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Tolls Protest At Yare House On Friday 18th


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A growing number of people have said that they will be "attending" the next B.A. Meeting on the 18th of November, I would like to see as many people there as possible and show the members just how p***** off the majority of Toll payers are. 

Anyone interested in joining in this protest please contact the organiser by e-mail davidw_947@hotmail.com 

As the organiser would like to get as many people there as possible he asks anyone else that interested to post something similar on any other Forum that they may be a members of. ,

For once I firmly believe that the various Broads forums would benefit by working together, please, for Broads sakes.

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Is this £10,000 proposed spending on signage for free moorings, in the budget contained in the agenda, a case of replacing existing signage for that with the National Park logo on it?

And exactly what has the Hickling Project to do with those well known experts on drainage and navigation The 'Even after paying back £5m a year into the pension pot we fiddled we still have a yearly income of £125m RSPB'? And why is the BA paying for it?

Peter...is there anyway we could sit down and have you explain exactly what the hell is going on?

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Timbo, I really don't know what is going on. I see that Packman is on almost £104,000.00 per annum, above his grading I'm told. I have to ask myself how on earth does he justify that level of remuneration? What sort of undeserved pension will we be saddled with when he retires? Self indulgence, maybe. Vanity project, yes. Empire building, certainly. Irresponsible waste of money, also certainly. I note the new uniforms with NP logos, is that to brand the Broads or to brand the Authority? 


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18 minutes ago, JennyMorgan said:

Timbo, I really don't know what is going on. I see that Packman is on almost £104,000.00 per annum, above his grading I'm told. I have to ask myself how on earth does he justify that level of remuneration? 


Annual accounts show a salary of £83,000?

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Its not just Packman's salary I have an issue with, although after tax it's only £66,600ish take home. The largest departmental expenditure of the Broads Authority, higher even than maintenance, is the funding of his...just his administration. £454,630 budgeted although they are projecting having £14K left in the kitty by the end of the year. That's not including the funding for Yare House, budgeted at £254,548! 

Holy crap on a cracker there needs to be a fresh broom through the Ministry of crap ideas...I mean the Broads Authority. For all their bleating on about their 'green' credentials and 'visions' they spend more on the head office and Chief Executive than they do on conservation projects! 

I had an uncle once that had visions and threw his money away...took him to the funny farm in the end!

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You could well be right, Matt, but by my reckoning that could mean poorly paid support staff. I know for a fact that he received an above grade pay rise for this year although I'm not privy to the amount. I understand that other staff received only the basic rise and that the disparity was not universally well received. Not a huge issue, I suppose, although it does raise the question of percentage rises, tolls and salaries, that creates growing differentials, no easy answer

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The amount JP is getting paid in my mind is almost obscene. 

Like many council chief execs, some of them are paid way way over the top and how is it justifiable from public money. 

Just my two penneth for what its worth.  Our letter of complaint has allready been submitted.  I wish there was more we could do but untill that man is somehow removed from the top of the empire hes built up then in my mind the Broads Industry is in serious danger. 

They ought to be putting their own financial affairs in order and making any savings they are able before they resort to hiking toll prices for private owners In such a way, and completely via the back door as usual.   Do they ever get Audited?

I sincerely hope that this is final straw and somehow his days are numbered.

The more I read the more it smacks of a person intent on feathering ones own nest and it cant carry on.

I am fully prepared to either remove my boat from the water for 12months or just pay this years toll amount plus inflation next march and then let them chase for the rest.

A stand needs to be made and we all need to stick together and do it.

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One thing people should remember is that his salary is only his salary. It pays to think outside the box sometimes, and ask what sort of "fringe benefits" does he get, along with how much of an "exspense account", and what he`s allowed to claim for?. In a lot of cases, these behind the scenes add ons can sometimes more than double a salary.

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I really don't have an issue with someone being paid well, if I honestly believed that they, whoever it was, deserved it. I was out on the riverbank today, I happened to hear some local watermen chatting, their comments re the Authority unsolicited were less than charitable. Whilst I might be wide of the mark on occasions I do know that there are others who are also less than enamoured with the Authority as it is. 

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9 hours ago, SPEEDTRIPLE said:

One thing people should remember is that his salary is only his salary. It pays to think outside the box sometimes, and ask what sort of "fringe benefits" does he get, along with how much of an "exspense account", and what he`s allowed to claim for?. In a lot of cases, these behind the scenes add ons can sometimes more than double a salary.

Nothing other than pension. Else it would be in the accounts.

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11 hours ago, dnks34 said:

Bobdog who carries more responsibility, the headmaster of the school producing the country's future or the man seemingly in charge of buggering up everything he touches?! 

Besides I know a comprehensive Headteacher and believe me, JP is much better off!



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