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What's In A Name?

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Just read in the paper last night that Jamie Oliver is a father again.

Reading the names of his first 4 children I had to think about what sort of idiot would call their kids those names?  I can only assume he wanted to outdo Bob Geldof!

For those not in the know - Poppy Honey Rose, Daisy Boo Pamela, Petal Blossom Raindow and Buddy Bear Maurice!! I'm sorry it just looks like they went through a kids book and Gardeners World and picked random words!! Only someone rich and famous could get away with it, but I am sure they are still going to get some stick at school.

No name as yet for number 5, but can only assume they need to get the books back out again. 

I read about "common" people being stopped from giving stupid names to their children for fear of them being teased and there was a Spanish couple (I think) who were stopped from calling their son Wolf. Now I know what I would want to be called between Wolf and Buddy Bear!!!

I do apologise if anyone on the forum has or knows anyone with similar names and is offended, but this is my opinion and I'm sticking to it!! I don't mind being a bit artistic, but please think of the kids.

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Quetzalcóatl now don't be spitting feathers! I can appreciate the going through school bit. In my case it was a nickname. Uncle Albert in his idiocy decided it was a good nickname and started to do things like paint it as the name on my canoe, get t-shirts with my nickname printed on them...hence my glee when the villagers christened him Uncle Albert and it stuck. Of course Uncle Albert has gone through his adult working life using his middle name. You see at one point both he and my Grandfather worked at the same place and shared the same name. My Granddad was Richard known as 'Big' Dick...and my Dad decided he was called Gordon.:naughty:

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Think my Parents had high hopes for me naming me Francis Edgar, be Ok when I get my knighthood though with a posh name like Sir Francis Edgar Moody, funny thing is that even as a child I was called Frank, the only times I was ever called Francis was by Mum! then I knew I was in trouble,,

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So far you have either had unusual (we still dont know the full facts about Mr Q, but you could have had fun every time a James Bond film came out) or normal names, just not your normal biblical ones which I am fine with.

Buddy Bear is cute as a 3 yr old. As a 14 yr old it is going to be a pain and he is going to get ripped to shreds. As a 50 yr old......Well maybe it gets cute again? I am going to ask the good lady to start calling me Buddy Bear tonight!!!

Reminds me of Huggy Bear in the 70's Starsky and Hutch - I am sure it was a nickname though for that character.

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I was named after Grace Kelly, my Granddad was totally in love with her and said she oozed grace, beauty and elegance. Well, I've got the name but I think I have failed my Granddad on the rest of it, I love fishing, football, beer and boats, I do love pretty frocks, heels and wine also though, so maybe not all is lost lol 


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Damn you Mr Q I thought I had it with Quanah - very unusual name if it had been. And wicked if you played cowboys and Indians as a kid.:naughty: Guess you would have had to have the bow and arrows.

I think your toying with us or it is a very specific spelling or foreign?

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