glue are you going to use as I always struggle with teak..... is it the Gorilla stuff?

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11 hours ago, grendel said:

yes, clean with acetone, light mist of water, and then glue, clamp firmly, the gorilla glue migrates into the structure of the wood and absorbs water to bond, thats why the cleaning to remove surface oils.

Gorilla glue, is that American? I would of thought that this build would solely be built on English tradition and not include crappy import nonsense.:default_biggrin:  

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well we could use cascamite, but it takes forever to set, then goes brittle - or that smelly stuff in a pot you heat up.

nah, I will go with the gorilla thanks,

anyway tonight its the last 2 awkward transom planks, they are in place and setting.



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16 minutes ago, SteveO said:

Good old hoof and horn or rabbit skin glue is what you need. Stinky and not very good, but traditional.  If these haven't been invented by the British yet, you may have to resort to fastening the wood with little oak pegs.:default_biggrin:

Its stinky alright , you have just reminded me of my apprenticeship my first job in the morning was get the glue pot on , came in a bead format if I remember rightly and absolutely stunk and very brittle when cured .

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so after scoffing my tea, and posting here a bit, it was back out to the fray, the edges needed straightening, so I tried planing it - horrible, the belt sander finally got 4 pieces straight to each other.

These were marked so I knew where to line them up. and then the first piece was given an acetone wipe, allowed to dry, then both sides of the joint were spritzed with a mist of water, glue was applied and spread, and using packers to protect the wood from the clamps it was clamped in place, it will now sit until tomorrow night clamped up.



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Looking good there Pete,   I see that you will use about four planks for the transom,  on the real thing there must be about 12 separate horizontal planks - No don't even think about changing them!  Cant wait to see them flatted off, (320g) then varnished.

What varnish do you intend to use?  Brava as on 'B.A' gives a cracking high depth gloss finish, shall I order you some?


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So this morning after a fruitful boot fair visit, and doing all of the remaining weekend chores, it was back to the transom, off came the clamps, and then to work, 60 grit on the electric sander, followed by 100 grid on a sanding block, I then worked through 120 grit, 150 grit, a long time on 400, as I dont have anything between, then 600, 800 and 1500 grit, finishing off with a 3000 grit finishing cloth, well I dont know about you, but when its already reflecting the flash, and its not even varnished yet, I call that a result. the wood was chosen to have some nice grain detail.







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